康熙來了 2013-10-07 回到康熙十年前登場那一刻

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Tipster Rednimer

98 thoughts on “康熙來了 2013-10-07 回到康熙十年前登場那一刻

    • I think he has a condition called Bell’s palsy, whereby one’s face may be partially or fully paralysed for a period. I got it once. So only one side of the face can move when talking.

        • Its not stroke, it only affect the face but not body. Its due to viral infection which cause the facial nerve cell to swell, hence the neurons cannot work to control the facial muscle. Nobody knows why and where this virus come from, but stress is probably one of the risk factor.

          Some people get well after months, some dont. I recover within 2 months.

    • 整個節目的內容製作變更大才是,以前是有格調,內涵.嘉賓有水準有名氣的,但數年前開始為了迎合大陸市場的口味便開始粗制濫造找來一堆通告咖講一些低俗市井話題.真令人泄氣.

          • 这么无知的人不知道从哪来的?不要做井底之蛙行不行?你看看中央电视台的广告费再看看贵台的广告费,看看人家制作的节目再看看你们制作的节目,央视制作人眼瞎了才会跳槽过来。

          • 大陸人只是重量不重質,央視是國營的呵,十多億兩三代人都是看它沒其他選擇呵,廣告費怎麼比?而且主要不是制作節目而是宣傳中央的路線比較多.你們都給弄成井底蛙才對吧.

          • 罵人?? when? 不正確的英文? where? 嘴砲小屁孩, are you insulting me? I thought you were against 罵人.

          • 哎喲威你真的英文不好啦
            嘴砲是形容你的言論模式 屁孩是形容幼稚或是長不大的人

          • I didn’t罵人 okay? I didn’t call anyone names. Which part of my last comment mentioned “你他媽”? Where did you see the word “mom” or “mother” in that sentence? Apparently your English sucks. You called me”幼稚”, and you are telling me this is not insulting me? You must be out of your Mother Fucking Retarded mind. ( And now I am insulting you.) By the way, English is my first language and Chinese is my second language. I wouldn’t be typing in English if I had a Chinese keyboard and even if I did, it would take me 20 minutes to type 3 sentences, so please excuse my English.

          • by the way, why did you start typing in Chinese Traditional? You were just typing in Chinese simplify earlier…. Can you like stop trying to sound like a Tiawanese? And can you please answer my question from earlier? If Taiwanese show sucks so bad why are you watching it? Seriously why?

          • “By the way, why did you start typing in traditional Chinese? You were just typing in simplified Chinese earlier…Can you stop typing to sound like a Taiwanese.”

            You shouldn’t have used English, since it turned out that your English is worse than his. He didn’t meant that Taiwanese shows are bad either, He told those that didn’t like Taiwanese shows to stop watching and get out of here…

          • Fuck I did a typo as well, I am just bad as you are, hahahaha 😀
            I meant “He didn’t mean” and not “He didn’t meant”. Such a shame, damn it!

          • The correct version—-> Fuck, I did a typo as well, I am just as bad as you are, Hahahaha 😀 I meant ” He didn’t mean” and not ” He didn’t meant”. Such a shame, damn it!
            Typos and laziness, we all have been there, especially when we get into pointless arguments online. There is always a grammar Nazi to correct simple mistakes for fun; however, don’t mistake typos and laziness with bad English. You are welcome.

          • Welcome to what? Did you not know better than to talk to a tard? 🙂
            By the way typos and laziness are bad English, did you get help from some friend to correct my comments? At least I don’t have English as my first or even second language, and I am a tard! You’re welcome too 😀

          • It’s ” Welcome for what?” not “Welcome to what?” and please look up the definition for “typo” and “laziness.”
            Haha, you are replying to a turd, but I wouldn’t expect you to know better since you can’t even spell “retard”, it’s “retard” not “tard.” You are welcome 😛
            I didn’t get a friend to correct your comments, but if you need someone to correct your comments, I would be glad to help you; however, your English is really bad, please stop correcting people. By the way, English is my 4th language, not my first.

          • Oh, and please add a comma right after ” By the way,” retard. ” By the way, typos and laziness are bad English,…” You are absolutely welcome. 😀

          • I am not ready to confirm that Taiwan is a country, thanks for trying. Good
            job at capitalizing and adding the exclamation mark.

      • 以前我都不知道台湾大陆为什么总骂起来,在这个网站久了才发现其实都是台湾人先 挑起争端,

      • 什么是大陆市场的口味,大陆收视最高的几个综艺节目哪个是通告咖来讲市井话题的。再说市井话题就是低俗的吗,你这个人认知有问题吧。我个人看康熙完全是因为那些大明星,谁会在乎这些我不认识的所谓通告艺人。还有人提到央视,综艺节目谁看央视的-。-|||

  1. 看到康永哥为了不让受病情影响僵住的半边脸影响节目录制,而戴面具扮歌剧魅影,真的好感动!

  2. 其實感觸有點大哩~當年帥氣的Jason已為人父,年輕敢言的小s現在是慈眉善目的媽,青澀的小楨已經結婚又離婚了,梁赫群從書生變雙下巴中年人,鍾心怡以前沒存在感多年後還是不紅,廖人帥的circus解散,蔡康永是明顯變老了…多人中還真的只有沈玉琳變帥變年輕運也變好

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