康熙來了 2011-10-12 歌手驚人的另類才藝?

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188 thoughts on “康熙來了 2011-10-12 歌手驚人的另類才藝?

  1. the magic is so lousy…clearly can see when he move the ring to the left hand, actually he drop it to the right hand..and when talking to them, he put the ring inside his pocket/pants…that’s why it looks like the ring is disappear..

    • 没有人假装不懂中文, 只是我们更习惯用英文表达自己的想法。真正的悲剧是那些因为自己英文能力不好而排斥我们。当然,我不是在说你,只是打个比方。Learn some English dude. Of course I am proud of my Mother Tongue, but you cannot deny that it’s not enough anymore. 

  2. i cant play piano myself but i like the girl’s version more than the guy’s simply cos i think the girl put in feelings to her playing but the guy is just obsessed with playing very very very fast. i listened to it twice, the guy’s speed is not A LOT faster than the girl’s at all, but more smooth in some parts i’ll hve to admit. i still prefer the girl’s. after listening to her piano i kinda can see why jay would sign her.

    • he’s supposed to. kang yong told him to to play in a manner that shows that he is better than her in a way that people who don’t know music can tell he is better. how so? by speed. hence, his title.

  3. 我覺得這裡的留言,完全不能反應留言的位址,所以倒底是誰在留言,是誰在罵人,這幾天看下來,我相信有很多人的留言只是想要看著大家吵成一團才高興,把他們的留言當真才真是最沒意義的一件事~那些留言罵人的人,不管是哪裡人,都是噁心的!

  4. 馬來西亞狗真是臟東西!和新加坡狗一樣不是好貨。還是我們台灣人最強,除了最浪漫的法國白人,偉大的大和民族之外,就是我們台灣人了。

    Proud to be Taiwanese!

    • 我也是台灣人
      但是你這樣罵別人 只會讓我覺得很丟臉

    • 你父亲应该是被所唯的“最浪漫的法国白人”操了屁眼,而你母亲应该是被所唯”伟大的大和民族“干了不下千次,才会生下你这比猪狗还低贱的杂种吧。

    • 白痴,一看就知道這肯定不是台灣人的留言,想要吹捧台灣也會用一點說話技巧,這麼高調的吹捧自己,肯定是一個想要製造對立的有心人在操弄,真是噁心!如果留言的人還真的是台灣人,我以身為台灣人,覺得這個台灣人真是白痴!如果非台灣人,這個人真是噁心!

    • 的確,如果這個罵星馬的人是台灣人,那他的智商肯定在80以下,因為這只會招來星馬的反感,他只是想煽動吵架的有心人而已,誰只知道他倒底是哪裡人

    • 大家都看不出來我在說反話嗎?我是想提醒大家有些惡言相向的留言都是無聊的。


        • 法國不是跟葡萄牙一樣 快破產了嗎
          他們不是為了這個才找越來越多的新移民幫他們還債你這種冤大頭 去那邊好啊 賺一兩百萬 稅50幾趴還捧著一大堆錢到那邊花 到最後 也不過是2等公民 每天被歧視巴黎街頭上 我通常只聽得到 阿拉伯話跟老兵口音的國語
          abcdef 你平常講的是哪一種

          不然 你去”嫁給”他們的國防部少將 

        • so you are one of the wanna be too. Feel sorry for you man. Dont forget your appreance still look like a chinese. funny thing is even you would get a French citizenship, dont mean you from there originally. Ashamed!

