康熙來了 2010-03-25 每位都是爆點的卸妝

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451 thoughts on “康熙來了 2010-03-25 每位都是爆點的卸妝

  1. [YT] 劉伊心這種做作女真的會把大部分的女生惹毛!!很假又不正 如果真的很漂亮的話還可以原諒 但她真的只有胸部!!依依佩佩我記得好像幾年前有看過 好像是外景主持人的樣子

  2. [YT] 喜歡彤彤!!劉伊心只是奶大吧 長得又沒有很正 她在那邊自以為哦 而且我覺得她在選美的時候人緣不好 一定是因為胸大常被採訪 又不懂的謙虛 還很做作 才會被大家嗆吧!!

  3. [YT] 喜歡彤彤!!劉伊心只是奶大吧 長得又沒有很正 她在那邊自以為哦 而且我覺得她在選美的時候人緣不好 一定是因為胸大常被採訪 又不懂的謙虛 還很做作 才會被大家嗆吧!!

  4. [YT] actually after looking at the twins and xiao bai, I suddenly feel that normal women actually are MUCH prettier than celebrities. So women out there, don’t think so much. All of u can Look good too!

  5. [YT] there’s nothing wrong with ding rou an without make up
    but the twins definitely look like man without make up..trying too hard to gain attention.

  6. [YT] 彤彤不卸妝有這麼重要嗎?



  7. [YT] @fareastern00 let’s just forget about it ,ok? I don’t feel like arguing anymore. I do not understand what u are getting at, and the argument is getting nowhere cos we hold totally different viewpoints and u don’t seem to be able to accept my point of view as well, so what’s the point in arguing? As for my usage of the word “fuck”, if u find it offensive, i hereby apologise to u. I respect your view, even though I don’t really get what u mean, so I hope we’ll stop here, out of gdwill.

  8. [YT] @dimensiongurl first this is not an argument, we have every right to post our comments here. and second, ‘we’ll leave the argument’, erm, may i know why are you deciding it for me? and also to let u know why i responded to you in the first place, cos u used the word fuck more than once in ur first comment. something u dont understand doesnt means that thing is ridiculous.

  9. [YT] 要找助理主持人

  10. [YT] 誰都知道這是康熙的老梗

  11. [YT] 哎!拜托。不管她拿不拿吧看她嚣张的说刘尹心的态度也没哪门善意好吧。只是觉得你既然知道自己这样干吗要来卸装。而且既然知道自己什么样子有什么资格先去说其他艺人呢。她出来后也没人说她吧刘尹心也没说她阿

  12. [YT] 我覺得彤彤變了!比以前更會做人!

  13. [YT] 我覺得彤彤變了!比以前更會做人!

  14. [YT] 彤彤就過敏阿 滿臉都是過敏的斑
    反正說了 下次等他臉好了

  15. [YT] 一些小事而已.有需要反應這麼大.吵成這樣嗎?

  16. [YT] 小白比我想像中好看耶!!


  17. [YT] i really wonder how bad does she look without her makeup!!

    i guess she got acne face + dark eye circles. coz she mentioned she’s got spots on her face currently..

    luckily no reporters there… else…

  18. [YT] @PhoenixJiang

  19. [YT] 留一心搏版面還有做作過頭(路嘉怡比較好看) 他也該去矯正牙齒
    雙胞胎超級路人 也要矯牙
    小白皮膚身材很好 牙齒快去矯正一下吧
    丁柔安 最沒差
    彤彤過敏 就原諒他吧!

  20. [YT] 干嘛要做人身攻击啊?干嘛攻击人家的胸部?天啊!难道要世界最大的胸部才可以嚣张吗?



  21. [YT] 如果彤彤拿下來….

  22. [YT] 劉伊心 聽都沒聽過
    什麼咖阿 聽都沒聽過
    奶又沒瑤瑤大 真不知道誰在囂張什麼!

  23. [YT] 劉伊心 聽都沒聽過
    什麼咖阿 聽都沒聽過
    奶又沒瑤瑤大 真不知道誰在囂張什麼!

  24. [YT] @fareastern00 I don’t know what u are getting at, the last sentence to me makes no sense at all. Pls pardon me, I guess I’m too slow to understand your point of view, so we’ll leave the argument as it is. Thanks for sharing your opinion anyway.

  25. [YT] @fareastern00 I don’t know what u are getting at, the last sentence to me makes no sense at all. Pls pardon me, I guess I’m too slow to understand your point of view, so we’ll leave the argument as it is. Thanks for sharing your opinion anyway.

  26. [YT] 要彤彤不拿下面具是对她的一个教训。我想主持人觉得她之前说的话太嚣张–说刘伊心做作,又说根本不知道双胞胎是谁,也不想想自己是个什么咖,所以就不要太费时间在她身上,直接跳过就好。不要让她有机会上镜。

  27. [YT] @dimensiongurl to ur question : no. but xiao you chose to step into the industry means she must be able to withstand ppl criticising her, her talents or her looks. cos media industry is actually superficial, lots of things are fake (not like what u saw on tv). newspaper dont talk about all real stuff too, all these gossips, so many are fake. if they want to put down a girl till this extent, they will show tong tong’s face. but they didnt. so?

