康熙來了 2015-03-13 康熙明星私密訊息獨家曝光

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20 thoughts on “康熙來了 2015-03-13 康熙明星私密訊息獨家曝光

  1. There are about 10 seconds missing in part 3, where kid and the 2 lady guest saw the name on the booklet. Youtube kangxi channel has those few missing seconds.

          • Oh really?!
            Who says so?!
            I have reasonable grounds to assume that you are a female….I think he possess certain charm to let you think that he is good but as a male audience and not just by watching his performance in kangxi(by the way, I have watched him since when he was in circus), I can safely conclude that there are still much room for improvement before he can be a host.
            At most, he can be one now since he has high popularity now but soon he will fall under the pressure since he do not really have the technical skills to be one and will soon fade away form the hosting scene.
            Rather, why not give him some time?
            He is good at playing games and is funny as well from playing the games but that’s it.
            I do not want to say it out directly and blatantly since I believe you have your own preferences and that he does have his charm and many a times a good host has his/her own following to be successful as well. But as I reiterate again, he does not have it to be a good host to host a sustainable program as of now.
            And i also feel that william shen needs some time and adjustments as well to be a fully fledged host but as of now he is slightly ahead of kid.

          • that is true, i never said he would be suitable as a host, rather that the part that his 口才不行. i agree with your last point that william shen is ahead of kid and that is partly because clearly he has had more experience. and yes i am female as can be seen from my id name and i admire how he can keep a show going without dull moments, which I feel is more important in a regular participant of any show. 黄豪平 is good at 口才 and i admire him for that but I just don’t think that we can say someone is not good enough just because he lack certain qualities. surely they have other strengths to make up for it. don’t get me wrong 🙂

    • Kid就擅長外景遊戲.敢玩敢拼.棚內口才不行!!kid跟沈玉琳差那麼多.又不同型…況且沈是奇才.將來也沒有任何人能取代沈

  2. Her face look strange … Frozen sad expression but telling a joke… Have nothing against plastic surgery but overdoing ended up looking strange

  3. 她們宣傳的這部片原本很期待很想看

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