康熙來了 2013-12-10 明星上康熙後的意外收穫!!

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Tipster Rednimer

79 thoughts on “康熙來了 2013-12-10 明星上康熙後的意外收穫!!

  1. 之前就覺得曹西平很煩,後來發現曹西平的賣點其實就是「煩人」,習慣以後發現其實大家都被他煩得蠻好笑的,就像以前也覺得小S尖酸刻薄很討厭,習慣以後發現來賓被她嗆得很有笑果。這集很好笑,氣氛歡樂到都沒空隙讓陳漢典出來熱場子,曹西平和趙哥超吵的,哈哈哈;戴醫師這個人也很有趣;Melody講話方式超有趣,一直都很喜歡她;米可白憨直的感覺很得人緣,一直也很欣賞她;馬國賢的話,放下勝負心的他真的比較討人喜歡,可以感覺到他真的走出轉台王的陰影了,而且比起來,我更不喜歡張克帆。

  2. Well. I like 曹西平. This is the first time I’ve heard and saw him on this show. You guys keep complaining but at least he keeps it real and he brings laughter. He’s not fake, I’m sorry if he bugs you just ’cause you guys want to hear your favorites talk, well suck it up ’cause you can’t control that sh*t. I like the fact that he likes kangxi ’cause I do too and like he said, he didn’t get to appear on kangxi much so he’s just letting all his feelings out all at once. Like him, I also just watches the parts of people I like and ignore the other parts so why don’t you guys just do the same instead of complaining.

  3. I like almost all of the guests today especially 曹西平. I know he’s loud but he’s get the mood so high instantly. I wish ZhaoGe will be more humour, I used to like him more in the past from his interactions with S, so funny, but I feel he got more arrogant recently. Or maybe he was like this in the past.

  4. Melody!! 每次他講話都一定戳死我笑點哈哈
    曹西平上節目叫錯別人名字又不懂禮貌還一直插嘴, 一句”在家沒人跟我講”我真是一點都不同情他….

    • maintaining academic and professional integrity is admirable. He is not an actor or an entertainer. He was invited on the show to give his expertise. He doesn’t need to 做效果.

      • 忘記那些上節目給自己帶來名聲和客源的小兒科醫生,整形醫生,中醫生,各種專業人士了麼?誰說獸醫不能做效果。

        • He can, but you shouldn’t expect him to (or critique him when he doesn’t). When it comes down to it, when your dog is on his/her death bed and you rush him/her to the vet. Do you want the vet to treat the case seriously and do everything he can (and not give you bullsh!t). Or, do you want the vet to 做效果 followed by a song.

          What is really important here.

        • His job is to be a good vet, his job is not to go on talk shows and 做效果 (or to impress faceless icons on the Internet). Think about what you’re asking.

    • 有時候節目剪接及主持人的反應也會影響觀眾的感覺,但我只看到他是一個堅持自己專業的醫生,不需要為了什麼做效果吧

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