康熙來了 2011-10-20 世界名校排名大車拼!

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340 thoughts on “康熙來了 2011-10-20 世界名校排名大車拼!

  1. RE-FUCKING-LAX dude. Everyone wants different things from an education and everyone’s entitled to choose his best suited one. The most important thing you should learn from tertiary education is TO BE LIBERAL AND OPEN ENOUGH to accept different views. Is NUS good? Yes. Rigid? Yes too. Is Oxford good? Yes. Elitist and arrogant? Yes too. No school is perfect.
    Stop being a disgrace to NUS, you’re not doing Singapore any good.

    – Undergrad, NUS.

  2. i like to watch these kinda controversial topic in kangxi. guess what, reading all the intense comments and dispute are part of the joy of watching kangxi 😀

  3. 康永沒有聽過Imperial College London??????????王利人小姐還說是國王王子去的學校???天啊。。。。。。不會吧。。。帝國理工啊這麼有名的學校。。。竟然。。。。。無語。。

  4. 這個主題不要再作了,這個節目搞搞八卦就可以了,可以在無聊時笑一下。蔡康永只不過是一個愛唸書但低級乏味長相差,最大的缺點是自以為是。兩個主持人真的是現代世界俗人排行榜冠軍。看到的不過是兩隻打扮華麗的豬。(豬對不起)

    • lol??? FANFAN自己都不好意思講這個(因為純粹就是“過場”,而且還沒“過完場”),FANFAN不止一次的講過不要“翻”這個了,因為她都羞於談這個。

  5. Anyway, if u guys dislike Singapore’s education system so much then what’s the point of wasting grands and effort to come over? Staying in your own country would be a better choice. =)
    I miss Singapore when there were lesser barbarianism acts, when they are lesser spiting, lesser people shouting to your ears, lesser bullied.

  6. The halo of a prestigious university degree is great, but the life skills learned from a university education is critcal. So leave the rankings to the academic elites. A degree from a good university opens door, but you won’t gain acceptance without the life skills you learned. I recalled at an unofficial tea party, a young man began his self-introduction: “I am from ABC University, ……”. Yes, he forgot to mention his name. What happen to his self-confidence – a life skill he needed most?

  7. 留學生是多強 一堆到國外還不是Loser
    看網路多網路多少性愛自拍短片 都是留學生被老美拍好玩的

  8. what is all the fuss about? we are just more proficient in expressing our opinions and thoughts in English, compare to our rather weak command of written Chinese. However we do understand conversational Chinese, and would like to learn more and connect to our roots and culture. There is nothing wrong in watching KangXi, i personally find it quite entertaining and funny.

  9. 这排行榜问题太大,太多莫名其妙的亚洲和英国大学都排的很前面。This ranking emphasizes teaching & international outlook(, both heavily weighted) which are highly subjective. While important tangible factors such as citations & research income are effectively ignored. 就用星加坡大学(NUS)为例,此大学拼命招收外国学生,international outlook就容易得分高,而事实是此大学从没出过杰出研究也没出过世界级的政商人物,所以这排行榜真是没公信力。真正的好大学,citations & research income factors是最重要的。

    • 是research impact factor吧?

      • Nope, it’s how much research income each faculty member generates from their relevant industries measured as a proportion to their endowment. That’s a highly tangible source of information that rates how much value/interest/impact that the research has on various industries. If your university generates low research income, that means industry leaders have no interest in their research which also means that the faculty/university sucks. Low number of citations also indicates the same thing.

    • the proportion of international students is given only a miserably 5% as opposed to citations which accounts for 20% of the ranking result. refer to this: http://iu.qs.com/projects-and-services/world-university-rankings/

      therefore, even a university heavily recruits international students, as you have alleged, the score in that area is unlikely to be statistical significant. presently, the cap on foreign student intake in NUS is 20% of the entire student population. hence, even if they get full points for the 5%, it is unlikely to propel them that high in the ranking if they fail in other areas.

      that say, i do not disagree that the QS ranking is utterly flawed. NUS probably should be ranked much much lower than this. a reasonable one would probably place it outside 100 in a world ranking.

