華人星光大道 2013-02-03 總決賽

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77 thoughts on “華人星光大道 2013-02-03 總決賽

  1. 小胖在第四集時救回了三位起初被淘汱的參賽者。沒錯,其中一位是今天的冠軍欣甫,所以雖然之前一直給他低分,其實還是要感謝小胖的。

  2. 第二屆華星的水準比第一屆的高。表現穩定度更高很多,決賽兩輪基本上沒有人失準。不像上屆決賽有些選手發揮不佳。

  3. Nicole唱的很棒了.. 連林夕評審也說了 其實 Nicole已經是可以出專輯的歌星了.. 而且她的臉很漂亮.. 只要長髮一留 就兩全其美…. XD

  4. 鄭心慈唱歌情感面真的好濃!! 完全彌補她技巧稍嫌不足的地方 情感才是最難的 因為技巧是可以練出來的 但情感只能從心裡唱出來

  5. 以14歲的年紀來說~心慈的確過得比同齡的小孩辛苦,還好上帝是公平的,有給她一副好聲音,讓她有機會站上舞台發光發熱,願心慈的未來可以更平穩順遂!好棒的小女孩!

  6. Every season of xing guang since the start have seen VERY deserving winners go carve out a good career of their own, other than xing guang 2. Xing Guang 1 Yoga is very successful now and was a deserving winner by far. Xing Guang 2 was an upset, Wenying should have won. See now Wenying is much more successful. Xing Guang 3 I know alot of people disagree with Lala being champion because its a singing competition and not song creating competition, Xinyi was clearly better but judges was proven right again because Lala is very successful now.

    Xing Guang 4 and 5 standards are so low, not worth mentioning. Too forgettable. Xing Guang 6 Hu Xia is very popular now and successful, Xing Guang 7 Li Jia Wei is still a newbie so can’t judge.

    Hua Ren Xing Guang 1 xiao guan will be the new cutie pie singer, very confident she will be popular. And now Xinfu! He will surely be very good as a qing ge wang zi. Unless he go down a wrong different route.

    Anyway, where is Yan Yige now? Surprised she haven’t came out an album

  7. Love Gigi! Her command of chinese isn’t that good so she sometimes say the same things, but she definitely got her own point of view different from the other judges and is very fair. Adds alot to the competition.

    Need to get rid of ah xiang though. Absolutely useless the whole season. Need to get people like Chen Zi Hong, Zhang Yu, Xu Chang De in because those are top top judges. Even Jian Ning and Yao Qian also better.

  8. 每一次重聽心慈的Part我都會掉眼淚,應該說是:一個外配小孩的成熟與體恤,及一個外配母親為了成就下一代的犧牲奉獻,感動人心,母親為了她的夢想,全心付出,我想她心裡總是在吶喊:女兒,妳要抓住幸福、妳要通向成功;心慈的內心總是回應:媽媽,總有一天,我要給您,您想要的全世界。謝謝您們母女,您們說出了那個階層透過努力想要翻身的夢想及故事。

  9. 阿不是每次都有一些白目的網民在那邊說這節目內定, 給海外的歌手高分, 人呢?? 他媽的只會在那邊放屁

  10. 看到一群为自己理想而努力的同学们,那么地投入;在他们这一段的人生舞台告一段落,即将迈向下一个开始的那刻,认真而感性地分享着他们的心路历程,真的很感恩。 也感谢制作群的用心,让半年以来的剪接片段,提供了正面的整合,推动着这班同学们在他们的“毕业典礼“上全情投入,真情流露。

  11. I think Nicole picked the wrong songs today.She didn’t show her strength at all. Otherwise she had a great chance of winning. ><
    Anyway time to watch Super Bowl. Go 49ers!! 😀

  12. i feel the score the judges give Nicole’s is a bit low, personally i think she should be around number 2. . But no complain really like 心慈 and 欣甫 as well.

  13. 在这么多女歌手的围剿中林欣甫得到第一不容易啊。他的情歌虽然不错,可是我觉得不如之前的黎谦和孙晓亮

  14. I few all of them have a future in the mandopop industry. Xinfu can be new qing ge wang, Songfeng got her own style to be successful, Xinci is just special and will go a long way. Gu wei is the new Zhang Qing Fang, if she can continue this style she will be very popular. Xuefen can be new taiyu xiao tian hou.

  15. 評審好像不喜歡淞鳳,從比賽初期到現在她都是最穩的,分數都很基本。今天評審給的分數都偏高,可是給她的分數還是她的基本分,她的實力應該是第二名的~

      • 你錯了,我最喜歡欣甫,淞鳳和心慈也喜歡~可是我覺得論技巧唱功颱風大將之風淞鳳都略勝心慈~不過心慈情感表達方面大勝淞鳳

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    • he is clearly the best this season, but that song wasn’t really a 30, he sang much better and harder songs last time and got 21 22 only. its the element of surprise to the judge i think

      • 雖然他第一首歌沒有之前的歌難, 但事他做了一件非常棒又不容易的事情. 兩次副歌, 他是用不同的發聲位置去唱的, 這是女歌男唱, 同常男生只會用某個部位去達到那個音域, 可是他竟然可以在不同發聲位置唱出同樣的power, 音準也還在, 這樣的歌手, 目前線上沒有幾個男歌手伴的到!

      • thought she had won as well. first song was not so good a choice. anyway she deserves to be a singer and have a album. there is future for her certainly

        • I agree~ Lala’s songs are very distinct. Only herself could perform it. Lotta ppl have chosen Ah Mei’s songs and if you have talent and skill, u can make it your own! I really enjoy the 2nd song and I can never forget her 掉了! I can’t wait for her to get signed and come out with an album! Will support support!

    • She could win if the 1st place wasn’t so consistence in his mark/performance. The marks really added up at the end~ But 心慈! OMG. I’ve never cried while listening to a song, not even from professional artists. 心慈’s was the first!

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