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[YT] 偉忠哥’s mandarin is pretty good
[YT] 漢典打噴嚏害我笑好久
[YT] 還是覺得以前的迅猛龍比較好(減肥前)
[YT] 我想看康永的字耶..
[YT] 還真是狗嘴里吐不出象牙。除了說這個,還會不會點別的阿?
[YT] 吸毒不是你的專利嗎?我可沒那錢
[YT] 根據維基百科, 據說是南宋末年,元朝軍隊南下,宋帝昺聯同陸秀夫、張世傑等人南逃避難。當他們路經香港新界錦田一帶的圍村時,得到村民盛情款待。但在倉猝之間,村民找不到足夠的器皿盛載食物,只好使用大木盆將菜餚放在一起,發展成盆菜。從此之後,每逢大時大節,村民都會享用盆菜。
[YT] 都不知道鞭炮有什麼好玩, 既污染環境, 又造成噪音, 而且不安全.
[YT] YEAH 偉忠哥!!!!!!
[YT] 小白嚼東西的樣子好醜 :\
[YT] 慢慢吃你自己的狗屁吧白痴
[YT] 慢慢吃你自己的狗屁吧白痴
[YT] 當陳漢典很累~ 就圖個夾縫中求生存~
[YT] 當陳漢典很累~ 就圖個夾縫中求生存~
[YT] 他們也算是地道台灣人 他們是外省人 :)
[YT] 他們也算是地道台灣人 他們是外省人 :)
[YT] 喜歡康永講的那句 “不要”…….
[YT] cleaned coin…….you can even sterilize it ok…
[YT] 新產品推薦單元…….公器私用?
[YT] 牛市大發
[YT] 哈哈哈~~好乾唷0.0
[YT] 那你也快回去用馬桶刷。刷刷你得臭嘴吧!!
[YT] 其實是南宋末年宋帝昺逃到江南,然後百姓為了他弄了盤菜,這是宋王台的由來,也是盤菜的由來,不是皇帝逃下來,哪有這麼好的待遇?你在哪聽回來的啊?我來美國讀書這麼久都知道
[YT] 其實是南宋末年宋帝昺逃到江南,然後百姓為了他弄了盤菜,這是宋王台的由來,也是盤菜的由來,不是皇帝逃下來,哪有這麼好的待遇?你在哪聽回來的啊?我來美國讀書這麼久都知道
[YT] 那你慢慢吃你自己的狗屁吧白痴
[YT] 那你慢慢吃你自己的狗屁吧白痴
[YT] 大安公园~~
[YT] 说到放鞭炮大家可以在youtube输入beijing Chinese new year eve。那才叫放鞭炮,真怀念在北京过年呀
[YT] Joanna 是什麼人?真的很不錯!!還說廣東話呢!!!
[YT] 牛气冲天啊
[YT] 牛气冲天啊
[YT] haha! xiao s’s expression. priceless.
[YT] 是開心農場嗎
[YT] 聲音啞的好刺耳
[YT] 那個joanna聲音怎麼啞成這樣
[YT] 才剛開始看就拍案叫絕呀!!!
[YT] 小S今天穿得好像呀嬤啊!
[YT] 尻吸收視率 愈來愈差了
[YT] 也有可能是吸毒
[YT] 對阿。我放屁也比你嘴香!!
[YT] 我想是你放屁啦,你聞到你自己的狗屁了
[YT] 是不是覺得奇怪。自己怎麼沒絕種阿?
[YT] 我想你也是很久沒有刷牙了。嘴巴那麼臭
[YT] uhhh…i dont think its appropriate to say that on New Years if u want to wish someone good fortune..
But seriously, using the items to wish someone fortune is hard..
