康熙來了 2015-02-10 最強照騙美女真面目大公開 Part II

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38 thoughts on “康熙來了 2015-02-10 最強照騙美女真面目大公開 Part II

  1. 醜人真可憐,上節目還要被羞辱。社會很現實,某些父母真的不要犯賤了,没那個外貌條件不要造孽害慘自己小孩。

      • Why? Just because I’m the only one who speaks the truth? Stop using English on a Chinese site, do you think I can’t speak your language? We don’t need Singaporean or whatever trolls. Your mother must be proud of you, go back to her. You sad little t***.

        • No one cares anything about you. We can use any languages we want, dimwit. Take your advice to yourself, never reproduce, ever. Dimwit.

          • If you don’t care, why are you commenting? Go back and watch whatever your country produces. I’m speaking for many people, and I hope you’re beautiful or else I’d feel sorry for your kids.

          • English is our first language, dimwit. Our ethnicity being Chinese doesn’t mean we’re from China.

          • We’re not obliged to subscribe to your views of language nationalism. If you find the use of English here offensive, you need to build a bridge and get over it. Narrow-minded idiot.

          • 那你学英文干嘛!那么歧视英文,又学英文,头脑坏掉?!!

        • You’re fucked up because of your twisted perspective on things. So a human being doesn’t have equal rights just because they don’t meet up to your beauty standards?? I’m sorry but you must either have grown up in a fucked up society or you’re just a screwed up being yourself. And i can tell you for a fact you are and will be a lonely person forever until you change that mentality of yours because im positive no one would want to be associated with the likes of yours. Also, we are free to use whatever language we want to.

          • You need a reality check. This isn’t about my beauty standards, it’s about society’s. I know people who struggle over body and confidence issues, so don’t you lecture me. Get out of your idealistic bubble, this ain’t the Oprah show. FYI, I have a boyfriend and have probably screwed more people than you ever will, you little butt-hurt virgin.

        • What you’ve said is not totally untrue but others can disagree to your beliefs too. This site is using some English and some Caucasians are using Chinese so what’s the problem actually?

        • idioticGuest01, then you better don’t go youtube to watch videos, and you better don’t use Chinese to comment over there, cause it is a English site. you are just very dumb. your reasoning is just as dumb as your personality. rather than saying ugly parents should not give birth to next generation, I think it is much much important that idiotic animals like your parents should not give birth to you, which is a more serious case of idioticlism.
          and you better should not continue to give birth too!!! what is important is, you should knock yourself on the wall to stop this world from having dumb animals.

    • 有才華的醜人一點也不可憐 天才中也有很多外表并不出色 造孽?? 可能只有你的小孩會那樣想喔 ~~

    • I’ve never seen anyone as narrow-minded as you are. Maybe it’s just me, I don’t claim to have a very big social circle, just a typical one.

      I don’t see why anyone should conform to the society’s shallow standards of beauty? 天生我才必有用 So what if anyone is ugly? As long as they are contributing to the society in a positive way, unlike yours tbh, that’s enough.

      I agree, to a very small extent, that having good looks will give a person an advantage over average joe or plain jane. If that person lacks skills and a positive personality, that person is just hollow and will not go far in life.

      IMO, the entire human population will extinct with that vain mindset of yours. Focusing on the face than the brains. Outer beauty > Inner beauty *roll eyes shake head*

      I pity you.

      P.s. Since many users here understands english, INCLUDING YOU, I don’t see why we can’t use english. Who made the law or set a rule to say that we can’t do that? You? LOL!!!

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