康熙來了 2009-06-09 痞子英雄又來了

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275 thoughts on “康熙來了 2009-06-09 痞子英雄又來了

  1. [YT] 支持小s,都是为了取悦观众,节目效果,也有嘉宾偶尔会提到s她们私底下其实很有礼貌和保守的!

  2. [YT] 我覺得他很有内涵啊,這樣的爸爸,應該就會教出有教養的兒子,雖然大道理很多,可是也不能說人家是蒼蠅吧。。起碼的尊重要有嘛

  3. [YT] i think everyone shud stop criticizing mark’s dad. my dad is like tat, people with father like tat grow up 2 have very clear direction in life, what is right, and what is wrong is very clear. and he is someone u can go to whenever u have problem. its good 2 have a person of authority like that in life.

  4. [YT] that man is so fierce it scares me. His eyes felt like its popping out. I wanted to see more interaction between Mark and S but his dad keeps interrupting! Dad, u need to cut some slack,Seriouslyy.. aww hw i hope mark comes again to kang xi ALONE, so he can talk more. I didnt even hear him chat much this episode

  5. [YT] To: Kun0322
    你要知道當整個圈子都是魔鬼, 而你自己是天使的話, 很難混下去, 上帝出手也幫不了你, 應該說幫得了你一時, 幫不了你一世.

    小朋友, 你出來工作過多少年? 你還是學生吧??

  6. [YT] To: Kun0322
    演藝圈什麼叫專業? 是很抽像的, 論學歷? 資歷? 有多少個專業試的資格? 有多少個Master, Doctor? 統統都不是. 演藝圈是講運氣, 靠關係, 要跟人家搞好關係等等, 他爸爸說他喝醉也不成, 跟人家搞個屁關係呢~

  7. [YT] To: Kun0322
    “正直又有嚴厲爸爸”? 倒不如說有個極度自我中心的爸爸好了, 反正這個人表現出來就是他是對的, 兒子跟著做就是, come on, 做artist是需要creative的人, 不是做個懂服從的人.

  8. [YT] To: Weber520van: 首先, 你是不是有病? 我在說事情, 你不同意可以給予意見, 什麼”是不是見鬼來著?”, 建議你檢討一下用詞.

    “演藝圈和藹多了”? 不要這樣天真好嗎? 醫生, 律師, 教師犯罪見報是因為這些行業本身有一定的機制去監管, 相反演藝圈就沒有, 藝人做了私底下做什麼你知道嗎? 螢光幕前SET好的東西你也相信? Do you know what is common sense??

  9. [YT] 你們批評什麽!不喜歡就別看!康熙就這樣~這全都是節目效果~誰搏版面~小S連孩子都生了~還會介意版面嗎?你覺得他們不害怕得罪人嗎?他們是有分寸~告訴你們!不喜歡看就走吧!

  10. [YT] 我真的不明白~爲什麽大家都在批評什麽主持人的態度~這是節目效果~要說多少遍呀?如果不喜歡就別看!! 什麽沒分寸~主持人人那麽大了~他知道什麽可以講,什麽不可以~你們有什麽資格說人家!!

  11. [YT] 從BluesRoadHK的話來看就知道你最近不看新聞…”做一些醫生,律師, 教師專業又純品?!” 你是不是見鬼來著…現在假醫生 濫律師(台灣就有個紅到全球還關進監獄的) 暴力教師天天至少有一篇 比起來演藝圈和藹多了 至少他們敢在螢光幕前讓大眾評論 那些蠢品職業背地不知做多少黑心事

  12. [YT] 難道走演藝圈就必須都要是行為舉止爭議很大的人嗎?

  13. [YT] 演藝圈是個大染缸,

  14. [YT] 你乾脆說為啥這麼嚴厲的人一開始會走演藝圈好了
    正直的人就不能走演藝圈? 奇怪的結論吧你 從沒聽過正直又有嚴厲爸爸的人應該去做醫生律師教師 …
    另外各個行業都有專業 什麼叫專業又純品 .. 你的結論才真的是觀念不清楚 ..

    康熙是個很多人收看的節目 光是點閱率就看得出來了
    更何況一個人要紅這些是必需的 這種難關早晚會碰到 更別說還有個應對如流的老爸陪著他

  15. [YT] 以新一代的偶像劇男演員來說,

  16. [YT] 主持人真的很沒禮貌= =
    很多人仍然看得很爽 ..
    有些地方很好笑 但主持人的風格真的很不討人喜歡
    趙樹海臉色實在都不太好 除了他們兩個 其他人都尷尬 ….

