康熙來了 2013-07-16 外國帥哥真的人人愛?!

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208 thoughts on “康熙來了 2013-07-16 外國帥哥真的人人愛?!

  1. 說實話,我能明白這些女人的心態,我以前總是跟東方女性交往,從沒考慮過西方人,但之後看到東方女性對西方不管白人、黑人都那麼痴迷,我也嘗試著交往白人女性,相繼交往過歐洲幾個國家的白人女性,是真的西方人身材、長相真的是比東方人優的多,所以我從此不看東方女性一眼,長得帥一點的帥哥,誰也想有個金髮碧眼的外國女朋友,現在我也只交洋人,我懂這些女人的心,卑微的種族是該想辦法改進,歡迎東方帥哥們也跟我一樣一起交外國女性,幹嘛老抱死一棵樹呢? 洋妞比較大方,尤其是對男朋友的忠誠更勝東方女性,也沒公主病!

      • Oh really! My British sluts love me. I don’t even look at a yellow woman. Why should I downgrade my race? I don’t see a good looking yellow woman without make up. That’s why I never date yellow Ching Chung.

        • You have mentioned sluts, they love anyone so don’t think too highly of yourself. Continue to see things with your eyes shut if you prefer, yellow skin women will pity those sluts of yours and at the same time being grateful that you won’t bother them.

          • The level of ur English doesn’t seem to be good enough to debate here. The word slut here is not insulting, u idiot. It’s a shame that yellow women can never hv chance to go out with me since they’re not a qualified race. Stop polluting Caucasian race with ur dirty gene plz! If I m mixed with any yellow gene, I would just curse these yellow slag.

          • What do you think of my English is not important and I won’t call you names just because you did. My genes??? As if you know me. Anyway thank you for not wanting yellow women, it’s such a blessing.

          • Just go sucking elephant d**k the inferior race. Since I have been hooked with too many yellow women in night clubs around the world, they r just so much easier than any other race even Africans lol. Good to knw the inferior gets blessed by admiring our superior feature. Sorry to have been difficult to ur comment, cos my best mate is a Chinese guy. I just feel shame for u people for insulting ur own men to honor yourself and reckon I should say sth to back ur men.

          • Edward get the fuk outta here, you’re making yourself a fool … Come on, what kind of white trash tries to show ppl he is awesome and is getting some by posting his feeling here in a Chinese/Taiwanese website. If you are that awesome, get your sorry ass back to your foreign countries and show me what you got LOSER… btw, you’re talking about others ppl’s bad language skill, at least we don’t freakn reply comments by just using copy and paste. Go home white trash or whatever country that feed your loser ass. Enjoy your evening coz in the end of the day, I know you are just another garbage that cant survive in his own country. OMG I wanna see your face so bad right now, I bet it hurts dont it?

          • 没错,英语不好怎么了你英语好那是因为英语是你母语,母语说得好有什么好拽的,傻比吧你,有本事edward你说中文,这是中文网站,我们的母语都是中文,英语说不好天经地义,至少我们还比你多会一门外语呢!

          • 套句黃子華在男親女愛的對白「會講法文又如何~在法國乞丐也會講法文~」同等意思~

          • 哇哇!這麼機動做啥?還那麼激昂愛民族啊! 妳們這些人好像沒資格說自己是華人了吧!就該被民族拋棄!

            國沒亡家沒破,就自願兩腿打開做慰安婦! 兩落後非洲黑國兄弟三年上一千個黃種女性,落後的土耳其男長的不怎樣,不也上幾百! 難怪我法國、英國朋友老是汙辱我們黃種男性,你們的女人不愛你們,我們卻隨手一抓一大把,每次去Myst隨便帶一個便利商店廁所就上,嫖妓還要錢ㄟ! 妳們的女人還幫忙付旅館前ㄟ!


            東方女性好像長的也不是很優吧! 我Ricky就從沒看上過幾個,眼小、鼻塌、大餅臉,不上妝有能看的嗎? 我Myst從來不搭黃種女性,因為優越的東方男性跟們看不上妳們,我都是被洋妞環繞的,不服,大家Po照片啦! 比比長相啦!!! 這節目裡的女人有一個能看的嗎? 可憐了一群老外!

