康熙來了 2011-12-26 大S代班 整型後那段最難熬的日子

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163 thoughts on “康熙來了 2011-12-26 大S代班 整型後那段最難熬的日子

  1. It’s fine that they do plastic surgery.  It’s their job to look pretty.  However, not doing all the research before committing to it is just outrageously stupid!  How can you just walk into a hospital in a FOREIGN COUNTRY, not knowing the language, not able to fully communicate with the doctor, and do such a big operation ON THE SPOT?!!!   My god, these people really don’t think their lives worth anything, do they?! 

  2. I like the male doc, he looked good for his age, kinda natural, if he did something, I can’t see it directly.  I also like his attitude and the way he explained things. 🙂

  3. I can’t say if Barbie did anything to her face, I think I read she had whitening injections … anyway, basically, I think she looked similar to her youth, just that she is older now, with make up and styling, overall, I don’t see a big chance.

    • Think she may have done something to her chin? Her face used to be much rounder right, but the rest is probably make up as you say…

  4. 大S這女人也太假了
    每次還能大言不慚的說自己沒整型!! 最好是真的天生麗質啦!!
    誇張的是蔡康永說他巴掌臉, 拜託!!!如果她的大餅臉都能變成巴掌臉, 那當我們是白癡ㄚ
    看她節目裡一副事不干己的裝恐怖難接受的聽其他藝人的整型經歷, 真是受夠她!!!

    也不想想自己又動了哪些手腳, 怎敢如此囂張??
    而大S我每見她一次就換張臉, 說沒整??????

      • 其實我不討厭他們, 甚至還算喜歡他們的.
        就是針對整型這檔事, 她倆姊妹既然敢做不敢當店店就好, 不要老是大鳴大放自己天生麗質且愛咄咄逼人的把人逼上牆角, 有時我看康熙時真的替那些女藝人感到尷尬難堪, 逼問人整型這檔事說是節目效果嗎也不是ㄚ, 單純就是感覺小S喜歡跟來賓較勁較美麗, 而來賓個個只能處於挨打接招的份, 我心想為什麼就沒個人敢回嗆小S的那對假胸部….., 是很不喜歡她有嘴說別人沒嘴說自己.

        • 妳有證據嗎?= = 我是不知道她們到底有沒有整型 只是如果沒證據還說得這麼篤定也不好吧..

          • 這檔事是常識知識經驗得來的合理懷疑 ( 我自己本身也有做微整型ㄚ ) , 就如同小S常在節目上逼供人, 啥時想到證據?  需要證據嗎? 

            話說回來重點不在他們有沒有整型, 也不在於他們認不認, 我所強調的是他兩姊妹對整型這這事的態度及處理讓我看了討厭與不欣賞, 撇除這點, 目前我還算是喜歡他們的好嗎, 這樣有懂嗎?

          • 我想你誤會了,我並沒有反駁你覺得他們咄咄逼人的這個說法,也沒有覺得妳不喜歡她們。我的重點是放在妳很”篤定”的說她們有整型這件事,既然這是個人經驗的理解,那就這樣吧,我並不了解微整型。: P

  5. Dee have her own style of hosting .. she is sharp tongue and likes to push people’s buttons .. whereas Barbie have a more intelligent way of asking without offending the guests.

    • so what’s your logic to your argument? i like her “pushing people’s buttons” –  u got a problem with that? that’s why i watch this show regularly. i wonder which planet you’re from to think calling someone a kid is childish and rude.
      btw i would like to intentionally x10 DISLIKE your comments. *rolling eyes* 

  6. 斯容做了那麼多努力…可是不得不說:她跟金泰熙比起來還是差得很遠啊! 不知道她到底是因為術前諮詢沒有好好做所以整失敗,還是她真的覺得這樣很美…那我想她真的誤解美的定義了..我個人是覺得五官整體都要協調才會美…並不是要拼命把每個部位按照世俗的審美標準整到極致..至少我還覺得斯容整形前的鼻子比較好看咧

  7. I think it is undeniable to say that plastic surgery can make some people look prettier, however, when I looked across artists, I found that people have less distinct features now, they all have beautiful foreheads, attractive eyes, high up noses, very 3D look, where is the uniqueness of individuals go?

    • 同样的小S整的没比她姐少,但每次节目上说来宾整容时也镇定无比。康永哥的打针拉皮的经念也一定丰富。

  8. 整型沒什麼不好
    如果經濟能力許可 又有時間修養的話


    • 美醜當然重要.
      所以, 這些女星花錢吃苦整形後, 以另外一種方式繼續醜陋, 或是比以前更醜陋, 才是讓人咋舌批評之處.

    • 看她以前的照片, 恐怖之處其實是她的黑眼珠太小了. 她變得沒以前恐怖, 功勞其實在美朣放大片, 跟臉部整形無關.

