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[YT] 最後的, 小s很可愛啊!! xDDD
[YT] 同意你們的意見啊! 小s真是給人有點調皮的感覺喔!! 好好笑 好可愛調皮的 ;p
[YT] 根本就沒注意到……..
[YT] 都只是效果啦…
[YT] 好想問花花,高以翔跟潘若迪她會選誰哦
[YT] 對啊!她就是有點調皮的感覺=]
[YT] I remember is free loop, or One night stand.
[YT] 所以說就算是j crew的拖鞋,沒有牌名的話,一般人看起來跟夜市賣的鞋子不就也是一樣嗎?到底為什麼這麼貴?
[YT] 花花好可愛!
[YT] 小s真的好好笑哦!!
[YT] 吳尊的性格很Man~外表不能代表性格~
[YT] 高以翔很帅. 我在 Lady First”看过他上节目。他是演我要变成硬柿子的Tiger.
[YT] dun like hua hua.. fake
[YT] 其實小s是大小孩
[YT] 高以翔 有胡須之后是很man,打扮整個起來就是型男,好喜歡他的外型。
[YT] lol
[YT] NONO so cute 😛
[YT] 效果啦 效果
[YT] 小S,真的好棒~
[YT] so do Sasha and Malia!
[YT] 2號的Panerai可能有點老氣
當然 如果是真的話…
[YT] mrs obama wears j crew too!
[YT] 哈哈…nono幹得好…
[YT] 高以翔 so HOT plus a lil cute
[YT] yesssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!
[YT] is NONO right?
[YT] 感覺小s的老公沒有讓他很滿意哈哈哈哈
[YT] 紈褲子弟阿!!
[YT] 整集就是笑死人了哈哈哈哈
[YT] 小s真的把我笑死了哈哈哈哈
[YT] Gallardo?
[YT] 只帶車鑰匙 那我進家門是要拆門還找鎖匠是吧!…
[YT] 何嘉文穿得好醜
[YT] 高以翔和林佑威有兄弟臉ㄝ
[YT] º°¨ ¸„ø¤º°¨„ø¤º°¨°º¤ø„¸¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ º¤ø„¸
¨°º¤ø„ ¸ How about a world º¤ø„¸
¨°º¤ø„ ¸ without money º¤ø„¸
¨°º¤ø„ ¸ Governments, courts º¤ø„¸
¨°º¤ø„ ¸ religions and armies? º¤ø„¸
¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º „¸¨°º¤ø„¸¸„ ¸„ø¤º „¸¨°From Portugal
[YT] Godfrey’s type of girl is those sporty sporty kind and also have the same interest as he does, know how to speak English. I think he doesn’t seem to be interested in Taiwanese girls because most Taiwanese girls only interested in fashion and makeup. And his past ex-girlfriend(s) are mixed.
[YT] I think he is, he’s born in Canada, his mum should be a Canadian. His dad is Taiwanese. But I think he’s also abit of Malaysian.
[YT] 嘉雯的眼裝好怪..
[YT] 何嘉文说话好恶心~好假~
[YT] 何嘉文的衣服好难看
[YT] 这些女的太讨厌
[YT] 她們這樣就算男的原本對她們有意思!
[YT] 丁春诚好可爱喔!!!笑起来很帅!!!
[YT] its from LV
[YT] it’s money click, the brand is LV
[YT] 虽然丁春誠和高以翔很帅,但nono好可爱!!;D
[YT] 你是Gay吧
[YT] 好喜欢nono
[YT] 小s 是 空守獨閨太久了
[YT] 四個字 餓虎撲羊
[YT] 高以翔真的好帥。
[YT] 會放電的色胚
[YT] your mom’s the whore
[YT] Bing ponk pinog, woo, wah. HA haha. in english air heads.
[YT] j crew is definitely not cheaper
[YT] but i just realized that he’s tank in bull-fighting (the leader of lan2 di4). he wasn’t so drool-worthy there, MUST be his goatee woolala!
[YT] wat song is it during the flower commercial break
[YT] s
[YT] i agree… he’s so HOT~!!!
[YT] 我发现~~高以翔害羞笑的时候都会
[YT] 高以翔根本就是那種
[YT] I LOVE NONO. No matter how S laugh at him, he is still very nice. He is very funny at 2:14! NONO is the best!
[YT] me too=]
[YT] Hey, that’s not very nice. Why are you watching this anyways?
