女人好犀利 2012-04-05 全世界語言六千多種 為何學這些超冷門語言?

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31 thoughts on “女人好犀利 2012-04-05 全世界語言六千多種 為何學這些超冷門語言?

  1. That lady is being critized so much in this page! Haha! I kind of feel bad for her. But she i think she probably came to Singapore years ago? That’s why? Anyway, I do agree that in kindergardens, most kids may have some difficulties speaking proper English, unless their parents have been conversing with them in English at home as well. It takes time to learn a language.
    But Singapore youngsters should be sufficiently educated in conversing in proper English if the need arises.

  2. I feel extremely offended by what one of the female guest said about Singlish. A huge part of what she said isn’t true at all. I hope that audience out here will not have a wrong impression of Singapore. 

  3. This kid the lady is talking about is either playing punk with the teacher or must be below 5 years old as pre-school education starts at 5 or even earlier in Singapore.  This kid would have started learning A to Z.  Mandarin and English is fine in Singapore if you’re conversing with the majority.  Singlish is formed due to the multi racial society and portray the harmony in our society.  I have friends of different races and we understand a little of their languages and thus being able to use singlish with ease.  Singlish is a way of life in Singapore no big deal you do not have to learn it, it just make a Singaporean feel at home.  Let me know you don’t understand I’ll do proper English with you.  But please if you’re talking about these aunties and uncles, just do dialect.

  4. I am not Singaporean myself, but Singaporean’s English proficiency level is averagely higher than the Taiwanese and yet they made fun of Singaporeans’ English? Seriously? 

    • 新加坡人真的要認真講英文是可以講很好的
      只是平時他們好幾種語言任意混合用, 這時才叫 Singlish

    • 新加坡人英文很好的,不過任何地方都一定會有不同口音,像英國有英國口音,美國有美國口音,香港有些香港口音,印度有印度口音,沒什麼需要取笑的,台灣英文不止口音問題,文法什麼的還非常差

  5. 新加坡孩子已经不讲方言了,这位小姐只不过是在做节目效果。任何一个小学生都能指出,应该是“have you had lunch already?” 而不是 “do you have lunch already”.

  6. SO many people know latin here in australia we have it in most highschools! 一点也不冷门好吗, 我以为他们会聊缅甸话之类的 = =

  7. SO many people know latin here in australia we have it in most highschools! 一点也不冷门好吗, 我以为他们会聊缅甸话之类的 = =

    • also the majority of singaporeans don’t use singlish like she says. did she say something about singaporean being racist on part 1, 13mins onwards about taxi driver?

      • No she didn’t. She was saying that it’s actually very convenient if you know how to speak dialects like Min nan yu in Singapore bcus you can communicate with the taxi driver and actually get some benefits like having the taxi fare round down to the nearest dollar.

    • Neither have I heard of Singaporean youngsters speaking Hokkien much, except for vulgarities. It’s mostly a good mix of English and their mother tongue plus dashes of short vocabulary from other languages.  

  8. 對不起哦 糾正一下 新馬用的是華語,馬來語,英文,潮州話,福建話,廣東話.閩南話和台語在新馬是有些不同的,如果你跟一個福建人和潮州人說台語他們都不知道你在說什麼

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