康熙來了 2013-09-18 他們變臉到底是為了什麼?

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Tipster Rednimer

75 thoughts on “康熙來了 2013-09-18 他們變臉到底是為了什麼?

  1. 不理解大家对整形有什么好抨击的,外国人反倒看得更开,遇见几个男性朋友做过胸部切除手术,女生鼻子矫正,丰胸的更多。他们都很大方的说出来,因为没听说哪个人会去嘲笑他们。他们都是小时候各种生理缺陷而不自信所以去做,大家都很能理解。大多整形手术不算是大手术,大多都不需要全身麻醉,跟去拔个牙似的。现在医学这么发达,通过手术变美也是人类进化的一部分。当然什么事情都有风险,很多人也是脑袋一热就做了,后来反倒容易后悔并且抑郁。所以国外的整形都必须要先跟心理医生谈过,才可以进行手术,这个在亚洲的国家也应该普及一下,而且对医生以及医疗设备都应该严格的管理才对。

    • 不…外國也要算在那國,整容在歐美絕對沒有很平常也沒流行,反而西方人更加崇尚自然愛自己,而且歐美會整容的大多是艷星,而西方人一直也推崇不干預別人,所以不單只整容,連變性對他們來說都不應該干預別人做自己想做的事,但也一樣愛保守人士宗教人士公開批評,這些保守的罵得更凶,整型在日韓和熱愛選美的地區如委內瑞拉摩納哥才有流行。

  2. 现在是全世界都帅哥美女还是怎么样?杰那样子有丑到会被人霸凌?我身边一大堆长得比他难看的不知道跟朋友混得多好,女友正得跟什么一样。歧视外表这种事最多只会在国中国小发生,长大了就知道外表也就那么一回事。爱美之心,人人皆有。对于选择整形的人 我没权干涉他们的生活。但是我反对把整形过多正面地推广成为一种增加自信的方法。因为这社会有太多因为不满自己外表而迷失的孩子,贪图一时虚荣而忽略整形长远的伤害。

  3. 醜絕對不一定都是弱者,而且由醜變美的人也一樣愛俊男美女,不見得他們會和長得醜的人交往,剃人頭者人亦剃其頭,不能忽略。

  4. 没被霸凌过的人是不会了解的 , 被剪头发 , 把书包和课本丢下楼 , 撕烂你的作业簿 , 把你桌椅搬出课室外面 , 语言攻击和排挤之类的 , 最让人绝望的是 ,为人师表的竟然还偏帮他们 ,叫我们忍忍就好 , 还骂我们这点小事情也斤斤计较 ,那都只是同学们的玩笑而已 , 她不知道那些玩笑对我们心里伤害多大 。

  5. 其實桀樂漢如果靠自己熬過那些霸凌
    然後整形就是拜科技之賜 讓他有一個立即 方便的方式來改變他的狀況
    沒有對與錯 每個人都有不一樣的人生啊

  6. 自己也有墊鼻子 我完全不知道每個整過形的人 到底干那些漫罵的人屁事 管好你自己選擇的人生 謝謝

  7. I’m probably gonna start a fire in here, but I wonder how 小S feels during these episodes on plastic surgery. She and 大S both have had work done as well….

  8. 感覺傑樂漢的心理已經對世界沒什麼希望了,從他說覺得人很現實就知道了。以前欺負他的人因為他的外表改變,對他的態度轉變,叫人怎麼覺得世界上會有人不在乎外表呢?人的一句話對他們來講可能沒什麼但是在那些人的心裡已經留下了傷害。在整形後才來說好話的人只會讓人認為他們很虛偽,當然也會對世界的看法有所改變。只能說人真的很現實,說自己不在乎對方的長相,但是這種差別待遇又算什麼呢?

    • 絕不,他是覺得有希望才去整,一家學校有幾百人,欺負他的人是很過份,但也還是少數的就那幾個,請不要傻…把一部份欺負他的想成所有人都欺負他,也別把他曾經的遭遇放大到在他整個人生,他只是記得這些事,並沒看到他有在恨那些人,看出他的笑容是友善的,沒有人是最幸運的一個,也沒有人是最慘的一個,自強不息。

  9. 自覺醜陋 只因都是敗絮其中、空如無物

    操你媽, 一堆人造人

    基因改得了嗎, 下一代不就一樣是原來那個樣

    • 你有啥資格罵別人 你聽到這些人整前整後周圍的反應嗎? 你有因為長相被排擠過嗎? 別跟我說你不喜歡帥哥美女
      再說會傳給小孩的基因是從爺爺或奶奶來的其中一條 又不是當下看臉就曉得 要生小孩還是把自己品行培養好吧

      • 你长大了之后就知道长相有多么不重要了 身体发肤 受之父母 每个人都应该好好感恩和珍惜你所给予的。与其追求外表上短暂的光鲜亮丽,还不如多花时间充实自己 用你的内涵和成就来击溃他人对你的质疑。

        • 你真的知道嗎?老闆都是先看一個人的長相再決定要不要給這個人工作的。因為大家都會憑第一印象來決定。社會就是那麼的現實。

          • 你能帮我找一间因为外表而拒绝一名优秀医生的医院?还是一家因为外表而拒绝一名出色律师的律师行?难道全世界都是外貌协会?还是全世界都是帅哥美女?长得没那么好看的人是不是都要整形才能活地精彩?这社会本来就是不公平的。你抱怨了全世界,但你又只能无奈的遵从这世界给你设置的规则和界限。为什么不自己找一条出路 打破这规则?或许这听起来只是一句好听话,但是这样的例子实在太多了。别人能做到你为什么不能?别给自己找借口。