      • Academic & employer reputation = 50%, both highly susceptible to statistical manipulation. Other than citations = 20%, the rest of the rating elements really makes no sense in rating the quality of an institution. What makes an institution reputable is it’s alumni. In fact, any institutions that had not produce any Nobel prize laureates or Fortune 500 CEOs or global leaders or international celebrities or artists or equivalent should not even be in the top 300. This ranking loses all credibility.

        • As a fair example, both universities in Asia:

          National university of Singapore (NUS) rated 28.
          Waseda university rated 185.

          Waseda university produced the following exceptional individuals:
          Takeo Fukui, CEO of HondaNorio Sasaki, CEO of ToshibaNobuyuki Idei, ex-CEO of SonyMasafumi Miyamoto, Founder of SquareMichael Kogan, founder of Taito CorporationIsao Okawa, ex-chairman of SegaMikio Sasaki, chairman of MitsubishiHiroshi Yamauchi, President of Nintendo
          Note that even Korean Giants came from Waseda,
          Lee Byung-chul*, Founder of SamsungLee Kun-hee, Current chairman of Samsung
          many more on wiki source.

          What has NUS produced?

          Anyone with the slightest common sense will know that the ranking $ucks & NUS $ucks even more.

          •  As a fair example, both universities in Asia:

            National university of Singapore (NUS) rated 28.
            Waseda university rated 185.

            Waseda university produced the following exceptional individuals:
            Fukui, CEO of Honda
            Norio Sasaki, CEO of Toshiba
            Nobuyuki Idei, ex-CEO of
            Masafumi Miyamoto, Founder of Square
            Michael Kogan, founder of Taito
            Isao Okawa, ex-chairman of Sega
            Mikio Sasaki, chairman of
            Hiroshi Yamauchi, President of Nintendo

            Note that even Korean Giants came from Waseda,
            Lee Byung-chul*, Founder of Samsung
            Lee Kun-hee, Current chairman of Samsung

            many more on wiki source.

            What has NUS produced?
            Nothing but arrogant & ignorant fools.

            Anyone with the slightest common sense will know that the ranking $ucks & NUS $ucks even more.

          • come on, you are the typical people who will try their best to twist n use every excruciating details at your advantage to prove your inner ego right. yes no doubt Waseda is a good university, but you also cannot deny that NUS is a good university. At least it manages to secure many top(relative) positions in various rankings. This is also an undeniable truth. You are so good at listing all the alumni from Waseda but do you realise most of these people are from Japan( or region near Japan). this shows one thing that Waseda is sure a very prominence U in the region, i am not very sure about in the world, and from the ranking i can tell that its weakness is the language(you cannot deny that language is an importance factor for a school to be recognized internationally.) now lets talk about NUS is also the prominent university in the region (SEA) their most ‘successful’ alumnis of course are from the region too., they are also the ‘giants’ (as u like to call) from the region, and you cannot call all of them all arrogant n ignorant. you are so smart in stating all these ‘truths’, why not be smart enough to be more acceptance n open your mind. after all its a research that all these researchers do in certain perspectives.

      • 去看早些时期的ASOS interview, 小S那时的英文就已经非常的好。她又幽默,又自信,又能歌善舞,最主要的是还很有脑,能在华人的娱乐圈玩转的这么好,去哈佛剑桥太轻松了。其实在国外读的大学名次并不是最重要的,最主要是在国外生活学习的过程。北大或许世界排名不算高,但是能考进北大的难度可以说是全世界最高的吧。所以读了哈佛也没什么可炫耀的,最重要的是你学懂了自己,学明白了做什么会让自己快乐,还对社会有价值的。

  10. 這裡好有趣喔,一堆支那小農似懂非懂的在熱烈討論人家西方文明國家的名校排名(北大,台大去了哪)卻不檢討自家民族為甚麼到今天還不懂搞好厠所的衛生.