          • 你就是个傻逼 没有更好的事情做了吗? 你真的以为自己高等的话 干嘛浪费时间在低等种族上 除非你就是个傻逼 没错 你还真就是个傻逼

          • Just go sucking elephant d**k the inferior race. Since I have been hooked with too many yellow women in night clubs around the world, they r just so much easier than any other race even Africans lol. Good to knw the inferior gets blessed by admiring our superior feature. Sorry to have been difficult to ur comment, cos my best mate is a Chinese guy. I just feel shame for u people for insulting ur own men to pride yourself and reckon I should say sth to back ur men.

          • Keep your negative thoughts to yourself, the one who keep insulting and putting others down is just you. Yellow men or women are all yellow, no? The yellow men can speak for themselves and ain’t you want nothing to do with yellow women? Contradicting but anyway you answer to nobody but yourself.

          • How pathetic you are. Stay away from your PC, go find a new hobby, develop your self-esteem and you may finally be able to find a girl that likes you. No need to feel bad for who you are, insulting your own race will only make it worse. Stop being delusional, it’s silly to create a persona online and expect everyone to believe it.

            Funny how you conveniently missed the original post that insulted Oriental women in general.

          • By the way, my initial comment has nothing to do with you if you are not yellow???!!!! 🙂

          • Edward your manner doesn’t seem good enough to talk to anyone on earth. U full of sh!t and I dare you to talk down on other races in public. You’re just another coward hiding behind your pc. U idiot!

  2. WTH with the hosts?! The hosts do not have to play down their Taiwan guests to create condescending laughter ok. Guo Xin is much much better looking n outstanding than those foreigners.

  3. umm i think people from the west generally dont care where their bf/gf comes from (in terms of race), as much as people in asia does; asian girls/boys tend to think if their bf/gf are foreign, that’s something that they could be proud of…? im from HK and work in the UK and my fiance is a British; i’d rather he’s from HK, having a more similar mindset as i do. but i fell in love.

  4. Pace and Alice 說她們對外國朋友的看法就聽的出來對外國文化了解不深.在國外,男生那樣對妳跳舞或說話看妳的眼睛並不代表對妳有意思.不過也只能說這些人真的涉世未深,見的世面也不多.

    • 她們說的是她們自己的感覺和看法,你說的是你的感想都不能代表他人而外人不一定了解。或許就是因為每個人的人生經歷,體驗,期望都不一樣而產生不同的效果吧?!

  5. 老外大多看上醜的亞洲妹, 就像亞洲女生看上長的不怎麼樣的外國人, 但是請這個Alice上節目真的有點太丟臉了

    • 但長得再醜的洋妞也很少會看上自認為帥的亞洲男生,而這位Alice也只是代表她自己所以她不認為丟臉就好了。

      • 不會啊,我一直交的都是英國女朋友啊,我在倫敦跟我女朋友一起看這節目,她覺得我比裡面的人輪廓深,但她就叫我幫她翻譯一下,為什麼東方女性這麼沒矜持的倒貼白人男性,連黑人也稱讚不絕,而汙辱自家男性為光榮? 我跟我女友都還蠻confused lol!

        • 很少不代表沒有,別瞎緊張了。很多東方男生也常常對東方女生出言不遜,尤其是對選擇了不同種族的伴侶的女生。我倒是不覺得她有侮辱或看低的意思就是覺得對她而言比較喜歡外國男生而已。有時候會覺得被侮辱或許是自尊心作祟造成的,而且黑人有不好嗎? 為甚麼不能稱讚不絕呢?這位Alice也只能夠代她自己並不能代表其她女生,所以無需太在意她的看法。

  6. 台湾人又穷又贱 还喜欢活在过去 孰不知 她们现在是最下贱的人群之一 什么 你说我们贱? 可是你们还不如我们 也不知道联合国有你们台湾狗的位置么? 你们的美国爹没 替你们申请么?