[YT] no way!there’re totally different!!a&f is more like a teenage stuff,whereas j crew has all kinds of stuff..accessories, OL skirts, ties etcetc
[YT] asian people are weird
[YT] Agree…its just a show…and its supposed to be entertaining…nothing more 🙂
[YT] 是眼神會放電啦~哈哈
[YT] 因為有很些真的不太喜歡給人家看自己的腳啊…
[YT] 接熊掌…………哈哈…笑死我了啦…
[YT] 康熙好久沒這么好笑了!!!
[YT] 我喜歡丁春誠多一點….
[YT] 高真的超帥的耶………..
但這類型就遠到好像空中的星星一樣= =”…
[YT] 哈哈~~漢典一直聞的時候…
[YT] 6:32 小S 哈哈….笑死了!!
[YT] 只看外表的女人
[YT] interesting episode.. poor nono..
[YT] 我比較喜歡丁 =)
[YT] 發nono比小鐘好
[YT] 重型機車
[YT] 個人比較喜歡丁春誠
[YT] 蔡康永今天髮型超噁心
[YT] 小S真的很沒水準~~
[YT] xiang xiang -SHOW!
[YT] 高以翔真帥,但給人的感覺…好似他常去夜店!但吳尊給人的感覺…是比較健康的! 但也希望他倆常在銀幕上演出!
[YT] 丁春誠超高傲, 有沒有留意到 8:27 , 他的手, 好像在趕蒼蠅一樣, gentleman 一點不行嗎?!
[YT] GOSH 高以翔 is soooo drool-worthy
[YT] i think kang ge will be quite sad watching this ep.
[YT] 高以翔是好帥耶~~
[YT] if i am the one there i will choose NONO.
[YT] 连我是男的也喜欢看高和丁了。。。真的太帅了
[YT] 男人不愛看外表嗎?!看慘了吧~~誰不愛看好看的~應該的啊~
[YT] 花花好花癡……难怪叫花花
[YT] Feel sad for NONO. he seems like a good guy.
[YT] 感覺在市場
[YT] 高以祥眼睛色瞇瞇的,感覺就像個色胚
[YT] NONO帥死了
[YT] yeah im 09.22 too!although younger
[YT] 三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八三八
[YT] 摁對 趙哥這集來就好笑了
[YT] 一群三八三八三八三八三八三八三八
[YT] 這集有夠爛的,一群老女人在那邊假裝花癡
[YT] 可能對明星來說比較平價
[YT] 我有在costco巧遇高以翔過~
高以翔 Godfrey
生日 1984.09.22
星座 處女座
血型 O型
身高 195
體重 88
興趣 籃球、美式足球、排球、棒球、溜冰、田徑、跆拳道、DJ、打鼓
[YT] 高以翔也太帥了吧!!!
[YT] 你说得真好,我就是这个意思
[YT] you guys shouldnt take this show too seriously, it’s all just for fun. We shouldnt watch this show with such critical attitudes.
it’s a funny show overall .. and 高以翔 is so hot!
[YT] 重型機車
[YT] j crew is like Abercrombie and a little bit cheaper
[YT] 重機是什麼??
[YT] 对阿 NONO这集好可怜哦
[YT] wats that clip thing that xiao ding uses to hold the money?
[YT] kang yong keep creating chance for xiao s 🙂 haha.
[YT] 高以翔吐舌头~~好可爱~~
[YT] dont most cars have wireless keys now?
[YT] wtf…j crew is cheap?
buy some for me-_______-
[YT] I think S is very lucky to have a parents-in-laws like hers. I’m not sure if they care, but if they do, I don’t think she would be that open ba. She’s pretty lucky. really…
[YT] 這一群女明星…. *搖頭*
[YT] 真是的,会员卡上就有名字了嘛
[YT] 媒婆也空窗許久了
[YT] totaly agree. One of the brand I hate. It’s so over priced, but the stuff is very so so. The material is ok la.
[YT] but sometimes can be a little too scatchy ye… especially when he wrap her while sleeping, her face could be on his arm hair.. and it didn’t feel right.
[YT] Oh.. got it!!! I couldn’t match her face with her new name. oh.. no wonder… Thank you!
[YT] 庹宗康前女友你總知道了吧,原來叫向麗雯,現在叫向語潔
[YT] 花花不是30岁吗?
