大學生了沒 2014-04-21 大學生新生徵選會

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Tipster Rednimer

14 thoughts on “大學生了沒 2014-04-21 大學生新生徵選會

  1. 收視率不好吧 大學生了沒越做越空洞了 男生沒幾個帥的 說好聽是諧星 但看他們的表現效果也沒比那些面試失敗的好多少 女生漂亮有 但不好笑不會接話阿 跟主持人互動不多 也不會互相調侃 才藝也別提了 以前那種像一個班 互動自然好笑的感覺不再 如主持人所說 可以預見 不久的將來 被中天用大陸節目蓋掉

    • 台灣已經變鬼島了.到處都在抗爭.天天都在吵鬧.不要回來比較好喔!!我也想逃離鬼島.但我沒錢

      • why would you say that? I’m Taiwanese but I’ve been living in America since I was born and I love Taiwan a lot. I wish I could live there some day. Yeah it might have it’s downsides like how the politics is shitty, it’s not the most technologically advanced country or economically it’s not the best; but it’s unique in its one way. It’s so beautiful, the food is great and the people are awesome. I haven’t been back for 10 years or so but I still care about the country a lot. You should learn to appreciate your country instead of always complaining about it. Despite its flaws it’s a beautiful place and compared to many other places it’s truly a great country man. Also, I know whats been going on right now really sucks, but that’s the process of improving. Without the ugly past how do you get a beautiful future?

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