娛樂百分百 2012-07-16 八三夭 曹格 百分百小巨蛋

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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

37 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-07-16 八三夭 曹格 百分百小巨蛋

  1. 感覺新製作人把娛百搞亂了…. 佈景變小之外 節目變得很無聊 很少笑點 
    而且還加一些有的沒的 的單元 -.- 然後dancing king/queen 以後應該也看不到了 -.-

  2. 有小猪,,没有小鬼。。很想念他们一起主持!!好难过。。。不是我不喜欢蝴蝶,,我只是觉得。。。小猪和小鬼是很完整的一对!plissssssss let them together host yubai againnnnnnnn :((

  3. umm 小鬼呢? I prefer when xiao gui 接小猪的话…hu die…一样的梗..all she says are kinda the same things over and over againsorry but as a host..I don’t know :/ she’s just boring to me..

  4. It’s so cool to watch xiao zhu perform songs like that he has an amazing voice. I wonder how he feels watching a lot of people wear his brand. I want one of his shirts so bad I wonder if they are expensive?

  5. 一個才華洋溢的歌手, 原本打算在香港發展, 此終敵不過香港的狗仔隊, 毅然回流台灣, 唉! 香港娛樂界的可悲!

  6. Two episodes in one? I never seen that here before but it was ok this episode was entertaining there was a lot of good music with talented people and fun Xiao Zhu cuts . . . Saludos a mis paisanos Latinos de todo Latino America desde California.

  7. 倡议:1。观看节目后留下建设性留言,针对本期节目内容理性讨论。
    2。如果见到其它无建设性,为攻击而攻击的言论(无论对象是主持人还是网民、来宾、制作人),坚持不回复、不另开留言,只按(—)号collapse thread。今天是最后一次留这个,希望大家今后也能自觉不吵架哦,恢复以前健康清爽的留言板。

  8. 哈哈曹格往下到小猪那里的时候我就开始笑了,曹格也满会普根的吗.他们两个在一起还满好笑的,小猪和曹格加油!:)

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