愛喲我的媽 2011-11-08 大胸美女全都露 老闆我要兩球冰淇林!

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Tipster Rednimer

36 thoughts on “愛喲我的媽 2011-11-08 大胸美女全都露 老闆我要兩球冰淇林!

  1. I wish they do more shows on weird things like Aliens, and weird creatures instead of so much on Girls …. all the guests and hosts are so disgusting when they are doing this type of show .. but funny.

  2. I agree with you on the first part, just like you shouldn’t judge all Chinese people based on some jerks online.  Who are you to complain anyway, aren’t you just like those other people “from China talking crap about Taiwan”?  Have you ever been to China, are you even Taiwanese?  Don’t act all high and mighty, we all know you’re just one of those “douchebags” hiding behind your monitor.  YOU should grow some fucking balls and get a life, quote on quote.

  3. 台灣的後制人員真是懶得誇張, 題目放那裡就一直不再理會, 擋住重點也沒有半點變動, 簡直是懶得出奇

  4. 難怪我以前有朋友跟我說台妹很容易把,逛夜市看上了只要請她吃一串豬血糕就可以帶回飯店狠狠操個夠一整晚,但要忍受一吓她們的土味啦.

  5. 下面的到底有什麼好吵的啊!節目效果而已~~

  6. 台湾狗 假装国际狗 实际上 还是婊子养的 20岁之前的台湾女 都被我们玩 玩完 毕业 回台湾 你们还得当宝供着 可悲可怜可笑的 台湾意淫男人们

  7. 在台灣當女人比大陸的三陪妹還要低賤,一天到晚都是上通告露奶然后現埸一群猥瑣男在評頭品足,在家看電視的小孩爸爸爺爺邊看邊打手槍,台灣呵,長進一點點好嗎?難怪人家會看扁你呵.

  8. 1號got lot of “stuffs” inside….i already saw 2 white dumplings on side…duno y it just fake to me…..doesn’t lok like E…..she is lying

  9. junior part 2 9:00 再講什麼鬼東西,操他媽就是有這種垃圾讓小孩子有錯誤的觀念。平常礙眼滾在攝影棚角落也就..哀..算了..,一時的氣憤。

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