    • 感覺傑樂漢的心理已經對世界沒什麼希望了,從他說覺得人很現實就知道了。以前欺負他的人因為他的外表改變,對他的態度轉變,叫人怎麼覺得世界上會有人不在乎外表呢?人的一句話對他們來講可能沒什麼但是在那些人的心裡已經留下了傷害。在整形後才來說好話的人只會讓人認為他們很虛偽,當然也會對世界的看法有所改變。只能說人真的很現實,說自己不在乎對方的長相,但是這種差別待遇又算什麼呢?就是有你們這種只會批評別人長相的人才會讓世界上更多人造人。別說你沒欺負過長相不好的同學。

  10. 我覺得這樣會誤導很多年輕人… 今天請來的基本都算成功(老實說好幾個也還是很假), 但其實現實上失敗或不滿意的案例滿多的. 一但有點不滿意, 就會陷入整形的深淵, 一發不可收拾

  11. 总觉得除了Linda,其他人都整的很不好,板着脸可能还好点,但一笑整个就暴露了,怪异感无法忽视

  12. i donno. alot of them look pretty artificial after surgery. really . i seconded commenter jh. taiwanese really need to have better fitness knowledge. if you work out correctly, and wear braces(i don’t know how many ppl i’ve seen here on sugoi who would get plastic surgery but really they just need braces to straighten their teeth) With that and the right make up and clothes they will look pretty decent.

    if you do 15 min of cardio every other day and work out with weights correctly once or twice a week(just get a trainer or join a gym, online also has alot of videos you can learn from) you will have a great body. when you have a great body and good teeth. it’s very easy to look attractive with the right clothes and outfit.

    plastic surgery is really not needed. unless you have severe overbite or other really unusual facial defects. please know that alot of these shows are a hidden form of advertisement for plastic sugery clinic. they want you to go to them so they can make money. but really most ppl really don’t need it.

    and having taiwanese friends and been back there a few times , taiwanese are really nice and friendly in general but they really need to learn not to make negative comments on other ppl looks. (what surprised me is often the ones who comment are pretty ugly themselves… I just don’t know what to say.. O.O)

    • Ditto! I totally a really agree with your comment. I feel like it’s not just Taiwanese people, it is Asians in general. We are quite superficial and harsh/ blunts with our comments. You are right about education. Living a healthy lifestyle is key. I am not against plastic surgery at all, but like Xiao S and Kang Yo Ge a lot of people are starting to look the same because of the surgeries and they look really fake. Like the near the end of the program, changing your physical appearance can help but self-esteem is key!

    • Wait till you know how it feels like to get bullied by others due to yours looks. And only those who have been bullied before will know how it feels. Especially when they went for plastic surgery,and they looked good,people who bullied them start treating them well. This only hurt them more, and this only tell them that no one in the world will not care about looks of a person. If you dont look good, people dont talk to you, everyone makes friend based on first impression. So what if they dont look good? These people without even knowing them start bullying them. Dont you know that the have been hurt? Do you really know how reality is? The one below, do you know that boss always look for a better looking one first when they are hiring people? Dont say like you know it all. You are not them. You dont know how they feel. All these people only want someone to treat them well, and not see them based on first impression.

  13. 我覺得這是一種病態 長相固然重要 但個性才是主導人際和人生的主因 其實大部份的人長的都不差 只是每個人的審美觀不同 除非真的是有嚴重的缺陷 對於為了變美去大動工程 真的不能認同

    • 當你因為長相而被人欺負時再說吧!別說的好像你不在乎。請問一下你會跟一個長得不怎樣的人做朋友嗎?人都是用第一印象來決定哪個要和誰做朋友的。你不會第一眼看到一個人就知道他內心是不是好人。承認吧,人都是現實的。那些說不在乎長相的人都是騙人的。

      • 長得醜的人還是有朋友的,並不是誰都先看長相,看你身邊有沒有誰因為長得醜而沒朋友?長得醜還賤都一樣有朋友也大有人在,不要說得醜就肯定是弱者,醜的也可以非善男信女,都知道是現實世界裡的現實,就平等視之吧…

  14. 猪八戒会被欺负主要还是个性问题吧。像小S说的,长这样的人还是挺多的,被欺负成那样,长相应该不是主要原因的。

  15. I think this episode kind of proves what I’ve felt being an ABC who’s gone to Taiwan many times….Taiwan’s society is becoming more superficial than ever. Plastic surgery clinics left and right, make up and skin care commercials nonstop. Granted, physical attractiveness is by nature a huge driving force in human to human interaction, but I feel I’ve never seen or heard of such intense bullying in the US due to being “ugly.” I think societal pressure in Taiwan has pushed a lot of people over the edge…the pressure to look good is crazy, I commend all 10 of these people for working hard and swallowing their pride to go through with such drastic procedures, just to make thenselves look better. I’m happy hearing that they’ve noticed big changes in their lives.

  16. 豬八戒整完真的還不錯!!整形能讓人生變得更好.更有自信.更快樂.有什麼不好??整完變很受歡迎一定很多人願意!!

    • 傑樂漢的心理已經對世界沒什麼希望了,從他說覺得人很現實就知道了。從你的評論我也看出了人真的很現實,難怪那麼多人想去整形。

  17. ppl should be nicer, dun just make fun of someone’s outlook, cauz i dun think everyone is perfect
    plus, after doing ps, i dun think you can keep that for a long time, you hav to keep renewing it, $$$$$ is a problem too, sigh……

  18. 人言可畏, the only reason why all of them took the surgery is ppl criticising their appearance. Please, be considerate before saying ugly to the others.

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