康熙來了 2015-08-24 謝依霖代班 康熙愛情診療室 情侶分手最傷人十大毒言

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Tipster Rednimer

13 thoughts on “康熙來了 2015-08-24 謝依霖代班 康熙愛情診療室 情侶分手最傷人十大毒言

  1. 小甜甜這樣我不同情. 因為我相信她的朋友有勸她勸到爛了. 我想她也還是不聽. 有一個朋友也是這個樣子. 已經勸阿講阿罵阿. 甚至跟她說.你這個樣子大家會覺得你只是個破麻而已. 她也是不痛不癢. 但是每次見面她卻又只想講自己很慘的事情. 到最後只是朋友跟她見行見遠. 因為聽也是聽到爛了. 我希望小甜甜可以醒. 給所以類似她的女生一個好的例子或榜樣. 但是說實話, 我覺得很難.

  2. I hope TianTian will be able to love herself more and therefore, wouldn’t be behaving like this, as this behavior scares guys away. Due to her past and childhood, she lack of love, and therefore she is so keen to find love from guys. I hope she will go to a shrink to seek help. I think deep down she is a nice girl.

  3. tl;dr


    fking hell so scratch other ppl car never sue her already very good liao still come kaobeikaobu

    • I am not saying it is right. But I think she had her reasons. She is too desperate for love and seek it at the wrong places and wrong ways.

  4. 老实说 现在还蛮喜欢谢依霖和蔡康永的互动…很像很多年前 小S和蔡康永主持时相互调笑的氛围…

  5. 小甜甜講的那個男的那麼明確,加上這種單方面指控,實在是不適當的行為。而苦苓不知全貌就在旁附和,說甚麼爛男人,也是把以前兩性專家的老套拿來用。若依照這種標準,恐怕”爛男人”還不足以形容以前的苦苓。

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