[YT] 我在美國
J-crew 這個品牌 一點都不平價
[YT] 丁感覺很無奈 但我可以感覺到他被高搶盡風頭那種不平衡感 怎麼說他也是優質的一位型男 但其實nono確實是可愛 不管個性還是什麼都很大方 女生也會很喜歡他才對^^
[YT] 我觉得他选s就正因为她结婚了不可能阿~
他大概对不是很interested in花花吧,就不用选了传绯闻之类的
[YT] j crew’s not THAT cheap
[YT] nono的腳....
[YT] 要看什麼應該事前都知會過了
[YT] 丁春誠跟高以翔都很帅气呢。。。
[YT] 這集花花好瘋狂
[YT] 三八女 昏倒
[YT] 有手毛的很陽剛也很sexy
為何會不喜歡呢 太平滑的男生才怪吧qq
[YT] 這些女人非常無聊!!三個男來賓好可憐!!!No respect!!
[YT] 坐中間那個女的是誰ㄚ
[YT] 好好笑 但我覺得丁春誠跟高以翔倆人是不分軒至 一個很時尚又耐看 一個很man又靦腆
[YT] 最近有几集的康熙都不太健康,好笑是好笑,来宾的心情似乎不太理了.拼收视,金钟是不用想了.
[YT] 花花還錯ㄚ
[YT] 丁春诚真的很优哎
[YT] 我覺得NoNo很可愛!
[YT] 小s今天的衣服好漂亮!!
[YT] 虽然这些女人好像都很虚荣的样子,但是jcrew在美国真的只是算平价货,这一点上她们确实没有夸张。
[YT] 花花好漂亮
[YT] 这几个败犬都很逊…
[YT] 超怪…那帽子很不搭
[YT] 丁不太会说话啊
[YT] 丁春誠太貴氣了(應該說是自以為貴氣),一點也不親切,而且還有點太自認高尚貴族的感覺…說真的他長的沒有很帥啊(同樣是留鬍子,還是高以翔好看!)
[YT] 高以翔 帥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[YT] i wish he picked huahua actually. xiao s is married and has kids -.- she needs to reign it in a bit
[YT] nono的是VW么
[YT] 我的也是啊,不只我的不清楚啊,我见到别人的也都很模糊啊
[YT] i like small ding better soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hotttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
[YT] 何嘉文今天穿著搭配的好怪
[YT] hahaha 丁和翔看起来好无奈
[YT] 他那只blackberry是什么型号的? 是定制的?
[YT] not really but it’s at the end when xiao s hugged him..
[YT] then the practice is different…it’s very clear over here in the US….esp AMex
[YT] 高以翔就是帅,不像吴尊就有点娘了. 我觉得啦..
[YT] like Xmas tree….totally unmatched color tone
[YT] 卡上的照片都不清楚,我都认不出自己
[YT] what if riding on a Harley Davidson or chopper, that’s very kewl and totally another story….
[YT] why Ho Jia Wen put on a winter hat but dressed up a summer dress….weird….no even talking about the color matching absolutely horrible….
[YT] #1 has Costco membership card….it has the owner’s photo…how come they can’t figure out whose wallet~~~~~~> unless the practice of Costco is different from the US’s…..
[YT] Xiao S’s hubby is gonna divorce this bitch~~~~~~oops “molestor”…..
[YT] 高以翔却是帅,迷到我这个男人了
[YT] small S was exteremely funny in the show. Suitable for the show. Keep it up. Without small S the show will be boring
[YT] he looks much better than Takeshi…esp when he acted in “Kid from the Heaven”…..
[YT] 高以翔 is so hot! <3
[YT] lamborghini gallardo
[YT] 對, 她之前穿衣服蠻好看的
但是 3個女當中 真的 只有她不太討厭
[YT] 高以翔說的”小牛” 應該就是 Lamborghini Gallardo.
[YT] cheer up…nono…
[YT] what’s “little cow”?
[YT] seriously
she is very stupid
[YT] rofl kangyong is hilarious
[YT] hahahhaha,这集太变态了!
[YT] 小S要猛虎出舺啦!!!
[YT] 丁春誠好像很不爽8:23.那些女人真的是很。。。
[YT] 如果高是gay 就好 xDD
[YT] whoa, at first i mistakened 高以翔 for Takeshi Kaneshiro/ 金城武. i was like, “no way!”
but yeah, he really resembles 金城武.
[YT] 你的意思是說大方可愛和變態可怕只是一線之隔嗎?
