娛樂百分百 2012-09-12 楊丞琳粉絲同樂會

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Tipster Rednimer

104 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-09-12 楊丞琳粉絲同樂會

  1. 說了很多次對不起, 看的出她當時累了,在熟人面前有放鬆有點撒嬌不想唱了,但也馬上打氣精神就繼續錄了

  2. 不要一直說丞琳假唱 她從來都不會 這次也沒有
    她生病了 還要工作 訪問 上通告 甚麼的 唱歌出了錯是正常的呀
    就算是這樣 她讓支持唱live 已經很棒了 還想怎樣?

    • 現場有說很多首歌她都唱不好 一直重錄
      可能最後因為不夠時間 不能再重錄 娛百自己幫她播cd version吧….
      現場沒有假唱 但播出是…. 

      • im pretty sure she didn’t 假唱 cause if you listen carefully it is pretty obvious that her singing is different from the cd.. esp for the higher notes for example she sang “hai” for 爱 because its very hard for her to go up to the higher notes with her voice. plus she didn’t 假唱 even for the last song “wang le”, its very different from the cd ver. you’ll hear the difference when u close your eyes and just hear her singing.

    • 那是因为,小猪跟小鬼的默契是没人胜得过的。小猪跟小鬼的默契是属于他们自己的,没有任何人的默契可以跟小猪或小鬼这么好!

  3. 我覺得製作單位真的要好好的安排錄影時間
    像dancing queen 和 粉絲福利社..
    還有最後丞琳唱 忘了 前面感覺很急..
    還有丞琳 唱到分岔 昨天看6點的 還以為聽的到
    結果竟然不讓我們聽 還剪成預告 害我期待落空
    整個在電視前罵了一下  哀 但我想應該是丞琳的經紀公司要維持丞琳的形象吧@ . @

    • 现场去参加录影的歌迷说是因为杨丞琳通告晚到了一个小时,所以录的很赶,毕竟后面live的时间不能更改。这和制作单位没关系,问题是艺人的时间没调整好。

    • 我當天有去錄影
      丞琳因為上一個通告 所以錄影遲到了 又趕著LIVE
      所以才這樣!!!分岔那邊 雖然現場大家笑的很開
      但是丞琳回家有大哭(相隔幾天錄百分百小巨蛋的時候 丞琳說的)
      雖然好笑 但是播出來真的不好!!!!

  4. Show is just too handsome he is so sexy plus he makes everything funnier . . . It was a great episode aswell rainie and hudie were super cute the 3 are great together.

  5. i felt that xiao zhu is really trying very hard to suppress & hide his love for rainie. just observe the way he talks and teases rainie and how rainie responds to his tease, they are trying very hard to hide their liking for each other. I really pity the ‘one’ who loves him and always supports him and waiting for him secretly …. (the feeling i got after watching this ep & other eps whenever there’s xiao zhu & rainie together)

    xz has mentioned he ever expressed his love for ‘somebody’ but he didn’t really get a reply from ‘somebody’, so he chose the other ‘one’. however, ‘somebody’ returned to accept his love later on but xz said it was too late because he has already chosen ‘one’. xz said he kinda regrets choosing ‘one’ after he knew ‘somebody’  wants to be with him but because he’s a man of his word so he has no choice but to continue the love relationship with ‘one’. well… i really really pity & felt sorry for ‘one’!

    I would really hope ‘one’ can be strong & stop loving xz so much and think for yourself more. ‘one’ should really open your heart to other suiters who may loves you more than xz. ‘one’ should find someone who really treasures you and not only treats you like a spare tyre.

  6. 先說我真的沒有要批評小豬的意思



  7. 为什么没有让我们听到丞琳的分岔,一定很好笑吧?看他们笑到这样?而且大名星签名不是出现在百分百GOGOGO的吗?难怪我想说,怎么粉丝同樂會一下子而已啊?失望啊!

  8. 之前每天都有豬鬼的時候我都覺得是理所當然,現在只要他們稍微提一下對方我就會很激動。。。果然是要失去了才懂得珍惜~ 不知他們合適才能再合體啊!

    • 或许是喔!去看昨天丞琳的十點名人堂,蝴蝶爆料说:前几天,丞琳有去百分百宣传,然后,丞琳跟小鬼合唱了一首歌,很自然的,唱啊唱丞琳就牵起小鬼的手,小鬼整个脸红,连歌词都忘了。真的很期待这集啦!一定很好笑啦!每次看到小鬼脸红就觉得很可爱~ 哈哈!

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