康熙來了 2013-12-25 演藝圈愛管事的一群人

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54 thoughts on “康熙來了 2013-12-25 演藝圈愛管事的一群人

  1. i dont understand why couldn’t S write her song in mandarin instead…. it just sounds so… awkward in english. and the lyrics are like something a grade 5 kid would write. I’m a fan of hers but i just thought the song was average.

    • remember, the song is for her daughter….

      do u expect difficult/ big words in it?? n probably her daughter is learning english, that’s why she wrote in english…
      this song is written ” by feelings n love” , cant believe u r her fan, dont even understand what she was really trying to express==

    • Don’t blame on her English level when you write this comment with some grammar mistakes that can be easily spotted. Her lyrics is very simple English but at least has zero grammar mistakes unlike this comment of yours.

      • well I’M SORRY for voicing out my honest opinion! Please enlighten me regarding the grammar mistakes I have made in my statements above. However I do find it very ironic that your grammar isn’t perfect as well. I just didn’t understand why she couldn’t write the song in a language that she was fluent with and can completely deliver her message to her kids using stronger, more appropriate words. If you think that her song was amazing then okay, good for you. but to each their own! I’m entitled to my own opinion!

          • Oh plz. Seriously. This is online… Calm down.. Not like we r writing an essay.. I’m a med student. Still doesn’t mean I can’t write badly online when I feel like it..

  2. 老S 的歌词完全没意思也没内涵。最后一句 I will ‘WENT’ to cry?????!! 这是哪国发明的文法? 平时在节目上批评人就算了,现在把自己的歌唱技巧展现出来 其实比被她批评的那些人还要差。自我感觉太良好 就不知道自己的弱点在哪里。做人不懂得谦虚 就不懂得学习和进步 因为听的都是别人恭维的话语。 就连她的搭档蔡康永都不敢点评 直接让女嘉宾说,女嘉宾最后也以大笑带过 不敢说什么

  3. 老S自己在後台等不耐煩耍大牌,還怪黑人不應該訪問別的嘉賓,黑人也只是好心幫忙promote新人和觀眾分享他們的音樂路程,老S自己訪問人沒有深度就算了說的話也來也難笑,還好康永哥明白事理沒有一起怪黑人還幫黑人說話。

    • 大家會愛看康熙不就是喜歡S把自己放在重點的娛樂方式嗎?

    • 如果真不爽就不會說出來,也不會有這集專訪==

      想看單純深度訪談,歡迎去看小燕之夜之類的~ 想看來賓一直被捧,歡迎去看快本、天天向上~ 這些我都看,但挑來賓看

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