[YT] 偉忠哥remind me of my dad…
i love it when he goes on 康熙..he’s so funny and witty..
and it seems that he really like and 疼Xiao S (and Da S)..seeing from the fact that he ran around to take her to see a lot of doctors
[YT] Please bro, he’ll never fucking understand what you said so all he does is bark like a dickless dog and then delete all his comments when his mum yells at him to eat dinner
[YT] 太好笑了
[YT] 小白身才正爆~!!!!!!!!!!!很想上
[YT] 看到這裡只有偉忠哥可以治得到 s
[YT] did kang yong just call lonely people gu hun ye gui??? i don think its meant for a joke, cos no one laughed…
[YT] 漢典0:44秒的時候在做甚麼阿
[YT] 她聲音有夠難聽,喝酒喝到喉嚨爛掉,陶折真是個色豬哥,女友一堆
[YT] 原來雞巴坑都登門巴結王委中喔,難怪長那麼猥褻又沒才華還可以一直不要臉滯留演藝圈
[YT] 蔡老gay又在嫉妒漢點有演電影了,這個
[YT] 這麼早就聊過年,到時候的特別節目是不是主題又要跳針一次?製作人該去跳海了
[YT] 早說過他什麼不會了,他的爛書有人買只是因為這節目紅,這節目紅也完全是靠徐吸地,蔡老gay大頭症太明顯了
[YT] 蔡老gay叫她們來講吉祥話的嘴臉有夠雞巴,一副自以為綜藝大哥的雞巴樣,這節目明明就是靠徐吸地在扛收視,他老gay大頭症真是不輕
[YT] 迅猛龍很正,小白怎麼整形都是一身風塵味
[YT] 演藝圈有夠不景氣的,老闆王委中,與幾個路人都可以錄一集了
[YT] 操! 那暴牙輕輕用力你的龜頭就掉了!!!
[YT] 曉白那句
[YT] 曉白不要整牙齒啦
[YT] 我想精洗小白
[YT] 他就是自己愛看康熙 又愛罵 早就懶得鳥這種人 他自爽被spam他也是很爽
[YT] 是宋帝丙吧…
[YT] 我又沒罵你,為啥講我爛???
[YT] 欸!!我很愛吃冬瓜糖耶!!!
[YT] @ sugoilove each and every time he insult others with his comments and he just some pathetic thing trying to grab attention. Good job sugoilove you have gained attention. While you disgraced yourself…
[YT] 哈哈“我看了2次““2次都笑道不行“`真的很突然“
[YT] 租一個嬰兒趴趴造XDDD
[YT] 小白不要整牙齒,亂亂的來口交更有狂野味道!
[YT] 有人跟我一樣看到小白就僵硬嗎!?
[YT] put coin inside?? abit dirty leh~
[YT] 呵…..祝賀說話還是講廣東話比較順….
[YT] 扭轉乾坤 ..其實不是吉祥話, 只是指改變不好的局面.
但剛好 09年是牛年, 又遭遇經濟衰退, 才有人用這句話來作恭賀詞
[YT] @sugoilove 我想了很久, 要用甚麼話來說你, 後來我才覺悟說, 跟你這種人講話根本都不配我們動腦子…. 所以我就直接送你一個字-爛!!
[YT] 扭(牛)轉乾坤都不會 讀書人??
[YT] 3:14 小s的表情超好笑的!哈哈!
[YT] 因為她和王偉忠并不是地道的臺灣人啊!
[YT] 迅猛龍這次真的好看很多了呀!上次上康熙嚇死人了!好瘦好可怕呀!現在好多咯!
[YT] 他們說的雜拌、我小時候也有吃過耶!
[YT] 漢典打噴嚏那一段還蠻好笑的~
bless you漢典
[YT] 我哪里有說人醜? 我說恐龍和小黑耶!!! 一個是已絕種動物,一個是狗,頂多叫狗身攻擊或者是龍身攻擊啊???
[YT] en.
[YT] I wrote something wrong, and deleted it. 3 min later, you came up with that thing and your sexuality. Not that was I a prophet, but you were totally a moron.
[YT] I judged your language from your last two comments, and boy do they reek of chinglish.
Suck on that sucka.
[YT] Ah, dog again.
Well what can i expect from you?
By the way I cannot understand what you meant by
” Opps, I forgot to delete it where my good dog can`t add his sexuality after my words”
And i am sure the majority of English speaking people cant understand too.
Try harder.
English 101 for you perhaps?
[YT] You are really a good dog, man. I should have some bones for you. Opps, I forgot to delete it where my good dog can`t add his sexuality after my words. I apologized for that.
So, you judged someone`s language by just one or two words?
[YT] @sugoilove
Well i wanted to stop too, but ur selfpwn attempts always made me eat my words.
