康熙來了 2009-05-12 康熙拯救敗犬聯誼

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253 thoughts on “康熙來了 2009-05-12 康熙拯救敗犬聯誼

  1. [YT] 所以說就算是j crew的拖鞋,沒有牌名的話,一般人看起來跟夜市賣的鞋子不就也是一樣嗎?到底為什麼這麼貴?


  2. [YT] 高以翔 有胡須之后是很man,打扮整個起來就是型男,好喜歡他的外型。

  3. [YT] º°¨ ¸„ø¤º°¨„ø¤º°¨°º¤ø„¸¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ º¤ø„¸
    ¨°º¤ø„ ¸ How about a world º¤ø„¸
    ¨°º¤ø„ ¸ without money º¤ø„¸
    ¨°º¤ø„ ¸ Governments, courts º¤ø„¸
    ¨°º¤ø„ ¸ religions and armies? º¤ø„¸
    ¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º „¸¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ ¸„ø¤º „¸¨°From Portugal

  4. [YT] Godfrey’s type of girl is those sporty sporty kind and also have the same interest as he does, know how to speak English. I think he doesn’t seem to be interested in Taiwanese girls because most Taiwanese girls only interested in fashion and makeup. And his past ex-girlfriend(s) are mixed.

  5. [YT] but i just realized that he’s tank in bull-fighting (the leader of lan2 di4). he wasn’t so drool-worthy there, MUST be his goatee woolala!

  6. [YT] 因為有很些真的不太喜歡給人家看自己的腳啊…

  7. [YT] 高以翔真帥,但給人的感覺…好似他常去夜店!但吳尊給人的感覺…是比較健康的! 但也希望他倆常在銀幕上演出!

  8. [YT] 三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八

  9. [YT] 我有在costco巧遇高以翔過~

    高以翔 Godfrey
    生日 1984.09.22
    星座 處女座
    血型 O型
    身高 195
    體重 88
    興趣 籃球、美式足球、排球、棒球、溜冰、田徑、跆拳道、DJ、打鼓

  10. [YT] you guys shouldnt take this show too seriously, it’s all just for fun. We shouldnt watch this show with such critical attitudes.


    it’s a funny show overall .. and 高以翔 is so hot!

  11. [YT] I think S is very lucky to have a parents-in-laws like hers. I’m not sure if they care, but if they do, I don’t think she would be that open ba. She’s pretty lucky. really…

  12. [YT] but sometimes can be a little too scatchy ye… especially when he wrap her while sleeping, her face could be on his arm hair.. and it didn’t feel right.

  13. [YT] 丁感覺很無奈 但我可以感覺到他被高搶盡風頭那種不平衡感 怎麼說他也是優質的一位型男 但其實nono確實是可愛 不管個性還是什麼都很大方 女生也會很喜歡他才對^^

  14. [YT] 丁春誠太貴氣了(應該說是自以為貴氣),一點也不親切,而且還有點太自認高尚貴族的感覺…說真的他長的沒有很帥啊(同樣是留鬍子,還是高以翔好看!)

  15. [YT] #1 has Costco membership card….it has the owner’s photo…how come they can’t figure out whose wallet~~~~~~> unless the practice of Costco is different from the US’s…..

  16. [YT] whoa, at first i mistakened 高以翔 for Takeshi Kaneshiro/ 金城武. i was like, “no way!”
    but yeah, he really resembles 金城武.

  17. [YT] I just checked up on 高以翔, because i was wondering who’s he exactly. And discovered that he’s been on Kang xi a couple of times and i didnt realise! But when i watched 高以翔 afew years back, he somehow isnt as attractive as he is now, surprisingly! His moustache and hair really made him look quite different! I think the moustache added abit of charisma to him. He looks mixed here, bt at the other video , he is so obviously chinese.

  18. [YT] 何嘉文不是有自创品牌吗 还设计东西好像 为什么自己穿衣服没有一次是搭配的 色系都不对 哎 悲哀了 ps:而且很做作!不喜欢

  19. [YT] SHUAI! SHUAI DAI LE! even cuter when they look so shy when xiao S was touching them. HAHA! she’s hilarious. I’m surprised that Kang Xi actually REALLY brought guys fitting their theme for the day!

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