    • 你這種無意義的挑釁言論, 不管你是哪國人多有錢學歷多高, 都是一樣的沒素質. 好可悲

    • 哈!哈!哈!想不到這些年常常說大國崛起而又自我感覺良好的丐幫黨阿共奴原來是那麼重視聯合國的,但聯合國是誰在操控的,位置在那裏你知道嗎?是你口中的美國爹?不是嗎?你們崛起人那麼有骨氣就應該馬上退出或跟北韓,阿富汗,蘇丹,伊拉克這些同一檔次的國家自組一個組織然後自己當老大過過癮吧.

    • 不知道是誰才喜歡一天到晚很悲情的活在過去~ 一天到晚幻想被日本人迫害~有日本情節~

    • 如果不是有美國爹那你們的主子權貴高官們這些年貪來的黑錢怎樣處理?難道還是很原始的收藏在家後園的洞內會比放在西方文明國家銀行開設的戶口安全嗎?他們子女又怎能拿到外國護照買房子留洋學作為將來的避難所?台灣人不是又窮又賤,只是對岸有些人太壞太貪太腐太敗.

    • agreed ~ they two are bitches ! what a shame to have them in our country – their heads ar just fucked up !!!!

      • I think Pace is ok? Alice is a bit immature and naive for sure, but I don’t think these ladies are offensive enough to be labeled as bitches. If u really want to look for bitches, go to 大學生了沒. There’s a whole lot more there

  7. 想到我的家政老師說的最經典名言: 人. 就是犯賤
    好像很粗淑 其實很寫實
    得不到的最好 不只是說台灣女生對外國男這樣
    而且每個人多會醬吧 少見的 離自己遠 的東西比較好吃 比較珍貴
    也不用這樣批評台灣女生吧 難道男生就不喜歡洋女?
    完全不覺得比較特別 不會回頭多看一眼 不想搞個來當女友?
    台灣教育比較壓抑 男女互動求愛都比較被動
    外國開放熱情的個性 自然會受吸引
    我相信這世界這社會 沒有人不在乎美醜 任何人都一樣 除了瞎子
    只是在乎的比重而已 別說有人很醜也有人要阿什麼的
    情人眼裡出西施 或只是也許個性能力 讓人比較能不去在乎而已

    • 跟你有同感~我不覺的喜歡外國男人的女生都是不要臉~是我們懂得欣賞跟自己不一樣的東西人事物~反而是那些妓妒別人比自己好怕比不過人家的男人才是蠢貨~ 難道男人就不喜歡外國女生~??

    • 而且並不是中國男人不喜歡洋人~而是外國女生思想沒那麼傳統~ 怕壓不過她們~說來說去還不是大男人主義做祟~

    • 我想澄清一件事,还真的只有台湾女生会崇洋over过头。 其他亚洲区是有崇洋,但是还真的没那么over。这就是为什么连在google搜索taiwan 都会出现 “taiwan girls are easy”。又不见得当你搜索hong kong,china,singapore 等等的国家会出现以上字眼?

    • yeah obviously she sounds like a bitch – but at some point i have to ssay that manY TAIWAN girls they really keen to get a white foreign boyfriend as they want to get their country’s passport – which is sad !

      BITCHES – !!!

  8. 小s早前很自豪地公開誇耀自己那又緊又窄的陰道應該會很吸引這些老外,不知道她錄影后有沒有給自己去推銷一吓?

  9. 其實外國男生很多只是表面紳士,交往一陣子就會對女友吼和curse,自私且傲慢,他們尤其在美國很多都不結婚只有小孩了,更何況在台灣

  10. Conclusion: Chinese sausage is too dry and too hard and sometimes moldy. American hotdog is plump, juicy, and chewy.

  11. 也不能怪她们啦,这种长相,这付德性,要找男朋友因该也很难吧….也只有白人会觉得她们”可爱”

  12. 很多华人女生就是不要脸,见个外国男就往上贴,其实很多喜欢INTERRACIAL RELATIONS的老外都是GREEPY LOSERS!我觉得女生选男生还是要选实力!况且金发碧眼高鼻也未必就是好看!而且老外选的华人女生大都是丑的要死的,在他们眼中华人根本就是一个样子没有美丑!

