我猜我猜我猜猜猜 2009-07-11 差很大!! 壁花變公主

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Tipster Rednimer

190 thoughts on “我猜我猜我猜猜猜 2009-07-11 差很大!! 壁花變公主

  1. [YT] 說真的 慧慈 次次都跟制作人要錢 , 很有可能是受了她家庭的影響, 有看分手擂台的朋友都應該很清楚

  2. [YT] when my friend puts on makeup she looks like a whole new person.
    but i can never to something like that.
    i still look like myself even with makeup

  3. [YT] disgrace? what did she do?
    did she did something shameful or unacceptable?

    she is just trying to earn a living, cut the crap, if you want to blame, blame the media please

  4. [YT] At least she put in her effort to attempt something she’s never been engaged in before.
    If you can’t perform as confident as her, you should really shut your trap and self-reflect.

    And what makes you think you look better than her? As the saying goes, “rather an ugly face than an ugly heart”. I would rather be like her, bringing joy to others, than to look like you, whom I suppose, is just a hideous monster who hides behind the computer and gives such superficial comments.

  5. [YT] 樓下的~~
    她殺人放火了嗎??~~ 她污辱到你們家人了嗎??~~ 她直帥的個性還要被你們嫌~~ 你有權不要看呀~~ 誰逼你的~ 要看就別批評~~
    Think About It ~ Dickwads!!

  6. [YT] 底下有些嘴巴不乾淨的… 你們永遠會輸給這種善良的人. 人有缺陷 不代表要去虧她, 她至少讓我們大部份人笑了.

  7. [YT] 感覺很像看到許純美= =





    一副自以為的樣子= =凸

  8. [YT] i dont’ understand why people are criticizing the guy imitating michael jackson.
    he won the competition back when he was 14. that’s like 16 years ago.
    he’s just doing a tribute to MJ. show some love man.

  9. [YT] you havent been following the show i think, he said he weighed 40 kg back then when he got he number 1. so you cant really compare the performance now and then

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