    • 大陆的留学生的量级不知道是台湾的几倍(包括全亚洲),能在这个网站看视频估计大部分本身就是留学生,如果你稍微有点常识,你就不会在这丢台湾的脸了。

    • 厕所没搞好,是因为当初的金厕所被劫匪抢走了,玉厕所被歹徒砸碎了,现在只能先用最辛苦的劳动力换来全世界人的幸福,最后才有心情去管自己的厕所。

  11. LOL, a bunch of idiots, my highest education is high school but i am earning 6 figure USD a month, so what you have high education from famous schools, end up as a celebrity in a small country is absolute waste of time studying.

  12. 扯了啊。。。。伦敦帝国跟皇室真的没有关系。。。附近有很好的clubs~~还有很正宗的Guinness 啤酒!~~~~哈哈~~繁华有历史的的大都市稍微边缘一点。。。。环境很棒!

  13. Honestly, peizhen’s school is just a regular in-state 4yr university, probably not even ranked within top 100 nationwide in US.  I live in WA i would say that school probably just as easy to get in as enrolling community colleges. Plus they dropped “central” when translated into Chinese. 华盛顿州立大学 is either University of Washington at Seattle or Washington State University at Pullman, and even these two differ a lot.

  14. I didn’t know he was from Montreal!! I’m from there too…well, im still studying here lol
    What I dn’t really understand is why do asians emphasize so much on the school? Like no one cares which program you’re in as long as you’re in a “good” school…I think both are very important to consider whether or not the person is actually intelligent or something…

  15. 在這的中國人應該有聽過大龍網吧? 是非常知名的網拍公司, 比asiastyle, ebay其他的都來的便宜許多,

    免運費每種商品送到各個國家, 喜歡的話只要把下面的連結copy下來, 千萬不要搞丟了!!

    這是件單排扣的長坂大衣, 一件只要$32.99! 目前以有8000多件賣出! 剩不多了! 所以要快!!

    打進這個coupon code有$5 off:ONEWORLDWESHARE

  16. 在這的中國人應該有聽過大龍網吧? 是非常知名的網拍公司, 比asiastyle, ebay其他的都來的便宜許多,



    這是件單排扣的長坂大衣, 一件只要32.99! 目前以有8000多件賣出! 剩不多了! 所以要快!!

    打進這個coupon code有$5 off:ONEWORLDWESHARE




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  20. what does ABC really implies? does it mean chinese people who were born in foreign countries or does it also means the chinese people who were not born in foreign countries but grows up there?

    • i use to think it for chinese who are born in foreign countries.
      now i don’t really know because people kept on mixing it up or changing things.

    • I think people mix it up these days. Coz ABC stands for american born chinese and CBC stands for canadian born chinese. So if you weren’t born there, you are not ABC (at least that’s what i think)

    • ABC means that you are born in America and live in America for a period. All of them are fake ABC. No idea why plenty of Taiwanese celebrities want to fake ABC. Can’t they embrace their roots?

  21. 早就預料到這個主題會出現一堆在國外居住的死FOB 打一堆英文留言

    • English is easier and faster to type, just because you don’t understand English (or you failed English in high school) don’t blame it on the rest of us hahahahahaha u mad, sucker? 

