康熙來了 2010-01-05 明星天兵媽媽

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110 thoughts on “康熙來了 2010-01-05 明星天兵媽媽

  1. [YT] 不過我覺得他主要的意思是說,他跟他先生不可能生出單眼皮的,所以他先生因此一直懷疑他,導致他大大生氣。不過我也是覺得他說要改變小孩外貌過分了點。。。

  2. [YT] many parents here, if they can afford, would spend thousands of dollar each year for their kids to attend private/elite schools.
    if western parenting skills are so good, why do kids here drink alcohol and do drug at such an early age? and also abortion. i am not saying it doesnt happen in asia but it’s more common here

  3. [YT] no offence to you too but i think your thinking is pretty shallow. Do you understand how typical western parents are like? do you know many typical westerner parents? i have been living in a western country for years, some have good parenting skills some are just as bad as your so so called typical asian parents. Many kids here have no basic manners, many western parents think asian kids are generally more polite and have better family values. of course not all.

  4. [YT] You’re the one that keeps replying. I just get the email notification and I follow the link. You’re not important enough for me to stalk, buddy.

    In fact, I’m gonna make this very easy for you. This will be my last ever post, and let’s see if you’ll reply again, yea? Ok let’s go.

  5. [YT] LOL nonsense? Can you not read? It’s alright, I understand, sometimes when people lose in an fight they just resort to the ‘you’re just a psycho’ argument. I hope your family’s supportive enough to get you through this. Have a nice life. =)

  6. [YT] You’re a psycho, period. You reply to my post with nonsense first then you blame me for provoking this argument. Then, you can see invisible flamers because I only see you and me arguing. You’re just another ridiculous internet troll who has unconscious schizophrenia. Go see a shrink, please.

  7. [YT] What gives you the right to assume that I hate my own race? I simply said that all races make great parents, and I do believe Billie has the right philosophy there. But whatever, you’re just bitter because everyone’s flaming you and not me. It’s okay.

  8. [YT] By the way, if next time you don’t want to hear people pulling theories out of their ass, just don’t f**king click reply and post some bullshit expecting the OP will agree with your egocentric babbling.

  9. [YT] Patriotic? First of all, I am not even from China. Secondly, you’re a Chinese descent, yet you’re replying my first post, which is about how great the Chinese are and how bad the Caucasians are. You start giving me all these bullshit because I’ve dissed your favorite race, the Caucasians. For that, I apology. So yea, Chinese traditions on parenting is shit to you and I hope you can use your “white” way to grow your kids. So, your genes can be eliminated from pool fast.

  10. [YT] And I suggest you to stop pulling theories out of your ass. Studies have shown that children kept in seclusion often develop allergies and a weaker immune system.

    Sure China has a huge ass population, but most of the population are from more suburb areas. Do you think they take care of their kids the way these celebrity moms do? I never said Asians don’t make good parents, I simply expanded that horizon to races outside of China. You’re obviously way too patriotic to think objectively.

  11. [YT] “..but they’re definitely well off physically. ”

    O’really? Don’t say you base your evidence on the stereotypes of Hollywood African Americans or the Twilight Series’ Native Americans. I suggest you to reread your biology book on how reproductive success is most important during a child’s critical growth period. The summary is that higher population is directly resulted by better parenting. Thus, Chinese traditions toward infants are correct, base on current observation.

  12. [YT] Ehh well I’m sorry I couldn’t illustrate my point well enough in just one language. I can’t really articulate in Mandarin, sue me.

    What irony? I wasn’t talking about culture or education here, I was pointing out how they’re just as healthy as Asian kids, if not more so. What’s that gotta do with native reserves? They may not be as educated/successful in life, per se, but they’re definitely well off physically.

  13. [YT] And, you need to read some history books on why Native American, African, Asian tribes are all segregated into human reservation areas, like extincting animals, in order to preserve their culture and their reproductive success.

  14. [YT] One only needs a single language to express a single point. What, you think I don’t understand English?
    To illustrate your point even further, the native tribes, such as the Native Americans and the nowadays Africans, turn out really “dandy” and seem really developed. You see the irony here?

  15. [YT] 人口多不代表小孩就照顧得比較好
    you need to read some anthropology books…most native tribes raise their kids by not interfering with the way they develop, and their kids turn out just dandy.

  16. [YT] 懶有分很多種:

  17. [YT] 白人人口少不是因為他們不想生孩子嗎?難道他們還養不活孩子?很多發達國家都面臨人口減少的問題. 就算中國,之前也看過一些新聞說城市人不愛生小孩,農村生一堆

  18. [YT] 覺得迷信? 看看全球哪個洲人口誰最多和誰做少就知道這些迷信有沒有用了。白人那種帶小孩方式根本就是懶,但他們那張嘴卻有能力說成是自然的、開放的。中國(一胎化)都還有13億人,那是整個歐洲加北美洲都比不過的人口。時間和科學證明亞洲人對嬰兒的迷信是只有利而沒有弊。

  19. [YT] no offense… all the mom (not including the grandmother) is all pretty crazy…. hate to said it but typical asian parents… use the quality of kids as a symbol of success in their life.

    Child = doctor = lawyer = Parents are successful…. -.-“

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