来自星星的事 2014-11-28 烏鴉嘴占卜 許願要還的…不懂感恩的人會慢慢走進悲慘世界?!

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Tipster Rednimer

4 thoughts on “来自星星的事 2014-11-28 烏鴉嘴占卜 許願要還的…不懂感恩的人會慢慢走進悲慘世界?!

  1. 怎麽還會幫助世人追求榮華富貴,永遠擺脫不了凡心而不斷地輪回?沒還願還會報復世人,佛應該不是這樣的吧?

    • Yea these are some bullshit stories. They make it seems like the four face buddha is so petty and vengeful. Sorry I had to type in english, my chinese/mandarin ain’t good. Buddhism are compassionate, forgiving and enlightening. Taiwanese interpretation of buddhism seems extremely different from my understanding of buddhism. I took 3 years of buddhist study in class. I know that certain regions practice buddhism differently.

      • I think it’s because of these 神棍 and 名嘴 that exist everywhere in Taiwan, also it’s quite sad that Taiwan as a highly industrialized country is still so superstitious compared to other industrialized countries 🙁

        People also worship buddha in temples and think if they donate a lot of the money to buddha (i.e. actually to the people owning the temples in Taiwan). That buddha would be pleased and they’d go to 西方極樂世界 when they die. I think if buddha really exists, he’d be much happier if those guys donated the money to the people that actually need it.

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