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can someone tell me wats the song called? the one dat the bboy was dancing.
the bboy guy is the only one worth staying imo… at least he can dance really well.. others were just boring lol
收視率不好吧 大學生了沒越做越空洞了 男生沒幾個帥的 說好聽是諧星 但看他們的表現效果也沒比那些面試失敗的好多少 女生漂亮有 但不好笑不會接話阿 跟主持人互動不多 也不會互相調侃 才藝也別提了 以前那種像一個班 互動自然好笑的感覺不再 如主持人所說 可以預見 不久的將來 被中天用大陸節目蓋掉
荒妙大師難得不好笑 哈
tomororw bii!!!!
that bboy stole my heart with those moves
離開台灣五年了 今年要回去 。。。有點害怕,會不會到處都是侖倫小公主
那你快走吧! 走了不要又說想念台灣想回來哦。因為你這種人去哪都會又怨言
why would you say that? I’m Taiwanese but I’ve been living in America since I was born and I love Taiwan a lot. I wish I could live there some day. Yeah it might have it’s downsides like how the politics is shitty, it’s not the most technologically advanced country or economically it’s not the best; but it’s unique in its one way. It’s so beautiful, the food is great and the people are awesome. I haven’t been back for 10 years or so but I still care about the country a lot. You should learn to appreciate your country instead of always complaining about it. Despite its flaws it’s a beautiful place and compared to many other places it’s truly a great country man. Also, I know whats been going on right now really sucks, but that’s the process of improving. Without the ugly past how do you get a beautiful future?