康熙來了 2013-07-10 外國人看不慣的台灣怪習俗!

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Tipster Rednimer

136 thoughts on “康熙來了 2013-07-10 外國人看不慣的台灣怪習俗!

    • 还有她真的是跟人猿住在一起的吧 说话的声量也是因人而异的好吗 urgh 看到她的描述就想翻白眼

  1. 這些外國人是住在台灣什麼鬼地方呀? 廟就不是住宅區, 硬選一非住宅區的地方居住then嫌台灣不好我覺得說不過去吧

  2. 英國的啤酒不是溫暖的, Warm beer 的意思是沒有入雪櫃的啤酒而已. And there is nothing wrong with a bottle of warm beer.

    • There is nothing wrong with a bottle of warm beer but 沒放入雪櫃的啤酒是溫暖的,因為它既不冷也不熱。

  3. 我在墨尔本接触的大陆同胞大部分是北方人不爱洗手,当然女性洗不洗 我观察不到,就男性来说,北方人比较常见,我叔叔60后 那一带的人群也不洗手,我还以为这是只有中国老一代的人才会这样。看来这是“传统”。。。反正韩国棒子和中国大陆北方也靠的蛮近,可以理解。

  4. 受韩剧及韩流影响,大家都把韩国想的太好了,结果事实可能证明韩国远没有偶像剧上演的那么好

  5. 崇志的意思是不是

    要先 : 咖~~~~(清痰聲)
    然後再一副若無其事模樣告訴你 : I’m so sex?

    之後再脫下內褲的時候,又在大清痰… 最好是吼出來讓女方知道你的”能力”??



  6. 朋友開車時,看到滿街亂飆的機車以及沒在注意後試鏡的騎士時,都會有想撞過去的衝動。

  7. I feel the YA (peace sign or victory sign) sign, was done more in Japan and the other asians follows after that ..

  8. 我也覺得要刮腋毛~ 雖然我沒有特地坐捷運什麼時去留意啦,但是處理好比較美觀,可是有時剃到是「小平頭」那個畫面也會揮之不去 XD


    PS 我也想多交一點來自不同國家的朋友,我不是台灣的,但感覺不同文化都很有趣,雖然尿尿那邊真的有點久~~~

    • 屌你老母臭閪,英文差就讀多啲啦,一喺就全英文或全中文,以為識嗰一句就即刻又中又英打出嚟哂命自我感覺良好,叫你打多一句都有排你查字典呀,你無聽震嬰講咩-“我對政府喱一年來的成績唔會自滿,更加唔應該自滿”.

  9. 海地那么穷,还刮什么腋毛啊。。刮腋毛在第三世界国家一般都不普遍吧。不过欧洲很多女人也不刮腋毛啊。

    • 不知道为什么每次找的马来西亚代表的女孩都长扁鼻,胖脸,厚唇, 这样大家会以为马来西亚人都长这样。。

  10. the Malaysian girl for me is a little awkward because herself trying to mimic as a taiwanese and yet represent as Malaysian.

    • I really not sure which sentence make you feel like that. Almost all Chinese in my country speak like that. Or you can tell us, how to be a Malaysian? Speak in Malay?

        • Unless you gonna organize a competition to pick out a candidate just to join taiwanese shows, don’t complain.

          PRCs’ people will always think malaysian chinese speaks like taiwanese.

        • Excuse me, no one will wanna speak Malaysian style chinese abroad. Do you know how suck it is when no one understands what you’re saying when you actually speaks the same language as theirs. People will laugh at you! I’m a malaysian in Canada which I hate and don’t speak Malaysian style CHINESE.

          • Btw, I think that that Malaysian representative have very very strong Malaysian Chinese accent! Prcs’ people and Taiwanese don’t speak that way.

    • 很吵是事實, 人家不過給個意見, 你沒必要像鬥雞一樣馬上就想跟人鬥輸贏, 一點風度也沒有, 每個國家都有優缺點, 想要越來越好就必須聽一聽不同的意見加以改進, 你這樣的思想一輩子就爛在那裡好了。

  11. 噪音真的!!住廟會旁邊 每年大甲媽祖繞境…
    鞭炮煙火早上5點炸到晚上11.12點不誇張= =


  12. I like how the Americans and the foreigners did not say 1 single English word they all try so hard to only speak Chinese. And we still got Chinese people around here thinking that they’re American and speaks English because they don’t know how to say it in Chinese… fail… GOOD JOB AMERICANS!

    • 喜欢崇治的话,可以看大学生了没,他有时候会在
      大學生了沒 2013-07-08 fixed 男人其實都是外星人!

  13. 小時後在巴士上,一個妖艷穿旗袍的女子在我面前拉吊環露出她叢林般的腋毛…. 幾十年後我還有post traumatic stress disorder!

      • Actually English is pretty useless in Korea. I lived there for a year, Chinese is actually more useful, especially in tourist areas, and some older Koreans can read Chinese characters. Just saying.

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