我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2010-01-11 第二屆 新生徵選會

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Tipster Rednimer

172 thoughts on “我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2010-01-11 第二屆 新生徵選會

  1. [YT] naw, it’s good to have new people, it makes the show more exciting and fresh. but it just doesn’t make sense that the first group of rookies haven’t even been on the show and they are already searching for more…..

  2. [YT] naw, it’s good to have new people, it makes the show more exciting and fresh. but it just doesn’t make sense that the first group of rookies haven’t even been on the show and they are already searching for more…..

  3. [YT] 請製作單位提高評選素質好嘛?不然每次看到新生徵選 想說看有沒有好的人選 結果都一次一次失望!!
    這樣還有誰想看新生徵選!?倒不如 不要選………要選 請認真一點 好嗎!? 進來就是要有長相+才藝 唱歌嘛…至少要有阿杰.小祿.野獸的水準麻 是不是!?

  4. [YT] i hate new people. unless they kick some people out ofc not the “jing ying” s. girls ratio is already more than the boys. i think they should add boys instead of girls.

  5. [YT] they would be even more stupid if they do that….lol

    i mean they did that in 棒棒堂 and the ratings went way down and in the end it killed the show.

    the new bloods to the show is good, but u just can’t replace them all at the same time….

  6. [YT] 努比… its like her face has been photoshop to a moving body.. her face have looked the same for the past 10mins.. tht exact BIG SMILE! =D but she doesnt look happy.. haha too nervous probably

  7. [YT] I hate it when they cue a bubble that says “好聽” on top of 許哲珮 twice already!!
    Geezz…she’s not stupid, she can tell if the girls can sing or not…so stop making her look deaf

  8. [YT] 為什麼都一直找那種看起來清純的美眉啊?而且感覺都超級沒有內涵的 重點是..長得又不漂亮…唉 也完全沒有特色 才藝勒 更不用說了 根本不懂觀眾 = = 又不是每個人都喜歡看帥哥正妹 才藝跑哪去了 唉

  9. [YT] 他”很上鏡” 很有”觀眾緣”??!! mh…. 我覺得最該被淘汰得不是參賽者 而是這群評審才對 上一次 新生沒入選的有幾個比他們好太多 應該找沈玉琳 Kimiko或大目 老師 再加一個星光或超偶的評審 嘿嘿 ….= v =

  10. [YT] 去看康熙來了 許常德老師 評 Ma媽媽 那才叫做評審 最看不起那些不敢得罪人 的評審 如果連難聽都不敢說 還要拐彎抹角 講一堆屁話 當來賓就好了 說他們是評審真得是言過其實

  11. [YT] this is just stupid.

    the first group of people that they selected haven’t even been on the show yet and now they are already doing another draft.

    they r just doing becasue of the ratings probably, which is pretty stupid.

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