80 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-09-19 LIVE

  1. This is not the 1st time China did such a thing!… The thing they did to japan… They did this to the Philippines and other countries too… I just wonder, what’s going on with china? Sooo in hurry of getting other countries island… Are you preparing for something?…. hmmmmm…. Bad!
    But I still do believed that not all are immature… It’s just some Chinese are stupid of thinking only them self!. They didn’t think of those Chinese who lives in japan. Putting their people in danger!… Really bad!… Grrrrrrrr

    • err…. so you mean show luo is stupid? because show luo are also chinese den why you want to watch this SHOW pls mind your language !! of saying chinese ..stupid !! is quite straight if anyone who didnt see your msg properly will turn to insult ..!! any i can say there alot of people watching this video !! =)) 

    •  The islands were Chinese since for centuries (since the 14th century to be exact).
      On 14 January 1895 Japan occupied them during the Sino-Japanese war. They also occupied Taiwan and other territories too. So, if those islands are Japanese because they stole them, then Taiwan is Japanese too, right? Let alone the fact that Japan occupied like 1/3rd of China from 1937 to 1945, so by your logic its all Japanese too now right?
      And if Japan thinks territories taken over during war belong to the one who took them over, why are they trying to get the Kuril islands from Russia? Russians took them during a war just like Japan took Senkaku. So whats it gonna be? If Senkaku is Japanese then Kuril is Russian. Japanese say Kuril is Japanese because it was Japanese prior the war, exactly what China is saying about Senkaku. But the Japanese dont agree because they are greedy and double faced people (at least the government is).

  2. for the fishing island issue, why need to link it to this entertainment program?
    ok, fine~you said it belongs to china and ask the japanese to get lost and out from Fishing Island? but who can prove it belongs to china?? fair??? keep shouting and blaming there wont bring you the ownership of the island, please awake lah, trouble makers~
    Use legal way to get the ownership~ Childish and violence unable to bring you any benefits.  I’m neutral to this issue, just cant stand for the someone there keep grab a chance to break the peaceful~

    V^.^V world peace lah friends~

    •  Chinese gov was neutral before Japan’s recent intense series of acts trying to completely take control of the island. If Nippon succeeds, China/Taiwan would lose an abundant of natural resources + control of neighbor sea area, and you cannot predict how bad/danger the consequence would be.

      But I do agree that the conflict has no thing to do with 100% entertainment show.

  3. omg what a great episode . . . i would like to see Jolin and Rainie together with Show wonder with who he would fight more lol.

  4. XiaoZhu and Jolin wear pink together, look so nice! waited so long for Jolin’s new album so she can appear on 100% more often to promote it!!! SO HAPPY!!! 😀

      • 如果要閉上臭嘴巴,那麼該閉的是你的。他最不該的就是取消日本行程。以後有羅叛國的百分百我再也不看了。還虧他的有我在演唱會,我還看在他努力好多年,又是台灣藝人,準時youtube鎖定現場直撥,現在親中背台,噁爛藝人第一名

          • 日本粉絲不會像中國粉絲亂砸東西的。我本來就不是他粉絲,而是願意支持肯努力的藝人,但為了錢叛國就大大不可。

          • 他为了钱!? 小朋友你很可爱eh。。。损失两千万eh。。。叛国的是你吧? 在那边破损了你们国家的人民气质和礼貌

          • 他損失兩千萬就是為了賺你那國家的13億人頭市場。你們那光是一個人花一塊錢,是兩千萬台幣的幾倍自己算一算

        • 真心搞不懂你们这些台湾狗的变态心理——给日本做狗奴做了那么些年,光复后反而对狗奴生涯念念不忘。真心贱真心变态啊。看来你家祖宗是给日本人舔肛舔出快感了,生下你这种贱货。可问题是你祖辈做狗做了这么些年,也没见日本给你个国籍啊?对于你这种不安分的贱种,就不应该提什么人道主义,一个原子弹灭了你们这些贱狗基因了事。

        • 取消行程就叫叛國?

          • 台日不會開打的,台灣沒那個guts,也沒那個實力開戰。若是中日開戰,羅叛國人在那,最後還是得靠台灣的外交部送他回來,雖然日本人也不會對台灣人怎樣

        • 哈!你不是中國人?打咩中文吓你? 唔好話俾我知你係台灣人,中文唔係只有中國人用嗎??咁台灣人點解要用中文??你打英文啦。。笨! 

          •  老實說國籍和語言沒關西

      • 我說了阿,我以後不看他主持阿!這裡有沒有規定只有愛的人才可以回覆,不然你也可以選擇不要看我的留言。

        • 对啊,也没有说不喜欢就可以毁谤吧?!神经病!你吃错药啊?

    • 叛國是嗎?

      首先  丟掉你家電腦   因為裡面絕對有日本出產的零件

    •  不是這樣的吧…




      • 哪一次?? 這集羅志祥戲院那個講過了 蝴蝶馬上告訴羅志祥呀
        她記得就提醒他 還很貼心的小小聲跟他說:P

        •  就有一集



          • 對啦..蝴蝶是有點小糊塗不過記性沒有很差啦!!

          • 第一段不是我打的XD
            我記得那一段 但其實我也覺得很奇怪因為我每一集都有看 但我不覺得小鬼跟蝴蝶講的那些是小豬跟她過的:P我也跟蝴蝶一樣不記得 哈哈我覺得有一些是配合的 像他以前宣傳期一直講有我在的意思蝴蝶應該聽過超多次 從她表情就知道了但她都不會打斷他XDD還有 今天那集(丞琳小巨蛋) 蝴蝶還記得小豬說”胳臂往外彎”那個動作跟0815的LIVE豬做的一樣的XDDD

  5. I’m so proud of Xiao Zhu he is always helping others and doing charity work . . . . he makes a difference in so many peoples lives. Love Him!!! Wish him the best.

  6. Today was a great episode !!!
    My favorite moments:
    Lo Mama was there
    Jolin laughing at the stupid things Show said
    Rainie scaring Show and Will
    Show acting like a cat
    Hudie and Show getting into camara late

  7. Yeahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
    Xiao Zhuuuuu I Love Xiao Zhu!
    HuDieeeeeee I Love HuDie!
    Xiao Guiiiiiiiii I Love Xiao Gui!
    I Love 100 entertainment!!!!!
    Great Episode today!!!!!


  8. I love Show’s hair he looks like he is 15 again with the same hair style from back then . . . But to be honest Show looks good no matter what even if he had no hair. Great episode!!!!

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