康熙來了 2012-08-14 我才是真正的舞蹈名師!!

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216 thoughts on “康熙來了 2012-08-14 我才是真正的舞蹈名師!!

  1. By2….the girls are good dancer and singers….but i could always seeing that when they are on the show,they are extremely eager to talk or his could said compete with each other,if they said they are really in good relationship,i cannot see on the shows as an audience.

  2. 周杰伦身边净是些哈巴狗,把他当皇帝一样拜。 哎哎,把自己围绕在哈巴狗堆里,又老是钓不满双十的少女,周杰伦的人格,看来真好不到哪儿去。

  3. 班杰真的很适合去当偶像剧的男主角。长得算帅,有肌肉,而且是真壮的,不像那些奶油小生,空有一身肌肉,公主抱个皮包骨的女明星都吃力的半死,还要在那边硬撑,哎哟, 真是没眼看!

  4. I don’t understand.  It’s a good chance for 小麥 to showcase his talent without Jay Chou.  Why use Jay’s song?  And I agree with the other comments, the choreography is horrible. 

  5. 小麥的舞有點物化女性

  6. Can we not be so judgemental everyone? The people around us are not perfect, people do things that annoy disappoint and anger. In this mortal life it will always be that way. Nevertheless, we must let go of our grievances. Part of the purpose of mortality is to learn how to let go of such things. If God forgives us for our trespasses, then we really have no right but to do the same for others, we might sin differently than others. Even thou we are not perfect but still God love us. “We must recognize that we are all imperfect—that we are beggars before God. Haven’t we all, at one time or another, meekly approached the mercy seat and pleaded for grace?”. We have all made a mistake and been forgiven. The blessings and good feelings from not gossiping and judging others are amazing. ‘Stop it!’ 

  7. by 2的。。现在整容都一个样,而且那个yumi大小眼好严重啊。。。割双眼皮应该调整一下嘛。。。。

    • 应该是现在台湾女艺人的妆都一模一样,知不知道就算是真的双眼皮,也会有大小眼的时候?只会在网上放屁,净说些邪恶的话,丑陋的人!

  8. 小麥的舞超無聊 对自己的舞也完全不知所云 脑袋里都在想什么啊! 别的dancer老师感觉敬业太多了。。

  9. 我覺得不應該在劉真這組上片尾字幕,班傑最後那邊很精彩,卻被字擋住,要擋也應該擋小麥那組

  10. 媽的整集都在廢話,一集硬要做成兩集,

    • 真的, 刚开始看的时候还想没写 “上”, 那今天终于可以看过瘾了. 结果等到了第四节连第二组都还没开始跳就觉得不对了…既然分两部分就跟以前一样写”上” 和 “下” 嘛…:/

  11. 天啊劉真跳舞真是美¨把班傑教出不同的感覺;不再是硬梆梆不解風情.両人搭配,可看出不只是跳舞而已.

  12. 魏曼太可惜配到小麥這個只衝著周董專屬舞導老師的頭銜想把舞編滿一點都不行 反而她還比較有創意跟想法 她又不是周杰倫舞導需要敷掩過去!! 沒有周的光環小麥也混不出個屁來 在其他都是實力派老師眼裡我看根本不是個咖

  13. flexible會被小s 翻成 “有彈性”


      • flexible does not mean 有彈性 in THIS case, why would you say a person 有彈性? that doesn’t make sense.

        obviously when Benji or any English speaker says “that person is flexible”, they are saying they can bend easily or 柔軟, not that they are 有彈性… =.=

        • 其實在台灣也是會聽到有人說”身體很有彈性”啦, 當然指的並不是像Luffy一樣可以拉長的身體, 最常聽到就是跳芭蕾舞或做瑜珈時的那種伸展性~ 

        • 翻譯﹕「在這情況下不是有彈性﹐因為班杰或說英文的人要是說一個人很flexible﹐

        • 小S說的我們都聽得懂,Benji再補充是柔軟也沒怎樣,根本就沒什麼大不了的事,不就是個台灣談話性節目嗎? 還English speakers咧...

  14. seriously B2 this thing does not need to have two episodes it’s too draggy cut out the part where they are practising.

    • seriously, what’s the point of spoiling the dance moves, we want to be surprised
      and they even re-visited the first dance too… so draggy

  15. 康永哥跟大牙說 “大牙拜拜” 是爆點~ 哈哈~

    不過, 抽到跟張勝豐老師是好事, 可以學到很多東西

  16. 可惜殭屍護士聽起來很不錯。。魏蔓跳起來一定超好看

  17. 剛看完娛百過來,突然發現這邊的主持人說話好慢,哈哈哈

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