78 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-07-17 LIVE

  1. 我们要准备好。。看来猪鬼不能再在一起主持娱百了。。我想小猪已经准备离开娱百了,,让后给小鬼当主key。。。

  2. Why is Show on that side? It’s not that I mind it’s just a little strange but I guess I’ll get use to it. As Show is there everything is fine.

  3. Clinique找了瑶瑶彤彤小蛮,又找了lollipop,把那么多如今不同公司的人聚一起,难道活动策划是黑涩会棒棒堂的粉丝吗。。。

  4. 以前,大小S準備交主持棒給小豬鬼時

    最後小S 公開說明,把娛百主持固定班底交給 小豬小鬼。

    那時我與家人有常駐看娛百的時間,約在週六有黑人,Makio 的時期 


    如果要看蝴蝶,看她跟漢典的美食遊玩節目就好了 [坦白講 很難看]


    • 以前的娛百 大小S黑人跟小豬 真的集集經典呀。

      對﹐ 06年的時候小S還未回來的時候﹐豬跟愛莎也很棒﹐ 甚至跟張韶涵那幾集的Live也很好笑的。 但這一年的百分百﹐ 除了遊戲王喚起了豬玩綜藝遊戲的鬥心的這單元外 – 其他的﹐ 真的﹐很失望。    

  5. = =” 什麼都模仿小豬…驚驚也在搞…拜託…又不是每個角色都適合每個人= =”  跟某些電影一樣..續集都被做爛了…

  6. 為什麼我聽到1句小豬對蝴蝶說”有1次我看你們節目LIVE時…(後面的不打了)”

    • 阿不都很多人再說,說很久也說好幾次了嗎?
      小豬是沒離開沒錯啦!! 一星期意思意思來錄個一集阿, 當然沒離開~
      阿如果有人還繼續說是因為他忙怎樣怎樣的, 要知道的是,現在娛百都已經不是每集都LIVE的了! 藉口而已!!

          • 前幾個星期他不在台灣怎麼算?? 
            去年豬也是一樣呀 還不是一樣是所謂的”主KEY”…

      • 百分百什麼時候每集都是LIVE?我看了8年怎麼都沒發現?

        錄影是要時間 通常1星期2天 1天錄3、4集 2天就有6集的存檔
        加上那2天的LIVE 就可以播個2個星期
        小豬這2天都在 都有他在主持
        他真的是很忙 而且都不在台灣 當然沒辦法去錄影也因為小鬼和小豬現在都越來越忙所以才需要蝴蝶來配合

        看了今天這幾你確定小豬不是主KEY嗎?我沒有不喜歡蝴蝶 可是 你真的覺得蝴蝶能當主KEY嗎?

        • 您跟我一樣,看好幾年了




          嗯! 要看蝴蝶主key 看她跟漢典的外景節目就好 爛透了

          別來爛了娛百招牌  假哭不好笑天后

    • 娱百本来就是一星期录两天,主持人一天就录个三四集,所以可以肯定还会有三四集的小猪。。。你不要多想了。。。

  7. I’m so proud of Show he is always part of organizations that help kids . . . He loves helping those in need n is alwars ready to give a helping hand. Few artist that are in a possition to help actually as for Show he even donates a lot of money to different organizations aswell. Love his giving heart.

  8. 不明白為什麽新的製作人硬要改節目
    節目名稱 無聊的”新”單元
    為什麽硬要改呢 連沙發也沒了也太瞎了吧
    說不定真的是内部的改變 因爲新的製作人好像是WTO的
    不過無論如何 就算節目在祝哥的時候收視率不好

  9. 今天的LIVE好多冷场和无语的尴尬喔。。。猪蝶真的比较没有默契。

    • I feel for Hudie.. she is sooo afraid to say ANYTHING.. for fear that people will misjudge her.. so afraid of all the Zhu fans… I wish she could be a little more confident in herself that there are people that like her just the way she is.. to not worry too much about the negative people that only know how to criticize others… People need to understand that she has a certain reputation to protect being a 姐姐..

      • you make me wanna cry,… she got too much pressure.. that changes her. :(( she used to be so confident in herself. i want that happy hudie back.:'(

      • I do think she is under a lot pressure cuz she is the 3rd host n people r still getting use to her n the change in dynamics when she hosts . . . But I do think the pressure comes with the territory n if she is in show viz then what can u do . . xiao zhu n xiao gui also have a lot of pressure of their own in their carriers but like I said is part of the job. Saying she is afraid to say stuff and lacks conffidence cuz she is afraid of what people may say n ruin her reputation as a kids entertainer . . . . Then it really makes me wonder what is she doing hosting a show like this that is known for being mature at times aswell as crazy n unpredictable? But in my opinion she is adapting to the show really well n people r starting to accept her more n more. I don’t think she lacks confinence or is afraid to say stuff it’s just that hosting this show is very different from what she is use to. I really like her I think she is really cute n humble person n as a xiao zhu fan I would like her even more if she would relax more when she is with him. I know people out there think all xiao zhu fans want girls to stay away from him but most of us don’t mind at all as a matter of fact in a survey in Taiwan xiao zhu was voted as the male that fans would still support even if he gets marrie so please don’t put us out to be crazy.

  10. 為什麼站的位置怪怪的。。。。。。小豬不是站右邊(我們看到的左邊)的嗎?而且小豬說得太好了!為什麼沒有沙發?!不習慣啦!!!!!!新監真的是………他x的!想的單元爛也就算了,就連百分百這麼多年來的傳統也要給我毀掉!幹啦!!!(P.S:不過希望大家就算覺得不好看也要把它看完啦!畢竟娛百也這麼多年了,就是因為監制太爛,所以我們更要多看,來挽救這節目!!雖然好像沒有那麼嚴重啦!但萬一真的被”某監制”搞砸了,那要到那看三寶?豬蝶迷,鬼蝶迷,豬鬼迷還有百分百的忠實觀眾要看到他們就只能等他們發片/拍戲了~相信大家也不想這様吧!) 好像講太多了~歹勢啦!不過這是我的心聲!大家一定要繼續看娛百和愛娛百哦!!!!!

  11. 明天终于又有live啦!还以为换新监制就一个礼拜一次live. 难道是小猪投诉?哈哈!快把沙发搬回来给主持人坐啦!

  12. 哟~小猪终于回来了。虽然三位主持人都很努力,但是有小猪在,真的节目会更有看头些~


  13. 听说,今天他们帮小猪办庆生会,这么说的话,就没有小鬼主持啊?害~ 我要娱百三宝啦!:(

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