  13. Just bunch of stereotypes, no need to put “foreign” guys higher than Asian guys. I live in the US and there ARE American girls who digs Asian guys, and there ARE American guys who digs Asian girls. All the comments about how Asian guys aren’t popular oversea are just too objective.

  14. 這堆老外在自己國家都是混不下去的爛貨才跑到台灣來當上等人,同樣地,如果台灣那兩個像地痞下三流嘍囉的所謂藝人想像那堆老外現在在台一樣被認同及受歡迎可考慮到對岸那個比台次等的地方發展.

    • 因为相比之下 台湾狗 更下贱 两腿更容易分开 所以老外都喜欢草 台巴子 。 你们还活在过去? 是不是还要拿30 40 50 年前的事说话? 胜者王 败者寇 懂吗? 不服 反攻中国好吗 ? 老外的选择已经很明白了 台湾才是次等地 老外去了可以做上等人 看不明白吗? 台湾女人更像婊子 也是吸引她们的点哦~ 说实话 台湾女人品质太差 又丑 又矮 实属烂货 不过 这正好配的上这些洋垃圾

  15. Taiwan women are good to fuck but not good to marry to be honest. Have many Taiwanese girlfriend but better to marry Korean women (if you prefer Asian) or white women for the sake of your kids

  16. 新鲜的文化和面孔创造了新鲜感 所以原本在自己国家文化没有那么特别的人在新环境下被凸显有了机会,是很正常的,台湾女生的眼光没有什么可被指责的 西方也好,亚洲也好,或男或女只要自身特色适应当下的环境,就会很吃香 只不过欧美潮流鼎盛 所以在国外亚洲男性才在外没那么吃香,同样太亚洲化的女性在国外也不会吃香

  17. It’s pretty sad that Alice said Shane is better looking than her boyfriend: She could tell that her boyfriend isn’t handsome but she had no choice, and she says it in public because her boyfriend knows she’s one of the ugly few she met…

    • Of course, Cubans were born when the Spaniards raped the Native Americans (Indians).

      IMO and from experience, Asian girls are happy fuckin’, but I won’t waste money marrying one (need to move to next girl or you’ll get bored…).

        • Marriage and family cost money stupid whore. Also, many Asian women I met would do it if you give them money. Unless she’s a virgin, why would you marry a girl who was fucked many times as a girlfriend (doesn’t make sense).

          • your attitude is just sick, connard. c’est n’importe quoi. Virgins dont marry for money. Fucked or never fucked, it’s a personal choice. Why would someone marry a narrow-minded person like you? (doesnt make sense) go fuck yourself instead of calling people stupid whore here.

  18. 好像所有東方國家都是如此吧


  19. 没记错的话費丹尼上次来康熙不是说过自己有个台湾女友吗.这么一会儿变成没有交过了 :p

  20. Alice就是犯賤啊! 不想被寵愛你就去菲律賓當女傭啊!!


  21. 那个傻逼alice 标准就是个 2货,把现实中所有的老外男生 跟电影明星的长相比。。。。傻逼

  22. 節目明明就是以很正向的態度,底下卻是一堆酸男。



    • 我同意你講的第一句和第二句

      不過第三句不對吧! 因為亞洲男生在美國本來就不吃香是能被講啥?

  23. 我也覺得外國人在台灣特別吃香,但這不是他們個人的因素問題,

    The Hurt Locker(危機倒數)
    Saving Private Ryan(拯救大兵瑞恩)
    The Avengers(復仇者聯盟)

    看完這類電影之後,就算外國人/軍人強暴孕婦… 我也覺得他們是偉大、神聖、史詩、正義!

  24. 這兩個女生還真的蠻台的….不過外國人都愛比較醜的, 就像台妹會覺得SHANE 像 TOM CRUISE 一樣 哈哈哈哈哈 真是笑死人了

  25. 可是亞洲女生在國外也很受歡迎啊,老外就是愛亞洲女生麻。亞洲男生的確吃虧了點,沒有人要 >_<

  26. 愛洋屌的女人超噁爛!!!!!!看到洋屌都長得像好萊烏明星.洋屌做什麼猥褻動作都是搞笑.本土的就是性騷擾.在夜店遇到的會有什麼好男人??那麼黑的夜店只要是洋屌就帥?????

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