康熙來了 2013-07-05 我小孩也想跟他們一樣厲害

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62 thoughts on “康熙來了 2013-07-05 我小孩也想跟他們一樣厲害

  1. 扛不住啊。。。。这5个小女孩 渔网丝袜 白色蕾丝丝袜 黑色丝袜 XXXX 哎 估计以后10岁刚出头就会被人给开苞了吧

  2. 感覺上這對男女主持人骨子裡非常排斥中國傳統藝術, 總是語帶嘲諷, 我個人反而最喜歡這三個小男孩的表演, 總好過看小小年紀學韓國人帶墨鏡扮酷跳舞…

  3. UMMM… DOES OWEN REALIZE WHAT SONG HE’S SINGING?! his parents shld at least know how inappropriate it is for a kid to sing that song -.-

    • hahahahaha its hilarious! im sure his parents are quite open minded..
      but yeh its a bit inappropriate i do agree with that..

      they can always argue its talking about a real plastic whistle!!! hahaha

      …blow my whistle baby ~~~~ aw~

  4. 混血小孩还是在亚洲有市场啊,在美国太多了,人群中一点都不起眼。呼吁混血小孩的父母带孩子海归吧

    • 他喜歡就好

      大方點吧 = =
      或者說 不要用自己的眼光套在別人身上

  5. 仔仔跳舞的時候我一直瞄到後面玄宙穿著粉紅裝坐在那邊 然後我就分心了……玄宙實在太太太可愛啦!

  6. Owen 真的很帥, Ella 很可愛, 打漢典那裡好好笑. 不過 Owen 的電吉他表現最好還是下一點 overdrive, 彈 power chord. 用 clean tone 彈 open chord 就變了「在電吉他上做木吉他的事」了.

    玄宙超級可愛, 他阿姨推頭是這集最搞笑的梗.

  7. why they have to ask those kids about who is beautiful & who is handsome….. They shouldn’t think about that in that age……. so adult-like

    • that was what i was gonna say lol!!!!!!!! he probably doesn’t kno what that means… just like the beat maybe

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