      • 他都知道FOB了,應該不至於完全不懂英文。我個人不覺得打中文有比打英文快,我自己是兩種都還算快啦。其實我覺得在台灣綜藝節目的評論區打英文確實是沒必要,除非你沒有中文輸入。舉個例子,你會在美國電視節目的評論區打中文嗎?我不會這樣做。對我來說,在以英文為主的介面上只用英文,而在中文為主的介面上只用中文,兩者分得很清楚。另外,我從來不認為在以中文為官方語言的地區,每個人都一定要講英文講得多好,就像我走在美國的路上時,也從不期望別人會跟我講中文一樣。我人在法國時,也不期望別人能用英文跟我溝通!我向來是一視同仁的。

        • 我同意你.我覺得他就是忌妒.只是有些人看不慣別人打英文….以下原因維…1忌妒別人英文比他好…2覺得用英文就是虛榮心做作..3別人的優勢剛好是此人的弱點…..其實沒有必要強迫別人ㄧ定要回中文吧…語言就只是溝通的工具而已…

      • 我沒跟畜生生氣過耶,不好意思喔,沒讓你得逞假老外。打英文比中文還快?FOB兄你不丟臉嗎。不過你的破英文的確讓我懷疑你是不是個剛到國外的高中生?所以現在是忘不了台灣的綜藝節目嗎?多看點外國新聞吧,你老爸辛苦賺錢不是讓你出國看康熙啊小朋友。

        • 他老爸就是辛苦賺錢讓他出國學英文,他沒有辜負他爸 所以就打英文了,真抱歉吖英文字母太小了 老伯伯您能看清楚嗎?

    • u r a fucking idiot with giant vagina to be filled by a boeing 747 and don’t forget ur mother was a public hooker loving to stand by the street and nowadays she already becomes a slutty bitchy whore fucked by u and ur brother because ur father has the ED problem…that’s ur family…what a shame!btw can u understand this? 

          • Lol. Singaporean take GCE ‘O’ Level. Which means our English standard is just same as the British. How about your country? Still got to take TOEFL. Pathetic sore loser. You jealous of Singaporean is it? Or you are unable to afford to come and study in Singapore. Thus, you decided to insult everyone who typed English and assumed they are from Singapore. Btw, Malaysia’s mother tongue is Malay, even they have to come to Singapore and study.

          • Your stupidity amazes me Typical Singaporean. You mentioned Malaysian mother tongue is Malay, Prove it to me you idiot. Have you ever travel to Malaysia? Malaysia is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country. Thus, Malaysian mother tongue isn’t Malay to many citizen who lives in Malaysia. Explore more before you speak.

    • a lot of us… we learn chinese from parents therefore we all speak and understand it
      but we do not know how to write (therefore of course we don’t know how to type chinese)
      We do attempt to learn it, but its really hard because chinese is hard, no phonetics along with it
      and we dont use it enough to remember it as well….
      its really mean to say we’re fobs….
      a lot of us are born in foreign countries and its not our fault that we dont write chinese
      but we’re still connected to our culture through shows and other ways such as news….

  22. 蔡康永居然连ICL和ETH都不知道,真让人意外,是不是美国外的他都不了解?而且IC和皇家贵族没啥特别关系吧?Imeprial学费是贵了点,不过找工作的时候——尤其是投行和四大,光靠Imperial的名声就可以进首轮了。

  23. S老公讀哥大建築系 !! ? 那男人真是社會垃圾
    學完 不去建設社會, 而天天炒股票 不務正業, 廢物

    • 他上過好多節目都是這主題的啦,雖然我也蠻喜歡他,但他的故事講過好多次了,王利人還不錯,蠻謙虛的。好喜歡曲老師!真的好好笑!

  24. 讀名校其實真的可以為社會新鮮人製造一個不錯的起跑點. 當然, 名校不等於成功, 可是父母都希望自己的小孩有競爭的優勢, 畢竟在求職的過程中一個新鮮人完全沒有經驗, 如果是搬得上檯面的學校講出去, 雇主也有衡量品質的依據.. 雖然也不是說名校出來都很好, 可是沒有名校加持就要有別的加分點, 父母重視的是這個吧.. 畢竟現在社會的競爭那麼激烈, 貧富差距越來越大…如不能自己殺出一條血路, 那麼讀個好學校, 進個好公司, 也是首選啊

  25. 净瞎说,有保险的话,美国看牙并不会贵,而且CA之类的地方,有多少从香港过去的人专门剪头发啊,比国内剪得还好,还便宜

    • u r a fucking idiot with giant vagina to be filled by a boeing 747 and don’t forget ur mother was a public hooker loving to stand by the street and nowadays she already becomes a slutty bitchy whore fucked by u and ur brother because ur father has the ED problem…that’s ur family…what a shame!

