康熙來了 2014-04-10 康熙好身材運動對決

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Tipster Rednimer

46 thoughts on “康熙來了 2014-04-10 康熙好身材運動對決

  1. 雖然我覺得秀慧太偏激,但不理解大家為什麼一直說秀慧就是因為這樣才嫁不出去?

    • 如果不小心保险套损坏避孕药不成功或男人不负责的要求等等 女人会怀孕 男人不会 通过人工流产手术 女人需要承担疼痛, 副作用和风险 吃亏的还是女人

      • 如果女人懷孕了卻去墮胎,讓愛她的男人失去了孩子,然後再與他分手。因爲她只喜歡玩玩。那吃虧的不就是男人了。這種事情哪來的都是男人或女人的錯?! 


  2. 应该添个运动项目,除了秀慧姐,剩下的都应该跪着在地上上衣褪到膝盖上,手绑在后边,给我口交3分钟,看谁速度快,技术好,赢得人我就直接射在她嘴中。

  3. 很贊同秀惠姊! 男人基本上都是在玩妳或因為妳有錢 會結婚都是年紀和家庭壓力所逼,但這不代表結婚後不會想繼續玩 no matter how u disagree on this, this is still the truth!!!

  4. There’s nothing wrong with what Xiu Hui is saying since it was her close friend that experience the adultery. Moreover, she is scared of being poor again since she has survived through that period.

  5. 秀慧姐这么实在 在演艺圈好罕见啊 有点看破红尘的感觉
    有点贪财但说的又不是没有道理 hmmm..

    • I really like her, but hope her can be trusting again some day. She can’t find a life partner if she can’t trust people.

      • She’s in the entertainment industry. It’s hard for her to find a trustworthy partner within that circle. While people outside the entertainment industry find it hard to trust people in the entertainment industry.

        • i don’t agree with what u said, look at andy lau for example…her wife is someone who is outside the entertainment industry, if you have love you will have trust..so trust me.

          • not every woman would like to have andy lau as their husband. your existence ((as his girlfriend) will not be exposed after 20 years. Not everyone could have waited this long.

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