康熙來了 2013-06-19 黃義達 鄧福如 丁噹 家家 MP魔幻力量 黃國倫 那些年我們流行的經典歌曲

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155 thoughts on “康熙來了 2013-06-19 黃義達 鄧福如 丁噹 家家 MP魔幻力量 黃國倫 那些年我們流行的經典歌曲

  1. 黃國倫是有水平的,如此经典又深入人心的歌被大改,但是听起来不讨厌. 不过他的声音确实比较老派,不适合JAZZ感

  2. 黃豬伦把人家的歌改編了一奌然后面容抽搐着唱了出來………..就這样…..代表了什么…..想不出來????

      • Singaporeans have no root, they don’t even speak english,cantonese or mandarin, they speak singalish, singtonese and singdarin.

        • I don’t think that’s a very fair comment. Being Singaporean is our root. Just like how British and Americans speak English with different accents, us Singaporeans have our own accent. So the next time you make such passing comment, perhaps you should think through what you would like to say and whether your comment is fair.

          • lol~ meaning that when an individual is poor in a language, he/she has his/her own style

          • Meaning that from different places, the language will automatically sound different! This has nothing to do with your skills in a specific language, this has to do with the fact that the language that is spoken is not a native language, so of course there would be accents. It doesn’t mean they are poor at speaking the language! English is America and Britain have different accents, are they unskilled in that language? The answer is no. It’s the same with Mandarin in Taiwan vs. In China, the accent is different! This does not mean either country is bad at the language.

          • Who is the judge here? British or American for English and Chinese or Taiwanese for Chinese? British, American, Chinese, Taiwanese as in races or nationalities? Anyway you can have your own perspective but no one should judge someone superficially, generally and subjectively.

        • Singaporean is a mixture of different races and cultures so people who are not from there will not fully understand until one actually experienced it with an open mind and heart. Plus there are many new immigrants keep coming so you can’t expect everyone having same standards in whatever. Indians (as in race) know their origin and roots infrom India, Chinese know theirs from China but being Singaporean, they have planted their roots in Singapore as Singaporean. History is the past, to let us know what happened but not good to always keep clinging on it and not let go sometimes.

        • 请你不要这样侮辱新加坡人。别人这样说你的国家,你也一定不会开心。先站在别人的立场想一下好吗?如果你觉得新加坡就是这样,那你就错了。这叫做多元化。也是新加坡特别的地方。也是个优点。新加坡学校有教,新加坡人有学。所以我们会说英语,华语!

          • “nalam” reverse = malan….

            I am not sure if this is meant to be a joke or not…

        • malan, if you cant speak perfect english,cantonese or mandarin, you should just shut up. and where are you from? tell us and tell us what is your roots? maybe your roots came from the toliet? 脑残

        • I think it is the opposite. Singaporeans have many different roots. They speaks different languages. They might not know the full languages, but the Chinese Singaporeans know some Malays and Indian words. The same goes with the Malays and Indians, they know some Mandarin and Chinese dialects.

      • Some Chinese in China or Taiwan can’t speak Mandarin too, so any significant? Do you know there are Indians and Malays who can speak Mandarin in Singapore?

          • Obviously you do not understand what I have commented. Anyway Singaporean do not need you to look up to, that’s not important at all.

          • indians and malays in singapore = singaporean
            do you know what are you talking about? you should just sunk to the deepest place on earth, just as your name suggest. 脑残

      • Singaporeans are from different cultures. If you are of a Chinese descendant and your dialect is Cantonese, then you might know how to speak it, if you have learned it from your elders. There are many different mother tongues.

        • There was a big campaign to get Chinese Singaporeans to speak Mandarin instead of dialects. Even up till now there is no dialect program broadcast public media, all dubbed in Mandarin! Definitely the younger Chinese Singaporean knows very little diaclect, whether 福建, 广东,客家,朝州. In fact this campaign has taken a toll on the standard of English in Singapore, as many households speak Mandarin, except where the older geberations went to English schools. So you can’t paintl us Singporeans with one stroke of the brush!

    • 哈哈哈~ 因为在新加坡不是每个人都会粤语。有些人会福建话之类的。所以是普通啦~ 是要看你是什么人,福建人等,才会说普通话哦~ 香港人才理所当然会吧?新加坡人还好。:)

  3. 黃義達好男聽喔! >:P 唱歌好像嘴都每張開! 把時間讓給比較會唱歌的像家家和丁噹都可以! 甚自連我不太follow的阿福都應該唱的比她好!

      • 這是個人想法, 你沒有嗎? 還有唱歌本來就要張開嘴把情緒帶出來的啊! 我怎麼會不懂! 都是聽林俊傑長大的! 音樂當然多少董一些!
        而且用丹田發聲, 嘴巴張大, 了解歌詞 這些都是很多大師級的音樂人有講過好幾萬變的! 不懂得應該是你吧?