Damn, must control myself.
oh, u must be some sort of a phophet yea?
u knew i was gonna say yout grammar is “atrocious for someone living in the states” 3 minutes before i even posted it.
[YT] I swear to God. I have started to love Singaporeans. They are like pets who can make you happy and that`s a relief to my boring life. (See it, Mr Dog, now you can gimme some humiliation.)
[YT] I didn`t know you like stuffing cucumbers up your ass…Dogs do.
[YT] yes, i fucking know that fucking word you fuck.
i dont fucking know why you’d mention that though but i guess it’s fucking related to my fucking comment about another fucking mistake.
well the fucking mistake which i fucking pinpointed to you, the fuck, is the part about sticking the face “to” the ass, when it’s “into”.
fucking informal english again?
or fucking pure incompetency in grammar?
here’s fucking Fuck u with a fucking capital F sugoi-fucking-love.
now do i fucking know the word fuck?
[YT] you really made my day, tskwhatmyname!!!
I was thinking to stop responding to any of your comments. You said the previous comment was the last comment on this video. Okay, I deleted 3 minutes earlier than your comment because my grammar is atrocious for someone living in the states. Thanks for your teaching, I learned something new today.
Didn`t you know I deleted the comment before your comment was made? OK, so did you assume no one in USA won`t make typo like I did?
[YT] You probably won`t learn the word “fuck” in schools but let me tell you a fact. :Fuck” is a word in English that can be used in any context, which means “Fuck” is correct in any form because no one uses that in formal context. I assumed you knew it. AND, I won`t ask you to learn English before you can leave comment just like you did.
[YT] ok.
officially the last post on this video.
cant be bothered with people like sugoilove who selfpwns 11 out of the 10 times he tries to insult other people.
that’s right, 11 times out of 10.
[YT] ah comments removed.
but it’s alright.
let me reproduce it for him.
“Someone please spams the conversation between the Singaporean dog and me. It is not related to the contents of the video, and I like stuffing cucumbers up my ass.”
lol im using google chrome and i get a grammar error from the browser while reproducing his comment.
[YT] 所以我想aeight2001 你不用想成那樣啦
[YT] 我14歲我有吃過糖冬瓜
[YT] @sugoilove
“Singaporeans fucking like to speak English in your way with the fucking accent and say it Singlish.”
My interpretation of your “informal” english:
we like to speak english with an accent and call it singlish.
so is it not correct to assume that your impression of singlish is the accent only?
li ao never proved it in the end anyway.
if he cant do it, what can a small fry like u do?
and u still missed out on another mistake.
juz gotta post this even after my last post.
[YT] you’re one to talk about getting a life when you never fail to shoot endless insults at the hosts and the guests EVERYDAY.
lastly, here’s a food for thought
how could i correct you if i failed to understand your “informal” english?
you need a huge dose of logic 101.
and i have to say it again, it was a very pathetic “humiliation”, so pathetic that you have in fact humiliated yourself by claiming that was a “humiliation”.
this shall be my last comment on this video.
GTFO bitch.
[YT] First of all, I didn`t say Singlish equals that fucking accent. You gotta read it thoroughly. Stop doubting like I actually don`t know what Singlish is.
And, I am not like Singaporeans. When Li Ao said something negative about Singaporeans, they asked Li to come to Singapore to prove they are not. I don`t have to prove myself to you.
[YT] 哈~~大安森林公園!!
[YT] 就是哈林的豆腐才要吃啊
[YT] 完了完了我老了~我怎麼印象中在過年我都有吃過
[YT] you failed to come up with an excuse for that. that’s why you kept that asshole you call your mouth shut.
have a nice day you fuck.
[YT] @sugoilove
Well done on the nationality card.
I wont stoop to your level by calling you a taiwanese or usa dog, even if you’re one.
Firstly, Singlish =/= the accent.
stop acting like you actually know what is singlish.
and a mistake is a mistake, stop trying to defend yourself by making up excuses.
humiliation? we cannot understand?
you gotta try harder dude.
and why do you keep harping about the S only? did u purposely omit another mistake that you made?
of course you didnt.