  26. 康熙真的該給曲家瑞多點鏡頭,這集的收視率,應該說有曲老師那幾集收視率都是靠他抬的,想想看,今天這集如果沒有曲老師那還有什看頭阿

  27. Some of the richest and most successful people in the country, and even the
    world, made their success without graduating college. Some of them went for a
    few semesters at most, and some never went to college at all. eg. Steve Jobs,Mark Zuckerberg,Bill Gates, Michael Dell,Henry Ford …..

    • 别人不好评论, 但是Bill Gates在离校前证明了他自己的能力其实早就可以毕业, 他已经旁听了研究生课程, 本科对他来说太浅了。。。这样的天才整个世界上出的并不是很多, 所以不要随便模仿。

  28. 王凯蒂  真的不会搭配 。。。穿 ol 的短裙配  Mcqueen 那么 dramatic 的 鞋子  就和  暴发户 提 hermes 是一个 道理 ,完全 就是不同调的 东西却 硬要凑在一起 !! 完全市井小民的 品味 !!! 

    • 其实她穿得还好,一般路人,可是她越表明她从parson毕业,还有那双鞋子,越显得出她fashion sense越低。。。那双鞋,不是每一个人都能撑的起的

  29. omg I can’t take this anymore. Xiao S didn’t even go to university, so who is she to judge and what does she actually know???? She can’t even speak English. I’m a graduate of Imperial College London and I cannot believe the hosts havent even heard of it. We’ve been one of the top universities in the world for over 100 years. ARGH can’t stand ignorant people

    • I get what you are saying, but I don’t think it’s true to say she cannot speak English.  She may not be well spoken or know the language well enough, but at least, I don’t think there will be any big problem for her to communicate in general in English.  
      It doesn’t mean one is ignorant if one doesn’t know everything.  Furthermore, you don’t have to be successful in life even if one doesn’t attend university.  With that said, it is still good to learn and educate yourself as much as possible.  

    • 不单单是小S没听说过这个学校,现场的康永和来宾也表示没有所闻,相信还有一部分的群众也是第一次听到这个学校的名字吧(不好意思,也包括我)因为毕竟没有接触到这个领域,难免会有点无知。你又何必生气呢,正所谓人各有所长。。也许你IQ很高但是也要注意提升自己的EQ哦~~

      • 確實,蔡康永一開始就說他沒聽過。不知道那位fa網友為何這麼憤慨?小S沒有唸過大學,這點其實你應該要拿來佩服她而不是批評她,因為她賺的錢遠遠超過許多碩士生、博士生。印象中她主持一集就拿五萬還是八萬,一周錄五集。廣告代言等則是幾百萬起跳。你自稱是高材生,竟然卻看不出來,從最現實的商業角度來說,小S的投資報酬率有多高。她媽媽生到這女兒真是賺翻了!(大S也是。) 沒有花什麼栽培的錢,卻得到豐碩的成果。同樣的,比爾蓋茲雖然有考上大學但沒畢業,那照你的邏輯,他是不是也沒資格說你什麼?你還是快醒醒吧,現實世界中,投資報酬率高的才是人生勝利組。反觀王俐人,哥倫比亞畢業,出道十年了仍然是B咖或C咖之流。這個報酬率是不是有點低啊。另外,” Xiao S didn’t even go to university, so who is she to judge and what does she actually know???? She can’t even speak English.”這種話,是不會出自有水準的知識份子之口的。奉勸你以後不要一邊講這種話,一邊說自己是ICL畢業的,這樣會讓 ICL蒙羞。

    • American universities are more famous in Taiwan…..