  9. 左安安到底是誰啊?! 他真的很吵ㄟ!!!!!!!!! 微整形自己打了什麼都不知道 一直說拉提 拉提 拉提 到底來幹嘛阿!!!

  10. Obviously all of them did not make an informed decision before going under the knife. Look the shock on her face, when she was told of the “life expectancy” of breast implant and the other who was bent on getting her fix without even knowing the risks of the surgery n the credibility of the surgeon. Their ignorance is all it takes from perfect beauty to a total wreck. Make no mistake, I’m all for cosmetic surgery, but these people are simply riding on dumb luck. Pure stupidity lies underneath those facade

    • Has she done plastic surgery? cos even if she did i would expect her to look better but i feel there’s nothing done as she looks very plain to me. Why are there so many people are saying that she’s beautiful or gorgeous when she isn’t with addition to the hideous clothes on her in this program. i personally prefer her younger sis hosting this show as she is so much more natural, interesting, funny, lively and daring with her interactions with guests.

      • Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder … it doesn’t necessary be on the surface, it could mean personality and so on.  We like certain people for various reasons. Anyway, I like and adore both S sisters.  Personally, Barbie is my fave.  Both sisters have their own personalities and different kind of intelligence.

  11. 美麗源自于自信,去整形就代表對自己的不自信(最起碼認為外貌有瑕疵),所以去整形的人最終仍舊困於“不斷整形”中永遠“美麗”不起來!

  12. 我明白也接受 女生為變漂亮去整形。

  13. 太可怕了    沒有一個看起來正常
    還是自然最漂亮 , 我媽媽五十歲了我覺得她比裡面所有的女生都漂亮

    • 流星花园(99年/2000年拍的?)有一个拱鼻子的动作,现在的鼻子和那时的完全一样,所以不认为她鼻子有动过。倒是她妹妹的鼻子与那时的有差别,前段时间鼻子歪得厉害

  14. 好可怕,不要摧残自己了。好好的运动和注意饮食,然后你的自信心其实提高的更快,比你整形都快。必要就请健身教练和营养师,花的钱都好像比整形值得。

  15. none of these women are even considered “ugly” to begin with. once they’re hooked with cosmetic surgery there’s just no end to this. 

  16. 做微整就好了,不要做手術…反正根本就沒有永久這回事

    • 微整被定义为保养还是整容是关键,R100%艺人都做微整,在他们的定位里微整不是整容。在美国看过一节目,拍路人路过美容院看到有discount即兴打两针的都有,可见打针微调保养的也越来越普遍。以前被定位为整容的纹眉整牙拉皮等在非演艺圈慢慢被接受为非整容。

  17. 女人 为了爱美去动刀整容 是要有多大的勇气啊! 个人认为AngelaBaby是整容最成功的例子,她现在好美,就像从漫画里走出的少女!但是为什么她要口口声声否认整容前拍的照片不是她。。是当观众们瞎了吗!?

    • 她并沒有整容. 你有看過她小時候的照片嗎 是很美的. 而且什麼網上流傳的照片也不一定是她. 況且她弟弟跟她很像, 難道她弟弟也有去整哦? 打BOTOX跟整容是兩回事. 不可否認BABY當然也有打過. 純屬個人意見:)

      • 不是, Angelababy 是有整形的. 我見過baby本人, 覺得很自然, 本來也不相信她是有整形的, 只覺得她是有1/4德國血統, 所以才這麼漂亮. 後來是因為我妹在整形診所做, 而她認識一個醫生以前就有經手baby的手術; 再加上後來香港和大陸有一些新冒起的靚模, 跟baby長得都是同一個模子,  我妹說因為她們都是找同一個醫生; 那.. 我就不得不相信baby不是全天然的了.

      • 補充: 當然Baby未整前, 長得也不差, 所以Baby不是改頭換臉的那種整形, 所以跟弟弟長得依然很像並不奇怪.  我妹有講她整過那裡那裡, 但因為我自己對整形沒有興趣, 所以不完全記得了, 只確實記得她的嘴巴是剪的, 所以形狀這麼完美 ( 記得這個是因為剪嘴巴聽起來太可怕了 +_< )
        我自己覺得, baby本來應該是天生麗質的, 但不到完美, 經過一點調整, 就變成現在完美的五官輪廓.

  18. 這一集我沒辦法看完…


    • 那谁来主持?小s?康永哥?这两位打针不比大s少!!!就像大炳说的:“小s整牙整到胸部都变大了”,演艺圈里能找到没做过微整的艺人麼?

    • 估計暫時fix不了….貌似那是原來錄制那位沒錄到…說會等重播時補錄 …. 而好像等黑亮有上傳後,糖果mm也會再上傳的….

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