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[YT] 认同
[YT] 10:04 hahahahaha!!!!
[YT] 他媽的敗類
[YT] eh zzz, can just sensor that part which has the music?
not the whole thing?
[YT] 蝴蝶is so cute!!hahaha
[YT] i don;t know the 1st music. but the 2nd song is Lady GaGa’s “just dance.”
[YT] ya…wats the song of the part 2 no1 dancing queen?very nice le~
[YT] 你沒有資格批評他們
[YT] sun bi na is so cute!!!
[YT] 誰那麼白木阿 檢舉音訊 吃飽太閒阿
[YT] can someone tell me the song title that kang zhen ting sang? NICE!!
[YT] 1號的歌是什麼阿@@
[YT] ON9仔
[YT] i think it stands for player kill
[YT] 挖 大師 屌
[YT] 最討厭就棒棒糖 拍什麼電影 浪費錢!! 自以為很帥
[YT] yea i know what it means but idk what it actually stands for
vs stands for versus, what’s pk?
[YT] its like VS who and who
[YT] 頂你咩~要等佢授權咁乜都唔洗睇啦~
[YT] 讓我想到竹刀少女了~那個真的很好看很搞笑的動畫
[YT] why is xian ge leaving the entertainment industry in june?
[YT] can someone explain what “PK” stands for?
[YT] Sammi真的好厲害喔
[YT] 我怎么觉得他的意思只是这次来的现场观众比较少?
[YT] F.U WMG! #$%@$^^$
[YT] 噁心的肉棒堂
[YT] WMG is the most pathetic record company! they should make music for the deaf! so it doesnt affect those with hearing capability like us who just need some entertainment on youtube!!!!
[YT] li quan<33333333333333
[YT] wei yu<3333333333333
[YT] haha ah ben<333333333333
[YT] li quan ghahahahahahahahhaha
llove <333333333
[YT] haha, li quan <3
[YT] WEI JU <3 wo00a !<3
[YT] Weei ju , ah ben and li quan<3
[YT] 李金全
[YT] 两个肮脏的东西 shut the fuck up plz
[YT] 真的是大師級的….
[YT] fck youtube, youtube always ruin the videos. _l_
[YT] 同意!! 太大聲了 嚇死人嚕~
[YT] i think the song they used was LOW by FLO RIDA
heard it in the preview section ;]
[YT] buget 的 g 發 j 的音
憲哥說 bugget喔!
[YT] 1號有侯佩岑的味道…
[YT] 一號有侯佩岑的味道…
[YT] fking WMG !!!!!!!! get ur ass to file bankruptcy
[YT] 自從知道憲哥六月份離開演藝圈后,每次看我猜都有種憂傷得感覺!
[YT] 鮪魚帥死人拉
[YT] 果凍套那位的公司
[YT] 鮪魚帥!!!!!
[YT] 6:45 那裡是寫著`比舞大賽”/… 錯了.. 是”比武” 啊.!!!
[YT] … whoa i wanna work for that guy
[YT] haha..aben
[YT] why?
[YT] 憲歌的刺鳥法笑死我…哈哈哈
[YT] 8:42 9:27 “宮本武海外藏傳人”
字幕打錯了 =.=
[YT] 只是不懂得打扮~純普的南部姑娘~這樣講很不道德吧!
[YT] 吳宗憲人真的很好
[YT] no. 2 is so hot///omfg
[YT] 還是韓國人厲害,懂得怎樣把鏡頭搶回來
[YT] WEIYU!!!!!!
[YT] 這個棚本來就是給我猜使用 前一陣子被星光大道搶去用 我猜有幾個禮拜用的是小一點的棚 現在星光收視率一直掉 我猜的收視率相對穩定 吳宗憲看來是相當介意 棚換回來後婉轉的說這個棚變大了
[YT] 靠垃圾帮。。。
[YT] This video contains an audio track that has not been authorized by WMG. The audio has been disabled
hahahahah so owned
[YT] 屌呀 ~~~~~~~~~
[YT] yes! xD
love her <3
[YT] li quan makes my stomach hurt
[YT] 不喜歡林鴻鳴 唱腔很像納豆
[YT] 陰陰輸在身高
[YT] 愛跳舞的也沒幾個是處女了 哈哈
[YT] 蝴蝶以前是科班的
[YT] 阿「林老目卡好」那個智障單元沒了喔?早該停了
[YT] 全民最大党
[YT] 2號像宋新妮耶
[YT] 怒劈 那處女膜應該會破吧 哈哈
[YT] 那是,是大學生了沒的
[YT] 也還好啦,每次嘉賓來不是都有介紹他們的產品嗎
[YT] youtube 玩野呀?? 節目緊係用到歌架啦
[YT] 現在景氣差,一堆路人都能當明星,加入肉棒唐、猩肛幫
[YT] 那個米麒麟好像一個白痴
[YT] 小心騎 目的是不讓處女膜破掉.呵呵
[YT] 林鴻鳴的聲音怎那麼像納豆,…..只是說這是像很會唱的納豆的聲音…..超像
[YT] 誰?
[YT] 06:15 憲歌唱?歌詞翻成英文嗎?
[YT] 吴宗宪挺有情义得
funny XIAN Ge ^^
[YT] yeah…butterfly be host~
like her style~
[YT] heard weiyu keep’jiayou’ for the
number 1 i tink he like her
hahahahs 😀
[YT] 这不是JAZZ好吧““
[YT] agree
[YT] 1号是闷锅的吧
[YT] ehh.. no HQ?
[YT] 阿雅 也不錯…
[YT] 蝴蝶可爱
[YT] 根本在幫4號打廣告
[YT] “To he”??? LOL 應該是 to him 吧.
[YT] 麻烦下次中间的广告声音请校对一下,真的是很吵,谢谢拉
[YT] no sound…
[YT] 哈哈 李詮幹的好^^
[YT] GPS.. god please stop 哈哈哈哈, 憲哥永遠這般的逗趣
[YT] 我也16, 但是她看起来比我妈还老厄
[YT] 比扯鈴還扯
[YT] 李金全 hahahaha
[YT] fuck.. butterfly is so cute…
[YT] YAYY! Wei Yu, Li Quan, & Ah Ben. =]
Just missing Mao Di! ^-^
[YT] lol 刺鳥法
[YT] 16歲…太扯了吧
[YT] lol “buttfly”
[YT] 他们的确是自找的…
[YT] 0:44 xD
i’m laughing my ass off….
[YT] buttfly is a fixed host now?
sweet xD
[YT] yeag 3th view =D
[YT] 阿本 李銓 鮪魚! <3