[YT] @oyoyoho 對阿~大學生的時候真的很漂亮,可是自從他在康熙卸妝後~.~那畫面深刻印在我腦裡,每次看到他就想到他卸妝~哈哈!
[YT] 這集真的蠻爛的,看不下去,不看了!
[YT] 王大姐聲音太土了。
[YT] “長袍不好運動” haha
[YT] “長袍不好運動” haha
[YT] 寫的快並不是寫的好
[YT] 寫的快並不是寫的好
[YT] OMG…..I typed “Singaporean are” and it should be SingaporeanS. That moron won`t understand me, should I retype it?
[YT] OMG…..I typed “Singaporean are” and it should be SingaporeanS. That moron won`t understand me, should I retype it?
[YT] I always support Li Ao`s viewpoint that Singaporean are stupid and think it`s true and cool. Here proves SingaporeanS (without s they won`t understand) are stupid. Well said.
[YT] I always support Li Ao`s viewpoint that Singaporean are stupid and think it`s true and cool. Here proves SingaporeanS (without s they won`t understand) are stupid. Well said.
[YT] I bet most of the English speakers in the world can understand my words except for those idiots like you. Get a life, wanker
[YT] I bet most of the English speakers in the world can understand my words except for those idiots like you. Get a life, wanker
[YT] 送禮這種習俗應該破除掉比較好
[YT] 送禮這種習俗應該破除掉比較好
[YT] Also, are you a completely fucking moron? so you won`t understand English if it is not plural, huh? That`s why I said Singaporean are a group of retarded people, thinking they are awesome for their fucking annoying Singlish and Singaporean Chinese.
[YT] Also, are you a completely fucking moron? so you won`t understand English if it is not plural, huh? That`s why I said Singaporean are a group of retarded people, thinking they are awesome for their fucking annoying Singlish and Singaporean Chinese.
[YT] 明天哈林耶。。好像很好看的样子
[YT] 明天哈林耶。。好像很好看的样子
[YT] Didn`t you realize that I actually humiliated you SingaporeanS` English? I don`t have to use formal English to talk to Singaporean dog like you because Singaporeans fucking like to speak English in your way with the fucking accent and say it Singlish.
[YT] Didn`t you realize that I actually humiliated you SingaporeanS` English? I don`t have to use formal English to talk to Singaporean dog like you because Singaporeans fucking like to speak English in your way with the fucking accent and say it Singlish.
[YT] and SingaporeanS.
[YT] and SingaporeanS.
[YT] 阿咪的配樂XDDDD
[YT] 赞同
[YT] 赞同
[YT] 没家教!
[YT] 娃娃苏。。。北方叫龙虾糖耶。。。
[YT] 在外國看這集好痛苦好想吃喔
[YT] 對畜牲來說只是吠兩聲 不是什麼人身攻擊 聽過就算了 返正也只能在這吠 還真以為節目上的人會來看嗎
[YT] 老一点的人应该都会。。。我爷爷他们书法都很好。。。好像我爸爸一直到上初中,还是小楷写作业的。。。
[YT] 話說這sugoilove 可以和yxuz拼了!!!
[YT] 所有人被你胡亂罵。你還真是客氣阿。不客氣還得了?
[YT] 其实写的满普通的,以可以炫耀的水准来说。不过以艺人来说还不错了,大部分人连字都写不好。
[YT] 做你頭上?你以為你誰阿?
[YT] joanna說的不清不楚,乍聽還以為廣東百姓為了元朝皇帝做的菜呢,南宋末年也不是皇帝逃難到廣東,是南宋軍隊,後來乾隆下江南也吃過。 蒙古人屠殺漢人,百姓恨都來不及呢。
[YT] joanna說的不清不楚,乍聽還以為廣東百姓為了元朝皇帝做的菜呢,南宋末年也不是皇帝逃難到廣東,是南宋軍隊,後來乾隆下江南也吃過。 蒙古人屠殺漢人,百姓恨都來不及呢。
[YT] Why do Singaporean like to stick their face to others` ass?
[YT] Why do Singaporean like to stick their face to others` ass?
[YT] 你也只陪和市井小名比比!
[YT] 你做人還要靠別人提醒阿?
[YT] 說別人丑不是人身攻擊?你們這些傻子都當成誇奬嗎?
