大學生了沒 2013-07-22 小心! 你已經生病啦!! 現代人的文明病症候群?

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Tipster Rednimer

13 thoughts on “大學生了沒 2013-07-22 小心! 你已經生病啦!! 現代人的文明病症候群?

    • 查過她的學經歷(營養學學士和生理學碩士)根本和這種較偏向於心理學的主題無關,而且有些言論和測驗都是一些毫無根據或錯誤的知識,就像網路上流傳的心理測驗的東西,很容易誤導別人。像是很基本的心理學知識她都講錯,史金納(Skinner)博士是研究操作制約的行為主義學派心理學家,跟提出變色龍效應的學者根本是不同人,研究領域上也毫無關聯。請製作單位要發專家前請查明他們的背景,以及其所學是否和這集談論的主題有關,以免誤導大眾。(像這集應該找個真正本科系出身的心理學者來談,我相信絕對不難找。)

    • Ruby admitted to getting lots of injections and minor plastic surgery but the other girl…I don’t think so. Face looks a little stiff, but it could just be the way her face is.

  1. I seriously don’t understand the habit of taking a picture of your food before you eat it every time. Like maybe once in a while is fine, but all the time? I’m sorry but no one cares what you had for lunch. Well I guess maybe in Taiwanese culture they care…?

    • In Asian culture, the most common way of hanging out is eating, whether it’s brunch, lunch, tea time, or dinner. The habit is similar to Americans taking landscapes and scenery (lake, beach, mountain, city view) since Americans on average usually hang out to do an activity of some sort. In my opinion, that’s why they take food pictures (food porn…).

      • True. It started with Asians doing it but now I see a ton of non-Asians taking food pics too. The whole flur of food pics has really helped boost some social media, too (Yelp namely).

    • So what picture do you take?
      I’m sorry but no one cares how you look
      I’m sorry but no one cares where you went

      Why do we have to care about what other people think?
      If taking picture of my own food makes me happy, why not?

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