康熙來了 2014-07-18 懷孕才是搶錢的大好時機?!

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30 thoughts on “康熙來了 2014-07-18 懷孕才是搶錢的大好時機?!

  1. the title of the program is different with the content. The title is about how to earn more money during pregnancy! instead of talking the symptom and their boring stories!

  2. Congratulations to 康熙來了& its production team, as they have finally getting rid of 陳漢典!! They deserved a huge congratulatory celebration for this huge accomplishment. Again, congratulations team!!!!

    • 因為大陸那邊自新領導上場後更加強了言論新聞自由的管制,所以以前這裡每天都滿滿是一些繁簡體字就一些政治觀點的互駡巳不見了.大陸人都被自己的政府滅聲了.

      • Actually, it is because your mom decided to stop sucking dicks for crack, but she’ll go back to her old habits soon.

          • 為何 your mom doesn’t stop sucking dicks for a living? 為何 you don’t top being an a-hole? These are questions nobody can’t answer.

          • 干嘛 your mom doesn’t stop sucking dicks for a living? 干嘛 you don’t top being an a-hole? These are questions nobody can’t answer. But you know, in the former case your dad sure tried by giving her all the dicks she needs. The problem is she needs about 100 dicks a day. Wow, your mom really is a whore…

  3. 也不過就是懷個孕, 還上了幾個節目大談孕事, 各位看得不煩嗎? 先從戀愛, 再求婚. 辦喜宴, 再來是懷孕, 這一連串下來三四十次談話節目好上, 大家慢慢看吧

  4. “今年开始就不避孕,打算6-7月办好婚礼后度蜜月,怀蜜月宝宝,结果没想到啊~宝宝先来?” …神逻辑!钟欣怡大概不知道不避孕的任何一次都有怀孕的可能…

    • 你不知道很多人不避孕,都要等上好几年後才能怀孕嗎? 不是每一个人都像她,那麽lucky。

  5. 黃小柔懷孕的事,在女人我最大說過。藍心湄曾叮嚀她,「戲剛開,妳不要給我懷孕哦」,黃小柔還說「怎麼可能」,可是卻也不避孕,結果拍了兩個月之後就懷孕了。那部戲好像是郭靜純老公拍的,黃小柔上郭靜純的節目時提到這一段,郭靜純說她老公聽到這個消息,也很頭痛,因為戲已經拍了一半,最後只能忍痛做更動了。對於這件事,我覺得黃小柔太不敬業了,給劇組帶來麻煩,而且這樣對小孩也很傷。

    • 這也不能說不敬業吧
      演員是她的工作 難道要工作就不能懷孕嗎?

      • 不是說不能懷孕,只是既然已經先接了工作,懷孕的事可以暫緩。可以避免的事不避免,影響到他人的工作,我覺得就是不敬業了。

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