我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2010-06-22 汪東城 誰的創意最驚人

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184 thoughts on “我愛黑澀棒棒堂 2010-06-22 汪東城 誰的創意最驚人

  1. [YT] LOVE 阿杰’s composition!!! meaningful lyrics and nice melody!

    if 阿杰 has a friend like weiyu’s friend, who can help in adding in sound effect and audio mixing with the beat, it’s gonna be an awesome song.

  2. [YT] EDD那個應該是小婕,不是丫頭,丫頭有那些embarrassing樣子是因為丫頭跟小婕是好朋友

  3. [YT] EDD那個應該是小婕,不是丫頭,丫頭有那些embarrassing樣子是因為丫頭跟小婕是好朋友

  4. [YT] 鮪魚 讚喔 多方面發展是對的 基會是給準備好的人 鮪魚 唱歌不差 長的又算帥的 舞當然是好 就看哪時候輪到你出頭的機會囉 加油

  5. [YT] EDD 眼神出賣了!




  6. [YT] 我覺得阿杰那首歌也很好…但好像有小許單調…
    說得不好別打我= =純粹個人意見

  7. [YT] being nspired wd sm1 s not new thing guys whos gd?almost artist n the world are looking up to michel jackson,i dont know whos g dragon i knw wei yu better and be thankful fans of gd coz wei yu idolize him,

  8. [YT] The girl of EDD. should be “hei ser hui mei mei”. coz
    1) he say the girl give him the feeling” he never have in his 20 years life time”. meaning
    is a recent affection.
    2) he did not mention, the girl is not inside “hei ser hui mei mei” till in the end. where
    he want everybody to stop asking.
    3) look at his eye ball. it tend to look to the right. then he try to look away to the left. then right again. Eye ball never lie. hi….

  9. [YT] @jelly0602 好”小”婕吧?! 上次那個底迪幫媚媚設計衣服那一集,老大不是說EDD對著她好像怪怪的嗎~ 哈,, 今集又沒有來(EDD說不是坐在上面),,應該丫頭,APPLE也偷笑(是因為好姊妹,所以知道吧?),, 有鬼哦有鬼哦!! Xd”

  10. [YT] @horhoryeah 我也這麼覺得…我還在想是蚊子跟還是丫頭,好像還蠻有心思的,, 拉拉的作品,其實有很多專門美勞用品的商店,一套自己回去DIY超容易,不熟悉可能花比較久的時間,但其實不要花太大心思~~ 蚊子的花了不小心思吧,除了廢物利用,還弄出不同的造形~~而丫頭的貼鑽應該也花了蠻久的時間吧? 衣服更花了不是心思, 否則會把衣服弄壞@@~ [[話太多了~哈

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