大學生了沒 2011-09-06 大學生的愛情規則

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Tipster Rednimer

31 thoughts on “大學生了沒 2011-09-06 大學生的愛情規則

  1. it may seem like these girls are fighting for freedom of some sort, but in reality they are preventing themselves and fellow women to be treated with respect. our women forebearers didnt go through all the revolutions so that women nowadays can be scr*wed around even more easily than before.

  2. 我覺得一切關鍵在年紀!!! 32歲之前交往都很難有結果, 所以我覺得這樣在那之前真無所謂啦~ 開心就好

  3. actually if one plays around so much, it’s not only playing with other’s hearts but also your own. eventually when he/she meet the right one, they end up having difficulty to trust because they’re afraid the other party might be a player too.

  4. 一但女人自己開始不守婦道,那就別怪男人視妳為低賤的玩物。這已經不是”我喜歡有什麼不可以”,而是種無法無天的野蠻行為。 試想這跟遠古山頂洞人那種無婚姻、無社會秩序的世代有何差別? 怪不得台灣生育率已成全亞洲最低,因為誰想娶這些女人為妻,更何況為人之母?  亂了、亂了…

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