娛樂百分百 2012-12-03 K-pop舞蹈大賽

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97 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-12-03 K-pop舞蹈大賽

  1. 其實蝴蝶在其他節目跳舞都好有力,好性感

  2. I love Butterfly and Weillian!!!!!
    Butterfly’s so Beautiful and Sexy. She’s the Dancing Queen and simply the Best!!!! 

  3. damn upset with this result !!!! William deserve to win !!! That Zhou ding Wei performance CMI ? Can’t even see most of the dance steps cause it’s DARK ! What kind of results is this ?!

  4. 周定伟’s dance does not have the power that TVXQ has in their moves. only got the LED effect.. dont understand why he is the winner..

    • IKR. I’m a cassie here. When I that he’s performing TVXQ’s catch me, I’ve some anticipation actually… but he didn’t get to what I was expecting.

      He said he went Korea to learn dance before, apparently, he didn’t learn enough. TVXQ’s dance may seem easy to dance, but in actual fact, it can be quite difficult.’cause they’ve the strength, the speed and etc… but what 周定伟 have? None of those… =.= all he had was the LED effects like you said, but even with the LED effects, his arm actions still failed. =.=

      • i agree with you here! i expect butterfly or wei lien to win, not that i am biased because i am more of a cpop fan, but their performances are the best in overall to me, especially that of wei lian!

  5. I love when these two host together, 威廉 picks on 蝴蝶 a lot but in a loving way.. is not too “over”..
    Playful yet respectful… I really like 威廉’s humor.. plus 蝴蝶 is so much more relaxed with her.. they make a great team..

  6. 威廉人好好 
    他應該是怕後面頒獎那邊沒有提到蝴蝶怕她會不開心 所以特別講了””蝴蝶姐姐也很棒”” 
    我欣賞這樣的男生 XDD

  7. 蝴蝶跳的好好!!! 或許會覺得比起以前沒那麼驚艷,但本來這次的舞蹈就是沒以前的好看… 還有,這個舞本來講的就不是講求力度的那種 是比較媚的 蝴蝶都有跳到  
    也知道不能再拿冠軍 不然一定會被說是做馬…. 
    簡筑翎是我心目中的舞后!!!! 扭的多好看呀XDDD

  8. 蝴蝶超性感的!!!! 身材未免太有料了吧!:O 真是看不出,平常沒什麼露,沒想到原來身材那麼棒!而且我覺得蝴蝶跳得很好了啦。看得出她有在放水。可能因為姐姐的身份不能太過性感吧!

  9. 看完康熙再回来看这边感觉跳好好都

  10.  蝴蝶好像自前老早就放弃了,因为对手太强了。我觉得她都没有认真参赛,也没有认真练习。还是说她太娇傲了, 因为上几次得冠军所以现在以为自己很力害所以就不把别人放在眼里了。

  11. 留意威廉是這兩年的事, Lollipop F裡最喜歡他, 他的帥氣是親切可愛那種, 非刻意賣弄, 作為偶像也很放得開, 搗蛋卻不失分寸, 這陣子看他代班, 原來還這麼會主持, 腦筋轉得快又幽默, 這令我想起阿本(可惜娛百代班主持名單竟然遺留了阿本…), 話說回來, 不知道以前的威廉手腳有多不協調, 沒有最好的, 只有更好, 喜見威廉被讚進步, 加油!
    另外, 一定要說說我最愛的蝴蝶, 威廉說得沒錯, 蝴蝶就是個小騷貨… 跳舞時散發的甜和騷, 就像她表演的歌曲Ice Cream, 令人想咬一口, 看過蝴蝶跳舞的男生, 好容易就被迷住吧!
    至於賽果… 能夠看到蝴蝶威廉越來越有火花的合作, 還有各自精彩的表演, 夠了!

  12. I replayed Weilian’s part 5 times… and watched. The masculine build, water effect, dance steps… as well as his charisma & confidence… I would be damned if he wasn’t 1st.. Yet when the results were disclosed, I was like …
     -_-!!!  His only 2 mistakes were he nearly slipped (due to the wet floor, but cant be blamed ba?) and he was off-beat twice.
    Overall, still felt that WeiLian deserved 1st (dance lost ro DingWei, but showsmanship, surpirse, and feel is there).

  13. 威廉完全就是蝴蝶的菜~!哈哈!脱衣的梗早就料到的,可是洒水的部分吓到我了!真的是惊艳!

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