康熙來了 2012-07-23 路嘉怡的完美浪漫婚禮

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62 thoughts on “康熙來了 2012-07-23 路嘉怡的完美浪漫婚禮

  1. 之前陳慧琳生小孩,還夾了其他的媽媽做訪問? 而且訪談時間很短!!
    難度Kelly 不是巨星嗎? 她比Kelly 更大牌??
    為什麼她就可以做專訪? 難怪”康熙”越來越難看….

    • No no.. 通常如果是夾雜大名星像kelly那樣,又不是專訪的話,是因為臨時大名星突然來台,停留時間又不長的關係,才會那樣子安插上節目,專訪都是事先安排的!

    • 其實也不是不為他們感到開心, 而是像湯宗霖自己所說, 這是他們自家的事情, 放上檯面當一整集節目內容好像也有點怪怪的, 再加上他們也不是大咖到大眾會對他們的私生活感到興趣, 所以才會這樣吧….

  2. 1. 我一直以為路嘉欣是姐姐….
    2. part 1 撐了幾分鐘撐不下去了, 直接看預告, 短短的預告都快比這集好看!!!
    3. seriously, who cares about her marriage?

    • true to 1., true to 3., but i dont agree so much to part 2, i think this was a really cute episode, kangxi is popular in loads of places outside of taiwan but you have to remember taiwan is still their home base, their environment, and i think its really charming whenever they pull it into focus their work space, the people they meet and talk to and talk about, that are not really shown so much on screen but are a big and vibrant part of taiwanese celebrity life, it feels like part of the whole qing qie, friendly etcetc thats such an awesome part of taiwanese culture by giving an insight into their real life interests and friends,

      plus xiao s is really getting her groove back finally(she always has this weird lull of bad hostness after her births, thank god this one only lasted a few weeks) and i think the episodes are getting better and better back to the times when she could make ANY BLOODY TOPIC interesting and would introduce the most jaded viewers, i.e. me, to movies and music and a million other aspects of taiwanese entertainment that i would otherwise NEVER seek out or pay attention to if she didnt manage to make the interviews so interesting

      • maybe, but at least I stayed for a few minutes, some others even skipped through the whole episode…and yea, fun to know celebrities’ private life, but just not them! Look at the other comments, I’m not the only one to say this. You should understand.

  3. 雖然說內舉不避親, 但太超過, 就變成公器私用了
    太密集的利用康熙宣傳自己人, 反而會惹起觀眾的反感吧

  4. B2是想準備把整個金星搬到康熙嗎?先是安心亞,現在是國光幫幫忙的製作人湯宗霖和路嘉怡,反正誰都可以做專訪=.=

  5. 没有看的冲动 留言闪人  顺便说一句康熙收视率已经下跌严重了  是时候考虑换制作人了!

  6. 湯宗霖不講話跟講話給人的印象差很多欸。不講話感覺很粗人
    == 很閃的couple  希望他倆是演藝圈少數的人前人外都恩愛的一對!(小S ending時起哄兩人擺婚紗姿勢時,有一刻有很真心為她倆感動的表情) 

  7. 路小姐既不是大明星也不是偶像,需要為此做一集嗎? 一直覺得路小姐和Gigi說話聲音很像。

  8. 婚姻是两个人的事情…虽然也希望得到大家的祝福…但低调点总不是坏事…见光死的悲剧太多了…

  9. 這集讓我想起許進良和小禎那一集….唉…是我太悲觀嗎…
    但是還是祝福他們, 希望他們是會一直走下去的一對

    • 許進良 XDDD 姓打錯了 是李啦  我還許信良咧。
      李進良講話「聽起來」很誠懇、聲線也滿令人著迷。不過他的眼神…有種很難令人信任的感覺…尤其李進良反應真的太快了,每次看他上節目 回話眼神有在飄,就很懷疑他到底是在說謊還是說實話。。。
      感覺上李進良跟湯宗霖是不同個性的人。當然…一切都可能是假的  還是看看就算了吧

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