康熙來了 2013-09-10 另類跨界饒舌合作賽

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Tipster Rednimer

57 thoughts on “康熙來了 2013-09-10 另類跨界饒舌合作賽

    • yeah right, I don’t like 大飞 very much, at least he’s willing to take risk, 汉典, how many years has he been in this program, what risk did he take? And when it comes that time for him to be the main host, HE SUCKS, didn’t even learn a thing a two about hosting, didn’t even spend sometime to do some research on the guest that are appearing on the show

      • how can he learn anything about hosting when xiao s cant even host…. the two hosts on this show cant host for crap… all they do is make fun of hen dian to get this shows view higher. Without 漢典 half the boring topic episodes in this show are unwatchable.

        • ohhhhhh… so this is why she is doing those teasy bossy childish moves, cuz you like watching it. otherwise you think the show is boring 😛

  1. 康熙真的只能靠大咖和资深综艺咖来撑。。。蔡康永的问话和接话就不多说了。小s不知道是更年期还怎样,忽冷忽热,这集很high 下一集可以整集臭脸。访问沈玉琳这种咖都能冷场也只有在康熙才看得到了。无法想象这集如果没有嘻哈之神 会冷场成什么样子。

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