      I want to go to Imperial College London for graduate! It’s such a great school!

    • 我们是校友哦!我的好朋友放假回家,邻居问说在什么学校,她说是imperial,结果邻居一脸木然。然后问另外一个女生在什么学校,她说在birmingham(我没有诋毁birmingham的意思),结果邻居大夸是名牌大学!所以说是这样的啦,你放宽心啦~~~现在流行低调的牛X嘛哈哈哈

    • She didn’t go to university and yet she made the best with what she had.

      Unable to speak English doesn’t make a person ignorant or uneducated; Thinking he is something and he could judge others only because of the university he goes to – that’s ignorance.

    • Just because a person doesnt speak English and doesnt know ONE famous school of the NUMEROUS schools out there in the world dont make him/her “ignorant.” At all.
      Going to a prestigious school didn’t buy you class. 

    • 學校不夠有名就不要怪人家不知道. 可惜你不是劍橋畢業生, 所以你也不用在這一邊看著中文電視節目一邊打著英文來發牢騷. 

      • u r a fucking idiot with giant vagina to be filled by a boeing 747 and don’t forget ur mother was a public hooker loving to stand by the street and nowadays she already becomes a slutty bitchy whore fucked by u and ur brother because ur father has the ED problem…that’s ur family…what a shame!

        • 如果你就事論事我還會花點時間教教你如何做人。從你言語不難看出你這種人品連動物都不如的畜生實在是沒救。網路上滿口髒話的確很幼稚,但是符合你心智年齡。多看點書吧小朋友。波音747?甚麼年代了還有人拿它來比喻?真的是傻B

          • btw since u mentioned this…ICL is a stunning college..and several other universities that u dont know r also excellent universities…u r not qualified to go to these unis and u dont know everything..i can forgive u my dear but pls pls shut the f88k up

    • Oh please, not knowing every single good colleges in the world doesn’t make you ignorant. I’m sure there’s probably a couple of nice institutions on that list you haven’t heard of before. If you do know every single college on that top 100 list, good for you, I’m sure that little piece of knowledge will get you far in life…

      • Some of Imperial’s most well-known alumni include:Abdus Salam (physicist) (Nobel Prize winner)T. H. Huxley (biologist)Sir Alexander Fleming (pharmacologist) (Nobel Prize winner)Harold Hopkins (optics pioneer)Rajiv Gandhi (Indian Prime Minister) (did not graduate)H. G. Wells (author)Nicholas Tombazis (Ferrari’s Chief Designer)Brian May (Queen’s guitarist)Alfred North Whitehead (mathematician and philosopher), Chief Professor 1923–1924

  30. I really love this topic, where they talk about the top universities they studied/experiences they had gone through/their achievements etc. Listening to 夏克立 and 曲老師 talk is such a joyful thing, haha. Hope they will include Janet Hsieh (and Alex+Yong Xian) in this kind of topic one day~ 😛

  31. McGill 虽然在加拿大是上等的学校但其实这个排名不准,我是上几年在加拿大排名都超过 McGill 的皇后大学 (就是 Linda 的学校)我们好像在那个排名才 80 多名

  32. Imperial College London 的有名校友是Sir Alexander Fleming, 亞歷山大·佛萊明.  研發了 盘尼西林,Penicillin

  33. 感覺王俐仁今天很刻意在秀她的英文和她的能力
    平常上節目反而比較自然 今天就很想證明她自己

  34. 為什麼要這樣問陳漢典這些問題
    有必要這樣嗎? 什麼知不知道劍橋大學 什麼麻省是個州
    如果是節目效果就算了 如果不是 很莫名其妙的看不起人==

    • 再过几期康熙做美鞋的单元又会有她。。。大S即将代班的那一集。。其实她只要不说话的时候还蛮可爱的~~

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