康熙來了 2009-05-01 明星警局報案實錄

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Tipster Rednimer

125 thoughts on “康熙來了 2009-05-01 明星警局報案實錄

  1. [YT] 比較起來是應該會比較注意是不是有被通緝,
    因為通緝是法院有傳喚, 可是未到案說明,
    已經不起訴的人被發現有前科, 發現一次抓一次不是很慘?

  2. [YT] 有沒有前科有何關係


  3. [YT] n 1820 a man named fredrick osloft one day he was working in his lab until a ghost came by and killed him the next morning fredrick was nowhere to be seen 100 years later two boys went in the lab as a dare the boys where never seen again where aparently murdered now that u have read this comment tonight when u go to sleep the two boys and fredrick will come and murder you but you can stop this by posting this comment on 5 other videos by midnight im sorry i relly hate these things :'(

  4. [YT] 同意
    而且, 大家一塊靜靜地聽一個人說話不是很悶嗎?
    要是那樣的話, 康熙就沒那麼好笑了~
    而且有些人說起故事來很慢, 很沒點~
    其實他們也有不打斷人的時候啊, 麻衣說在日本的故事時, 他們也只中間插話了兩、三次~

  5. [YT] 我是覺得大部份上電視的明星都假假的
    講白一點就是很ㄍ一ㄥ 這時康熙這種戲虐手法能逼出他們不為人知一面 有時也是一種效果

  6. [YT] 雖然康熙每次都帶給我很多樂趣,可是真的愈來愈不能忍受主持人打斷來賓說話或故意為製造效果”抹黑”來賓形象的方式,希望康熙還能繼續維持幽默與謔而不虐的格調.

  7. [YT] honestly, grow up loser and screw yourself and you will be better off than posting the retarded comments you singlish fucktard.

  8. [YT] 问一下,孙国豪是干什么的?哪方面的艺人?说话也不怎么样,也没见过他演什么电影戏剧之类的,怎么还会出名?

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