娛樂百分百 2013-11-11 粉絲同樂會 羅志祥

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123 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-11-11 粉絲同樂會 羅志祥

  1. did he 耍大牌? why is everyone saying that?? he is just being himself. how’s so wrong about that? I rather he be himself than faking a false front. 🙂

  2. 有时候他耍大牌也可能只是一种节目效果。要不然你会笑吗?每个人都有自己的优缺点,只要在努力就行啦。不必说走下拨那么难听。

  3. I really don’t have a clue why haters purposely come here, watch it and type stupid comment…why don’t you haters go and spend your time on other stuff.. geezz.. SERIOUSLY. Get a life OK!

  4. i think those people that r hating on is stupid, what is the point, people like him, fans like him, stop trying to put ur own opinion on other people, no body give a shit about you haters.

  5. 还说来检验敖犬的主持功力呢,我想敖犬很快就是dancing king 了吧。。不知道自己什么地位还在耍大牌。。为了dancing boy 而看。。

  6. Dislike him don’t watch lah. Whats the point of hating when he doesn’t even know you existed. If posting stupid comments give you purpose in life then you have a sad life.

  7. So happy for Show he is amazing and talented . . . .so happy for him sold more than 100,000 copies in 3 days!!!! like I said before no matter how many haters there are out there he will continue to outshine everybody. Compare him bash him and criticize him because for every hater there are 100+ fans that love him. Fans that love him not for his pretty face but because he is a true role model and authentic in every aspect of his life.

  8. 根据我接触他本人再加上周围的工作人员 他真的太爱耍大牌了 认识他之前喜欢了他十年 认识之后 真的受不了 那么爱耍大牌 不谦虚 小霜也超拽 你是人别人也是人 没必要那么爱耍大牌 喜欢的是曾经的罗志祥 他早就变了 跟节目上根本两样 罗志祥你真的快要走下坡了 如果到现在还不知道改变自己的话 真的 低潮的感觉你感受过 。。。 留名的话 我会留马卡龙 你知道我是谁的

    • 我同意……羅志祥變了,其實節目上也看得到 (這一集我覺得還好,羅志祥沒耍大牌,但是有些其他的就真的…受不了)- 就憑自己紅,就整天欺負其他藝人,又搶鏡頭。我是豬迷,但是就像你一樣,是喜歡曾經的羅志祥。我真的真的希望他會改變自己,否則如你所說,他真的會開始走下坡……

  9. 我覺得DANCING BOY 真的蠻不錯!
    不同路線啦 DANCING BOY 比較走真的跳舞的 QUEEN 就比較搞笑

    • 還有唱給羅爸聽那首:”如果還有如果”這張專輯”慢歌”比”快歌”更好聽.未完的

  10. saw the title… decided to skip… saw the comment and search for dancing class part… oh dog very funny… really enjoyed it… then continue to skip the rest… lol

  11. If you have the talent then you’ll eventually be notice for it. He can dance really well, he can imitate different people, kind to his family and he’s really funny too. I don’t know why you’re all hating, it’s not like he was just born with it, I’m sure he works really hard too, practicing and etc. Stop bashing on people in front of a computer and maybe you should get your lazy ass off the computer and do something for yourself instead of just hating on someone whose working hard and is so much better than you.

  12. he cannot dance and sing… pls everytime i look at him i cant carry on look…. omg is like so pitiful i duno how to say but is just he cannot dance and sing host maybe ok ok but is better to leave the dance and sing part to other artist…

        • I despise people like you, using such words without thinking or knowing history at all. And don’t start to tell me why I assume you don’t know any history because obviously if you do you wouldn’t use these words so easily and light-heartedly. I am German and such words shouldn’t be used.

          • You are one racist bastard. Didn’t your mother teach you manners? You seriously need to get a life. Stop going around insulting other people. Pretty sure your going to get no where in life. Grow up MATT LAM

          • Uhh are you stupid or what.?? Calling people Nazis is insulting the German people. Who are you to go around calling people Nazis? Who gave you the right ? THAT IS RACISM.

          • lol, calling people grammar nazi is now considered being racist?
            that’s pretty new to me,
            kid, learn your words before you speak.

          • uhm excuse me, dont fucken call me a kid, coz quite frankly I’m not. Don’t get me fucken started. Obviously you were being racist because you actually offended a German (thucen) Your should be ashamed of yourself. Go learn your manners.

          • Im German, my dads a German and my mums Irish. You are being racist. I feel offended that your using Nazi so easily. Id be posting your post onto my Facebook.

          • The only one who needs to learn words before he speaks is you. So try look up on history about Nazis and also look up the word racist in your dictionary. In other words start to study a bit and be useful in life as well as spare us with your useless and offending comments.

    • HAHA , ROFL ~ Then why are you forcing yourself to look at him ? I can’t blame you if you have eyesight problem , but please buck up your English XD ! Commenting here will make eventually disgrace yourself .

    • pls learn your english properly before criticising a person cuz you dont even have the foundation of english to criticise somebody . rofl

  13. The only bad thing about Show being a guest is that he cant host his own episodes 🙁 everything is better when he hosts but I guess that’s impossible lol. I found dancing boy a little funny but only because Show’s reactions he truly was not imaginative or creative at all.

    • Dancingboy不錯阿,舞蠻創意蠻新鮮的,敖犬豁出去也很好笑,是你本來就對他有偏見不接受他的進步罷了,小豬都說他很努力了,就多給他加油打氣吧

  14. OMG he really looks great in pink and that hug with the fan was so epic he truly has no boundaries with his fans I love they love him and he loves them back.

    • this is all just bullshit! i think all of us should accept all the host no matter whose fan you are. you should not say who who who you hate or whatever shit! i think that it is just rude and you are very insulting. i admit i also dislike some artist or host but i would not try to comment any bad stuff or anything about anyone because all of them have worked super hard and gave in their best to acheive what they are now and i admire them for their hard work. even if you dislike that person you should not go around websites commenting how much you hate that person. what would you gain from doing that? people would just think that you are not very kind.

  15. 莊敖犬幹得好! 就是喜歡看他被激 你不激他我都忘了他會一點點的地板舞蹈~ 亞洲舞王就是要跳跳別種風格 不然怎麼叫舞王!

    • 只有你這段在討論節目內容 其他一堆黑粉文在引戰…
      那些人是當這裡巴哈 筆戰可以練帳號等級嗎= =

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