    • 英文不好就拜託你別用英文喇,而且Cantonese要用大寫C,要尊重別人的語言。。。TW歌唱比賽不是經常有選手唱台語歌曲嗎?唱得好聽就是了,管她唱的是甚麼語言

  5. 張棟樑太勇敢啦~!!! XD
    王若琳出道幾年了, 心態還是沒調整好…
    那個袁詠琳怎麼覺得看起來風塵味很重? 唱片公司的造型師把她搞low了

  6. 不會阿 我覺得張棟樑的表演我很喜歡 讓我看到不一樣的他 加油! 
    第一次聽到周蕙的唱歌 好棒喔! 長繭都這麼好聽… 太強了

    • 這個人居然打著魔指的名號到處行騙…根本只是照著別人改編的譜彈而已..甚至自己還改更簡單..我都不知道他魔在哪…這種人在音樂院一抓一大把,打著炫技的名號根本也沒別人技術好…賺這種錢就是厚臉皮就好了,也不用練琴,純炫技…機械的按琴鍵就好了..也不用練甚麼琴,拿他跟李雲迪郎朗比根本就是侮辱他們吧,是有哪個鋼琴家整天上一堆綜藝節目..都不用練琴就是鋼琴家..笑死人..真是騙外行人 實在看不下去了..

  7. why do i feel 袁詠琳 a bit cocky & trying to show off?  主持人接她的話的時候臉有明顯變僵。。。。

    • talent is talent, and having confident is a good thing. I don’t know why if someone feel confident about their ability, other people feel it’s their duty to hammer him/her down. It seems to happen a lot in the Chinese society. She can play the piano, she can play it better than most people, it is what it is, and if you’re not better than her, you’re not. There’s no reason to punish her for it

    •  有嗎?康永哥自己叫她彈一下她的速度看一下的, 那她當然這麼彈啊。厲害彈就是厲害彈, 難道要她裝不會, 故意彈很爛啊?
      我反而覺得那位說”我們一定比她厲害”的, 真的有夠…… 的 = =

  8. wang ruo lin is extremely disrespectful to pop music and the people who fund her albums. this is not the first time she did this type of crap. if she cannot take the commercial elements, she really should stop producing albums with the established music companies and produce her own songs. 

    • I don’t know how you reach the conclusion that she is disrespectful just after she played Elvis’s music on a banjo. She is just passionate about her art. Apparently somebody in her company agreed with her to produce her new album. What’s your problem?

      • the banjo performance is only one instance. i admit her songs are pretty nice. but overall she has displayed now (and in the past) her reluctance to conform to the commercial standards of her producers. and of course her seeming unwillingness to produce pop music. she has on more than one occasion criticised what she was singing, as well as her own company.

        i do like her songs, past and present.

        • good music is good music commercial or not. she’s just more interested in writing her own songs isntead of re-interpreting standards or other famous songs, which was what her company made her do initially. all she’s saying is she wants to sing the songs she writes. (though the song she performs is not written by her, that did puzzle me)

          but her own songs are actually quite interesting too. it’s more contemporary and modern feeling..

          but chinesse commercial songs(in chinese speaking world) , might not like it.. b/c they’re used to hearing certain melodies.. and singing method. her melodies and singing methods are a bit different. 

    • I will not comment on the music of Wang Ruo Lin but since long ago I have been thinking she is being very disrespectful towards her company and people working with her. She said something along the line that she found it shameful to be a pop singer (among other things). There is a fine line between having a vision of her music on a different level and being ungrateful to people who are working with her, and I think she has somewhat crossed the line. Being a successful artist is a combination of talent, hardwork and how to cooperate with people.

    • From a Singaporean newspaper:

      I think she has a bad attitude. Being a singer is not a one-man show, please be considerate for the people who are working behind you to let you shine on the front stage (and also the people who have invested in you and trusted you).

  9. zhang dong liang was quite cool and adventurous with his performance. yuan yong ling is such a tool – i bet she didn’t expect to be told off after playing the piano. serves her right

  10. 我覺得唱片公司好奇怪,像王若琳和Olivia這種聲音好聽又有特色的人,為什麼都要他們翻唱,不是直接發原創呢?

  11. Today’s episode is really amazing. It’s hilarious, and there’s too much talent in one episode! Wished 棟樑 sang but it’s so nice of him to think of something new and funny. (and welcome back!!~)

    Just WOW, 薛嘯秋! 太棒、太好聽了, 王若琳♥ & 周蕙!!

    (everything is good except the magic ring trick lol)

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