大學生了沒 2012-11-09 大學生出國當台勞嘛?!

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Tipster Rednimer

19 thoughts on “大學生了沒 2012-11-09 大學生出國當台勞嘛?!

  1. 黄蓝白有点歧视马来西亚和越南人! 不是每个马来西亚或越南人都那么不好… 可能是他运气比较不好而已…

  2. 怎麼看完了之後,還是讓人覺得某些學生並沒有學到所謂的”國際觀”?


  3. 没经验,语言不行,当然只能做基本工作。英文不够好,没有地方会给前线的职位。要好的就去採苹果,打理农场。重点还是多跟当地人沟通,自然英文就练的起来。我找到的工作在饭店,一个月薪水2500美金。

  4. i dont get what theyre complaining about. they have no experience, they cant speak english properly, how can they expect to be paid what normal aussies get? they wouldn’t be employed in the professional field so $10 an hour isn’t really cheap labour for what theyre doing. 
    they should be looking forward to the experience …

    • But to be honest, $10/he is extremely cheap. I’m an Aussie-living Taiwanese, and believe me, all those $10 wages are mostly from cheap labouring restaurant. I was at that stage before back in high school, but then, as a high school student myself wouldn’t mind as I don’t spend a lot nor do not know where to spend to. When graduated and moving to uni or tafe, I believedthe wages should be risen. According to the Australia government, the actual correct wages for a person (also depending on ages either minors or adult), I guess! It is $15+ for an adult. Even working at rural farms have much higher pay than $10/hr that sometimes may include the goods of their collection.

  5. 没有工作签证或者绿卡的话,打工都是非法的,大部分就只能去中餐馆什么的打一些黑工。也学不到什么语言阿,因为在餐厅需要什么语言吗?洗碗打扫而已。 要找到报税的正式工可不容易,留学生都很难找到能申请h-1 visa的工作了

    • if you are willing to talk more to the locals, you can pick up language. if you just keep to your self, definately you cant learn anything.

      • Exactly! So why don’t you go and learn some proper English yourself? Your sentences are full of spelling and grammatical errors!

  6. 去其他國家做勞力工作 這樣就是勞工阿… 除非多半時間是真的在玩 作工時間可能一個星期一兩天而已 才勉強說得上是體驗生活吧 勞工不偷不搶 付出自己的勞力 實在不懂為什麼這名稱在台灣會臭成這樣 ˊ_ˋ  

  7. 什麼叫更國際化,去外國屠肉廠,去采水果什麼的叫國際化? 所謂的體驗生活根本就是找苦力吧。說得多麼的冠冕堂皇。

  8. 臺灣出國打工賺錢,為什麼不是臺勞?一樣洗碗,貫上體驗生活的名號,就比菲律賓人到臺灣打工高尚嗎?改叫代辦中心,就不是人力仲介嗎?笑死人

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