32 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-08-02 粉絲同樂會 鍾欣桐

  1. 聽她唱歌真的是浪費時間,

  2. 阿gill 現場真的有夠嚇人的 她這幾年到底都干什麼了 就一直”干” 嗎????!! 一點進步都沒有 -.-””’

    • 嗓子是天生的,唱功是后天的!
      都有十年实践经验的歌手 嗓子也不是天生的好
      仅可以在唱功下功夫 现场唱功不足还在原地踏步
      已经验证Twins在唱歌上没有天分 Twins都红粉丝应该都不在乎她们的唱功
      只是不理解这样的实力 还可以持续获得奖项

  3. i guess whoever wants to go back to taiwan to become a singer they can since they pick randomly suckiest ass people.

    • Sorry to say that she is not new! She is from Twins. Twins have debuted for so long! This is just her 1st solo Chinese album 🙂

      • so whenever ppl try their best to sing you are obliged to say sth nice instead of real critics, even though from deep inside your heart you know they suck so much? wake up gurl

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