  28. [YT] @holockcreateinc Alright, let’s not argue anymore, since we share totally different viewpoints and there’s not point in continuing this argument that’s going nowhere. I got your point, and respect your view, let’s just leave it as it is. Thanks for sharing your opinion, u helped me to broaden my mind, have a gd day ahead.

  29. [YT] @dimensiongurl Did u have problem understanding a proper sentence? The show is bout look today, hence, inner beauty is negligible. So the focus would be how u look. And u have said that beauty is subjective then why cant ppl consider she is ugly while u think she’s fine? What’s more if she’s a celebrity constantly boasting her beauty when she really isn’t one, she’s only inviting insults. So stop the grumping n i think she deserved it when she’s nothing to appreciates by the viewers.

  30. [YT] @holockcreateinc alright, Point taken. Your comment just proved my point right, I quote u ” who cares what’s inside u”. Nicely done, thanks. She is not ugly, I stress once again, she’s just average. By ugly, that means a crooked nose, slanted mouth etc in my opinion. Even if there’s nothing special about her and the role of her being a clown, she’s a human after all, and shouldn’t be subjected to comments like this, JUST because of her looks.

  31. [YT] @dimensiongurl What’s all this fuss?This episode is OBVIOUSLY about look then who cares what’s inside u and how to tell a person’s inner beauty thru TV?! Plus, isnt it clear that he’s trying to exaggerate and he’s only trying to bring out the msg that she could look better with make up. And ur doom to have such treatment if ur an ugly celebrity with nothing special about u( acting singing etc). Her role was obviously the such of a clown to bring laughter by downgrading herself.

  32. [YT] 劉伊心 is full of shit,no one care about her when she was in 亞姐,actually no one really care about 亞姐.and she was the one who kissed the dancer and shit to get publicity,the reporter taped it in video,she can never deny it.

  33. [YT] @zixi20 I really agree with u. That was what I was trying to say too, we share similar views. There’s no need to put her down till this extent, I seriously don’t think she looks that bad too. But oh well, what to do? Some people don’t give a damn about a person’s inner beauty anyway, they mostly judge a person by how they look. Although I’m not a fan of xiaoyou and she don’t really displays much talent presently, I still think as a human, she has self esteem and shouldn’t be treated in this way.

  34. [YT] 劉 反差好極大~~~~
    丁 卸了妝 像 我 有一位 極厭惡的人
    s 妳是國際巨星咕嚕耶 呵哈哈(搥桌子)
    彤彤在黑澀會 可是很坦蕩蕩的不在意她自己的素顏

  35. [YT] Kevin shld look himself in the mirror first! seriously i think he went a bit overboard with his comments and xiao you doesn’t look that bad ! just because you’re a makeup artist doesn’t give you a right to criticize ppl like they’re worthless.

  36. [YT] @fareastern00 Celebrities are supposed to look gd, yes, I do agree with u. But how do u define gd? In the first place, the term ” gd looking” itself is very subjective. What I’m saying here is that they do not need to put down a girl till this extent JUST because she’s isn’t as gd looking as other celebrities. Going by your logic, does that mean that only gd looking people have the right to be celebrities and be praised, and people like xiao you deserved to be put down?

  37. [YT] 在我愛黑澀會時彤彤說過皮膚會過敏,下次彤彤應該會再來卸。如果大家想看彤彤卸妝,可以找以前我愛黑澀會的影片。

  38. [YT] but u r not a makeup artist, u have not worked with xiaoyou before, how u know what he said is not true?? it’s true that most of the ppl in this world like nose are not 100% straight, eyes not the same size, eyebrows are born one high and one low. for me i fall in this category. i trim my own eyebrows so that they look similar. i can show ppl my primary sch pics they will know, i am born like that – and this is call common ppl.

  39. [YT] @cherieredable I totally agree, bimbos will forever be bimbos. She has such a huge fat ego that she thinks the entire world is revolving around her. This bitch has to get a reality check.

  40. [YT] hello! there is difference between seeing her face 2 face and on tv. look at the studio lights, they more or less make her look better, cos lights can make features sharper by casting shadows. the superficial one is you, think deeper before u comment, and also they might have set a higher standard for the guests here cos they are celebrity(they are suppose to look good).

  41. [YT] @msqq1


  42. [YT] 可是我跟同學吃餅乾也會拿筷子~



  43. [YT] 最後不讓別人看、那發彤彤來幹嘛???!

  44. [YT] 那雙胞胎什麽鬼啊?卸妝後完全是男人啊!噁心死了!剛開始的時候還敢說那些前輩!真是有夠沒禮貌有夠大膽的!

  45. [YT] Kevin真的是太言重了!簡直是他自己的內心話呀!小優應該會受傷吧!

  46. [YT] 康熙这次真的太超过了,凭什么上卸装单元却不拿下面具?恶心。康熙这样的信誉度以后谁高兴看阿,节目不就事应该有爆点吗,没意思哎

  47. [YT] 有點失望, 批評別人最兇的彤彤卻不用被人批評, 對那些卸妝後被嫌醜的女星都不公平. 康熙從開撥到現在沒有女藝人不用拿下面具, 所以表示從以前到現在拿下面具的女藝人跟彤彤比都不算醜.

  48. [YT] who are these twins??…
    they probably aren’t that popular..and therefore they use “harsh” words on the other girls…just to OUTSTAND…=.=

  49. [YT] 好討厭大學生了沒的人…

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