康熙來了 2011-07-28 誰才是吳建豪的最佳女主角

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127 thoughts on “康熙來了 2011-07-28 誰才是吳建豪的最佳女主角

  1. er。。。。好恶心哦那个小甜甜,故意穿到这么暴露还以为很漂亮,我看了都快要呕出来了。

  2. 基督教还有很多流派,有些甚至是邪教。我不记得正统的教派会允许男生留长发。吴在当F4之一的时候,还是长头发,想当“虔诚的基督徒”这个身份来洗白,只怕是不行。


  3. 1. 小甜甜滿會演的,她需要練的只有收放自如的「收」而已。
    2. 瑞莎根本漂亮到犯規!聽說她是體操冠軍出身,吊鋼絲她應該很快就能得心應手。
    3. 吳建豪信教信得深,所以他本來就不可能用小甜甜吧?都挑明了是拜濟公四面佛的了……。

    • Thanks for posting the testimony of Van Nessess Wu Jian Hao. He has made a public stand on his decision to be a Christian a couple of years ago.

      • That’s sad. The christian thing seems to be really growing in the taiwanese showbiz these last few years. THE END IS NIGH! REPENT, YON SINNERS! 

  4. 瑞莎和小甜甜都很棒ㄚ哈哈哈哈

  5. At the beginning of the show, it was said there won’t be intimate scenes, so why ask Tian Tian to kiss him?? “Eat dou foo”!   Why ask only Tian Tain? None of the others were asked to do that!!

    Of  course he ran off, and he diasppeared so that he didn’t have to face Tian Tian and the laughter!!  Come on, put yourself in his situation. On the top of it, everyone knows he’s trying to be Christian and be pure inhis behavior. So no unnecessary initimacy!  

  6. At the beginning of the show, it was said there won’t be intimate scenes, so why ask Tian Tian to kiss him?? “Eat dou foo”!   Why ask only Tian Tain? None of the others were asked to do that!!

    Of  course he ran off, and he diasppeared so that he didn’t have to face Tian Tian and the laughter!!  Come on, put yourself in his situation. On the top of it, everyone knows he’s trying to be Christian and be pure inhis behavior. So no unnecessary initimacy!  

    • jesus = = u r 1 sick person這三個裡面我只會想看沈玉林, 小甜甜和曲家瑞要我看他請趕快吧我給殺了後順便也幫我分屍超不想看小甜甜和曲家瑞他們可以去死一死

  7. 小s的肩膀到胸前有白色的bra肩带印  是我屏幕花了还是真的有  真有的话她皮肤还蛮白的

    • It’s like this. Your parents are choosing your bride for you. XTT is one of the 4. If you’re female, Baiyun is one of the 4. There’s a high chance that your parents will choose them just to make fun of you. You can facepalm now. But you’re right, his gestures are pretty disrespectful, or maybe it’s just that he’s the sort to wear his heart on his sleeve.

  8. 小甜甜令我想起馬戲班裡面小丑那般悲劇的喜劇人物, 就是大家都開她玩笑, 看她笑話, 其實我覺得, 她的內心是一個很認真的人.

    • 對呀, 不知道為什麼大家都要說她是美女.
      可能因為個性冷冷的, 又沒什麼梗, 要是不列入”美女”區的話, 就不知道她在演藝圈的身分是什麼了

    • 對呀, 不知道為什麼大家都要說她是美女.
      可能因為個性冷冷的, 又沒什麼梗, 要是不列入”美女”區的話, 就不知道她在演藝圈的身分是什麼了

  9. u ppl here really dont kno vanness , he is known as one of the best dancers like show and wilber and also has won many awards for his chinese, english, and japanese albums. of course he would be pissed because it doesnt even seem like they took him seriously for his mv. but his outfit today is not as flattering as usual tho

  10. I mean, I really like xiao tiantian. I love watching her. And without her, this episode would be boring as hell.. plz use her more kang xi.

  11. Part 3 1: 48: Vanness is pissed off. Probably because of  Xiao Tian Tian and her buddhist-styled praying when she’s trying out for a gospel-esque MV..

  12. The long hair girl (second one) ..she is quite good in acting. 🙂  I used think she looked a bit weird, as her features are not in line .. but i think she fixed it, now she looked better and like a pretty girl.

  13. 小甜甜 is frank and funny.  😀  I hope she become a beauty when she reached a healthy weight 🙂  
    RuiSa have become even more beautiful if that is possible 😀  She have a super sweet face and composure.  

  14. 吳建豪看起來很沒誠意唉 別台的節目也是一樣 上節目就算有點不爽 至少也不要那麼明顯嘛

    • 沒有不爽吧
      對這集有點失望  除了小甜甜其他都好無聊

  15. ‘發現沒有來薯條’ 哈哈哈笑慘了!!! 個人對Vaness沒興趣, 可是這集超精彩的!!! 來賓們和主持人的互動都好好玩喔哈哈哈.

  16. It’s obvious the talent has been chosen before those auditions….cos Vanness said he doesn’t like Song cos she is not his cup of coffee, the first and the last are absolutely nobody and who’s care types….

    However, it should be fair to say that Vanness is not a comedian but an idol and singer…so why he has to act like a comedian to make everybody laughs

  17. 雖然張宇年紀大過 S 很多, 但其實出道只比 SOS 早兩年, 不算大前輩吧…….大家都是90年代的歌手, 拍過他的 MV 也很正常喔.

  18. vaness在看不起甜甜什麼,他自己也長不帥,只是很會化娤、穿衣而已,拒買他的專輯,挺甜甜這類真的有內容、有笑點的藝人!!

  19. 阿達很有趣,吳建豪只是被塑造出來的帥哥,其實他沒那麼帥,只是比路人好一點而已,

  20. 最近在很多節目都看到吳建豪,看來是吳建豪在打廣告,但我覺得吳建豪太偶像包伏了,完全不夠親近,很無聊的主題!

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