          • 哇~ 你也太好笑了吧! 太容易上勾了! 就知道如果我字故意打錯, 你如果沒東西好罵就罵這個! 你又知道多少英文單字了? My opinion is my opinion, don’t try to change the topic.

          • 老狗學不會新法戲了嗎? I am capable in being a lot more ruthless, please be
            cautious! I am not going to fight with you anymore, it is too time

      • 還有一件事, 我並沒有說一定要”字正腔圆” 或”咬字清晰”! 我說唱歌嘴巴要張開! 因為黃義達唱歌時感覺聲音都在嘴巴裡沒唱出來…

      • Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
        prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the FREEDOM OF SPEECH, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
        assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

        你董 Freedom of speech 是什麼意思嗎?

      • 唱歌不難聽是你的個人想法, 所以我無法說什麼! 但是我是覺得他竟然是職業歌手就要讓他對音樂的熱情表現在他的表演裡! 他對音樂的熱情我現在大概只有在他講話的內容裡感覺到! 他的人格我就不太了解, 不過感覺人格挺好的! 就唱歌這次唱的很不好聽! 我覺得啦! 而且我也不follow黃義達的, 所以說他唱歌不好聽是在說在這個節目上沒把歌唱好!

        • 我也只是以他這次的表演來評論。你的感覺也只是你的個人感受所以也不能代表黃義達。我們都只是評論自己的想法罷了,並不是他人的真正意思所以覺得好不好聽就看各人當時在聽的心情和感想了。

          • 我並沒有說你說我甚麼,更不認為有錯與對,只是在說我們都是在評論各自的感想而已。

          • 你不認為不代表真的沒有, 當然是有錯與對的. 好了不想回覆了, 這是最後我跟你的對話!

          • 我尊重你選擇不回覆,反正不重要但還是要說即使你認為有錯與對也不一定有,見仁見智。

  4. 好噁心的插鼻孔。。。这是正常到不行的事吗?为什么像没事的说来就来?现在的社交行为好难懂。。。黄的手要真么样?擦不是,不擦也不是,我的妈呀。。。

  5. 黄国伦讲完半调子英语还自带全部翻译的靠 气不足小脑不发达就别耍帅了好吗 救护车都停楼下了

  6. Wow, Ru Fu’s lounge version of “Bizarre Love Triangle” sounds so good. Is this song on her new album or was it just done for the show?

  7. 以前對黃義達的印象是長得像女生性格娘娘腔的歌手=_=

  8. 唱來唱去還是10幾20年前的歌.誰會記得她們的歌???為什麼綜藝節目都不給歌手唱自己的歌??

  9. 邓丽君偿还原来在台湾本土不红的哦。。。。在日本得了奖的还是第一什么东西的。。。

  10. mp 好棒! 國倫老師根本就是公園呀伯,中氣不足 要唬唬不出,好像要中風,福如的臉是吃到屎的表情

      • 如果他們唱得好,宣傳別人的歌,同時也宣傳到自己

        • 這種龍套歌手很多.我舉幾個有實力的.例如林育群.梁一貞.卓義鋒….還有很多.都是發過唱片.也有實力的.但有多少人記得他們的歌??

          • 按你的意思是這些實力歌手是因為上康熙沒唱自己的歌所以不紅?

          • 要聽他們唱自己的歌去滿買他們的唱片和買票去聽演唱會,不就好了.幫別人宣傳這種話真可笑,歌手被你說的好像商業機器,只要一直唱自己那些個重複一直唱就好,到底你是喜歡歌還是喜歡歌手和他的歌聲,讓她唱想唱的是有想法的歌手.龍套歌手是和台彎唱片’表演環境所影響,和有沒有實力關,.你想想你想要一直唱自己的歌,你又真正因為喜歡而去買他唱片去聽演唱會嗎?

    • 根本沒辦法宣傳到歌手.她們都唱別人的歌.幫別人打歌.別人越來越紅.誰會記得她們自己的歌????

      • 我通常看這種節目就會特地去找他們自己的歌! 我最喜歡的郭靜跟林俊傑都是這樣被我找到的! 這不是唯一宣傳歌手的方式但是也有用好不好? 你問, “誰會記得她們自己的歌????” 答案就是許多人! 這就是我愛看這種節目的原因, 因未能認識到許多有才華的歌手! 偶爾換換口味聽聽不同的歌手詮釋自己的歌或者他們覺得經典的歌我個人覺得很好! 不要那麼挑嗎! 好歌手已經有機會展現實力, 不管是不是自己的歌有機會都很好了!

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