[YT] 花花還好,另外兩位大媽有什麽資格上今天這個主題啊
[YT] credit to nono………..thumb up
[YT] I just checked up on 高以翔, because i was wondering who’s he exactly. And discovered that he’s been on Kang xi a couple of times and i didnt realise! But when i watched 高以翔 afew years back, he somehow isnt as attractive as he is now, surprisingly! His moustache and hair really made him look quite different! I think the moustache added abit of charisma to him. He looks mixed here, bt at the other video , he is so obviously chinese.
[YT] 小s好烦哦 = = 一幅很老的感觉
[YT] 超好笑!3位熟女都在猛吃丁春誠豆腐!陳漢典也笑到不行6:43。
[YT] shallow…what does it mean only appearance is important…gosh…
[YT] 小S魅力無法檔啊!
[YT] jcrew還平價。。。這。。
[YT] 你们真是够了,这些人
[YT] 何嘉文好像想吐槽花花但是彼此又不太熟,節目效果做不出來不仔細看還以為她這集沒來。
[YT] I think nono is quite cute in his behavoir. Don’t know why, hehehe :p
[YT] whats…eurasian????
[YT] blackberry配皮套其实还是可以接受的。
[YT] 你的手應該給高以翔 哈哈哈 笑死我
[YT] ……只看外表的女人
[YT] 我覺得他變帥了
[YT] that part i have to agree…
[YT] only because you are jealous
he is probably not as interested in 花花 thats all
[YT] Bunch of shallow women…
[YT] VISA上不是有名字么?
[YT] 你記錯
[YT] 不喜欢丁春诚!!!拽个屁啊!
[YT] 聽到時也覺得很奇怪= =
[YT] 高以翔 is gay
he seems not interested in women at all
[YT] 何嘉文不是有自创品牌吗 还设计东西好像 为什么自己穿衣服没有一次是搭配的 色系都不对 哎 悲哀了 ps:而且很做作!不喜欢
[YT] nono長得好像史瑞克
[YT] i think 高以翔’s height added alot of points to him as well. Is he mixed? he seem to have abit of eurasian ancestry in him
[YT] 高以翔神似金城武耶~
那个胡子的确留得不错 ^^
[YT] SHUAI! SHUAI DAI LE! even cuter when they look so shy when xiao S was touching them. HAHA! she’s hilarious. I’m surprised that Kang Xi actually REALLY brought guys fitting their theme for the day!
[YT] 不喜欢何嘉文!!!
[YT] omg when when ??
[YT] 穿的好丑~”~
[YT] omg….I saw that too!
[YT] 那3個女當中 只有何嘉文不太討厭..
[YT] 何嘉文今天怎麼穿成這樣..
[YT] “為什麼有悠遊卡?”…坐捷運有問題嗎?
[YT] 更喜欢小丁哪~~
[YT] 康永换个发型吧。。。
[YT] 這群女人很瘋!很好笑XD
[YT] Gao Yi Xiang touch Xiao S’s ass
[YT] tooooooooooooooooooooo funny………..XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[YT] 8:25 XD
[YT] omg xiao s so funny at the end when she booed huahua, omg i really love her confidence!
[YT] I think so too,and 花花and very cute in her way.
[YT] 我也想看啦~~
[YT] 好好笑 哈哈
[YT] 小S好像非常喜歡嫩肉=)
[YT] 這集太好笑了
[YT] POor Nono…,hahah.
[YT] 好好笑喔
[YT] 手毛真的很长啊!!!
[YT] 这集好适合小S哦!! so funny and so cute
[YT] 丁春诚确实给人那种喜欢熟女的感觉, 而且也挺搭的
[YT] 哈哈哈哈,
[YT] Xiao S is soooo funny!!
She really likes Godfrey!
She has good taste!
[YT] 舊的片頭 還是我記錯?
[YT] ‘OMG SO SCARY!!’ *cowers*
XiaoS is so classic.
[YT] 花花有希望成为轻量版罗姐
[YT] 高以翔很帥:)
[YT] That was really kind of obvious that the blackberry was Gao Yi Xiang’s since he was from Canada.
[YT] 丁春诚的那个票夹哪里有卖??
[YT] hahaha hua ua
[YT] 好像不是很搭啊。。。
[YT] 高以翔和花花在一起很好啊, 很养眼
花花的身材真的是太好了, 腿那么长
[YT] 那个显然是NONO..
[YT] Han Dian was funny when he smelled the watch:P
[YT] Godfrey’s HOTTTTT!!!
[YT] thank you very much!
[YT] i know so fast. thank you
[YT] 好快啊