  17. [YT] 我看到了兩個矛盾:

    1) 這麼嚴厲的爸爸這麼嚴厲的家教, 教出來的孩子這麼正直, 但又要在演藝圈混, 他不是應該去做一些醫生,律師, 教師專業又純品一點的工作嗎? 矛盾………

    2) “康熙”又不是第一天做, 明知”康熙”就是這樣的一個節目, 形式就是這樣, 既然這麼合不來的話, 上來幹嗎? 矛盾…………

  18. [YT] HELP ! Michael Ignatieff ‘s globalist team are in the process of STEALTH hijacking Canada. See the youtube” Michael Ignatieff caught on tape ” and please Twitter,facebook whatever you can to spread the word. So far his team has been able to hijack our Liberal Party and put Iggy in front of it without Iggy winning an election. I know I don’t need to remind you how much blood Canada shed in Europe in the world wars, Korea and Afghanistan. Please help us out now as our own freedom is threatened.

  19. [YT] 這就是綜藝節目阿!

  20. [YT] 前者呢或許真係有d偏心,不過我相信後期製作,那個剪片的,都應該有關事

  21. [YT] why are all these gooks acting out movies with white people in them? dont tehy have some gooker movies to emulate? whats even more whacked is they dress like us, that suit….it wasnt made in asia…this is all so strange to me, why are their cartoons drawn like white people? do these people worship us? i dont understand

  22. [YT] 趙又廷好可愛 而且好有禮貌 好帥!

    看小S有多喜歡他  還為他開一集

    哈  看他們相處的橋段超好笑的XDD

  23. [YT] 我相信小s是真的喜歡他 但在節目上那是一種效果 刻意的…純粹逗大家歡心的效果 來賓也都是演藝圈老江湖了 對於這種都了然於胸的 所以大家就放下你們那種老百姓的批評吧 笑一笑 開心就好!

  24. [YT] 這兩個主持人都被自己的光環矇蔽了.只聽自己想廳的話,對於來賓厚此薄彼就算了,對於前輩也沒有該有的禮讓與尊重.

  25. [YT] xiao S a bit over ah this episode. But it was so hilarious! I haven’t laughed so much in weeks. But she was rather disrespectful to Zhao Gong =p But i suppose he understands, like he said, 99% for the sake of the show.

  26. [YT] 小S is just acting like that for the show. Come on, Mark’s DAD is sitting there. But I agree that Mark is soooo hot 😀

    And if you don’t like watching S’s crazy antics (pretty much the funniest part of the show), then don’t watch. It’s not like someone has a gun pointed to your head forcing you to watch it.

  27. [YT] mm i dunno.. 趙又廷’s fame seem to be a bit inflated… I don’t really like that performance…
    although… I do think he has really good culture from his family…

  28. [YT] honestly plp she is just doing this for entertainment
    privately she is an awsome wife so piss off
    i love her yo!
    she is the best if you hate her please go away honestly

  29. [YT] = =大家都知道小s在節目上都只是做效果
    的. 所以不隻到你們這些人在這雞機歪歪批評啥?

  30. [YT] everyone needs to chill out…..her family and mike’s family don’t care about her actions during a program. everyone knows that S is completely different on and off the show.

  31. [YT] hahaha she was really vocal on this ep huh but trust me if she really wanted to be rude and say her honest feelings she could have been ALOT worse, i think she was holding in alot as it is already haha i know I have alot of things i would like to argue with his dad about haha

  32. [YT] i wonder what mike thinks of this, it got into the tabloids and everything! hahaha i love xiao s but i really hope she doesnt end up cheating on her husband one day! i know she says her husband doesnt keep track of the yanyiquan but how is she so daring to press up against another man like that! hahaha she is so funny! but then if you watch the rest of the show, you know shes not for real, you can see it in her eyes shes just doing it for fun

  33. [YT] 知道吗
    and so plz shut the fuck up
    you can choose either watch or sew up your mouth

  34. [YT] OMG apparently 趙樹海 doesn’t seem to know that the target audience of kang xi dont like to hear crap. can he at least respect that strangers don’t like to hear those crap.He can say anything at home. nobody cares.

  35. [YT] OMG the zhao shu hai crap alot alot of BS especially the part on majong. there is nothing wrong with playing majong and there is nothing with being rich quickly.

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