康熙來了 2010-01-12 我們真的是好朋友! 羅志祥 楊丞琳

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235 thoughts on “康熙來了 2010-01-12 我們真的是好朋友! 羅志祥 楊丞琳

  1. [YT] @liyuanloves: I don’t think Show Luo don’t mind what others said about his English; whether good or bad, it doesn’t matter in the first place.

    The important thing is at least he admits that he is unable to speak proper English but he’s still trying hard to improve himself.

    Btw, my English might not be very good too but I think @linyihsian said “his English is so bad” might not be wrong too.

  2. [YT] @linyihsian there is no his english is so bad, its his english is bad.. anw, check yours before saying others.. Ps* He know many language, at least.. i guess more than you..

  3. [YT] well as for the part when you mentioned that artists will hide all the time, hmmm what i can say is get famous yourself and i think you will better comprehend the reason for hiding.

  4. [YT] @z5398407

    it is true that some artists are snobbish but not ALL. when you have to appear in nation wide media every single day, without anyone’s influence, you will inevitably try to package yourself nicely. you say why bother to take picture with the artists becuz they are snobbish, they dont smile at you or ignore you, thats becuz they dont know you but you recognise them. how can you expect them to shop around with a retarded smile all the time?

  5. [YT] @yxuz lolzzz i cant really converse here, bombarded by chinese characters. but one thing for sure, show luo definitely can speak jap fluently. come on, firstly just type xiao zhu and koda kumi and u can see that dey had a show in japan a few yrs back. they converse in jap ALL THE WAY. secondly, show dated makiyo (makiyo is a japanese lehhh mind you)…its not just 一点点 as well…

  6. [YT] 之前makiyo上”大小愛吃”說過,她跟歐弟分手有跟其它人交往,然後才跟小豬在一起的!所以小豬沒有”趁歐弟當兵時搶走makiyo”!

  7. [YT] shup up la even if xiao zhu really woo also nothing wrong wat
    she break with xiao gui long ago okay
    get the fact right
    when xiao zhu stead with makio
    makiyo already break with 欧弟

  8. [YT] 藝人本來就是這樣…這是他們職業,製造一個很完美人格的假象。說穿了也不過是一個會吃飯拉屎的人!何必特別去和他們照相自討苦吃==!我現在在路上看到藝人遮遮掩掩我都覺得!他們大頭症太嚴重。

  9. [YT] 羅志祥 looks kinda…gay. and the concert he was talking about is not in New York, it’s in Connecticut…and most people there are Asian, hardly any American… or maybe he’s talking about the few American securities that was working there.

  10. [YT] 演藝圈沒有永遠的朋友和永遠的敵人

  11. [YT] 羅畜生的日文根本就不行,上次有日本來賓到百分百,他一句日文都不敢說,都完全靠翻譯人員,事後狗鬼問他為什麼不說,他畜生的答案是「怕觀眾聽不懂」


  12. [YT] 視訊露奶王走紅之前也是靠著攀附周狗、蔡一鄰,硬要假裝跟他們是好朋友而紅起來的,現在紅了就跟他們很少聯絡了,不要臉的程度可比擬蔡老gay

  13. [YT] 有眼說瞎話!說什麼路人粉絲anytime可以跟他拍照!我有個從國外的朋友在電影院裡不小心看到他,問他可不可以拍照。他很大牌的說:不行!我朋友說:我是從很遠地方來的。他卻回:”我也是從很遠的地方來呀!” 跩死了!

  14. [YT] 小豬 is a copycat….disrespect to his fans…like they don’t know that look is from Lady Gaga.
    that concert was in Mohengan Sun Casino, CT, not in NYC.
    as for those non asian audience, white, blonds, blacks,……simply just customer from casino……they give out free (unsold) tickets to customers……..
    that’s what they do when the concert is not sold out.
    p.s. that out fit on 小豬 is not fashion..it’s fagshion. …….even gay guy will caught dead in that outfit.

  15. [YT] 蔡康永應該是氣小s寧願選擇掉進糞坑的羅志祥也不選他吧。

  16. [YT] 紐約的演唱會我在!小豬講的英文真的搞笑慘囖!哈哈、希望他以後能多來!事實上演唱胡是在康州啦!哈哈!並不是紐約!不過小豬喜歡怎麼說都好啦!

  17. [YT] 哈哈哈!我也在那邊!我當時就和我朋友說、那是在康州呀!not in New York!

  18. [YT] 我覺得是因為小豬頭髮剪短了吧!

  19. [YT] 我覺得是因為小豬頭髮剪短了吧!

  20. [YT] しゃべりとき?

  21. [YT] 拜托。。。小猪实在太白痴了, 虽然我很喜欢他, 纽约的演唱会我也在场, 其实是在mohegun sum 赌场开的, 而且不在纽约, 演唱会7-8000人的场子。。才上座了2/3, 而且那些金发的都市染了头发的中国人和赌场的工作人员, 黑人是保安, 晕死了

  22. [YT] 他们2个来的时候虽然做得沙发跟jay上次的一样,可是感觉就不一样..他们超不大牌的, 而且开始都是站着的. 很尊敬人的感觉…而且很好笑

  23. [YT] 記得前幾集有藝人提到康熙主持人在錄影前都待在化裝間, 與來賓沒有太多互動, 另外有幾次我覺得來賓露出很害怕被小s封殺的語氣, 畢竟她是大牌, 一般不是A咖的來賓應該會小心吧!主持人要訪問來賓, 裝熟也是應該的, 為了不讓節目冷場, 善盡主持人的角色, 只是在後台……不過只是私下跟搭檔聊, 又不是跟媒體去放話啊

  24. [YT] 小甜甜那時還在南部當個太妹吧

  25. [YT] 我猜是makiyo~有一次小本本单元makiyo不是说有个咸鱼翻身的歌手,到处跟别人说要小心makiyo这个人吗~后来被爆说那个人是杨丞琳。

  26. [YT] i used to be her fan but not so such these days..
    but i dont think she purposely resembles Japanese in anyway. It’s just that she has a young/cute appearance and tends to go for the cute route, similar to many Japanese idols.
    Man, speak of pro-Japanese tendency, look at all these HK girls: Theresa Fu, Janice Man, AngelaBaby…tell you the truth it gets on my darn nerves as well.

  27. [YT] Rainie’s live singing is REALLY GOOD!

    The Japanese speaking was cute, since Rainie is promoting her album in Japan, I guess she learned some of the language, her convo with Show was funny.

    Love Show and Rainie <3

  28. [YT] @ibberrys

    = = it’s just learning another language
    I mean, can u like another country other than ur own?
    ever since someone spread the rumor about it ,she clarified that she’s not trying to b japanese at all.
    should really know someone before judging them~ ~

  29. [YT] @frying0stingray Wish her do well in Japan…… Can’t believe she turns into asian star, and S is right she doesn’t look older at all… still have that baby face….

  30. [YT] 走马灯一直都写的是博客。我记得有一次康永哥提到他在内地的部落格,说内地叫博客。感觉上博客好像更有文学气息,康永哥更喜欢这个名词吧。台湾应该还是用部落格比较广泛。

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