[YT] sugoilove should meet yxuz.
two fuckheads.
[YT] sugoilove should meet yxuz.
two fuckheads.
[YT] 會什麼有人會這麼愛看又愛罵呢 如果真的那麼不喜歡主持人 不要看不是比較好嗎 大部分看這個節目的人應該都是喜歡這個節目才看的吧 雖然每個人都有言論自由 可是常常看到那種無理性的謾罵攻擊 真的是有點不理解那些人看的意義 這樣又看又罵的 到底是會得到什麼樣的滿足嗎?我並不是想攻擊任何人 純屬個人意見
[YT] 從你的留言看出你多么的希望別人留意你
[YT] 單從我的留言沒有火星文就看得出。
[YT] 你看他們怎樣對漢點? 不要告訴我是效果,做效果也有限度的。套句慌歷橙的話 做效果不要做到我頭上。
[YT] 其實披薩皮會硬多半是在揉麵團是加太多baking powder 導致面團太扎實或者是麵團沒醒,揉好了就拿去烘,時間久了,也久硬了。
[YT] 請問你可以秀出一個更好的嗎?
[YT] 我算客氣了!!!
[YT] 我只看到別人說yxuz什麼都罵,可沒說我哦!
[YT] 我內涵可比一般市井之徒深厚多了!!!
[YT] 我又沒有人身攻擊,幹嘛聽的跟真的一樣?!?
[YT] 對啊。你就是那沒家教的人!!!
[YT] 康永今天怎麼特別冷漠
[YT] 康永沒有寫…最想看他的書法
[YT] sugoilove今天真多話
[YT] @sugoilove
[YT] @sugoilove
[YT] 盆菜是一層一層疊上去,由最便宜的食材到名貴食材。最頂層的通常是海鮮像蝦子干貝海參;中層會放魚肉;而最下層的是豬肉雞肉香菇這種比較耐煮的。這樣海鮮不會煮柴影響口感。盆菜是越煮越屌,越煮越鮮滴!!!
[YT] 哈林的豆腐也要吃??? xD
[YT] 去烹飪學校去假的啊?
[YT] Joanna 可以上型男pk 囉!!!我尬以。。。
[YT] 對阿。沒禮貌。和你一樣!!!
[YT] 啊!我想起來了,那女的是不是上過王牌大建碟的那個有一集講美食的,拿藍帶的法國廚師。我記得她煮的東西相當好吃的耶!!!可是樣子好像又不是?!?!
[YT] 別人說甚麼你都罵。是不是應該叫你嫉妒鬼阿?
[YT] 沒內涵的最愛和別人聊內涵了!!像你一樣!!
[YT] 好奇怪哦!!!亡偽蟲的公司簽的女藝人都是牙齒難看到一種堪稱極致的境界。牙科診所可以跟精性公司合作,大打牙齒矯正廣告。反正精性公司很喜歡置入性行銷!!!
[YT] 同志怎樣阿?比有些沒家教的人強太多了!!
[YT] 你說的太對了。丑的人就應該像你一樣躲在家里罵人!!
[YT] Joanna 🙂
[YT] @oyoyoho
[YT] 那隻魚過兩天都臭了吧…
[YT] 罵別人不是咖的人自己算甚麼咖阿…
[YT] 真的!!!
[YT] 你那麼討厭他們。看屁阿?
[YT] i know…gross.
[YT] 为什么这个yxuz 嘴巴那么坏啊?我已经不只一次看到他的那些骂人的留言了,是他们哪里得罪你要这样常常攻击他们呢?
[YT] 為什麼這集不發玉琳哥呢? 他來肯定好過今天的咖吧!!!看到偽蟲歌很倒胃口耶。。。
[YT] 為什麼菜老gay不也寫寫呢? 是不是怕自己寫不好怕失禮砸了自己長久以來假讀書人的招牌呢? 照我說嘛,老gay根本沒膽寫,因為他根本就不是讀書人,只會在女人周旋來博得版面,靠女人紅的家伙。都2010了還在玩漢點不怎麼就要離開了的梗,你敢開罪漢點小心節目收了你沒飯吃!!!
[YT] 雜拌? 我看你是雜碎吧。。。演藝圈雜碎!!!
[YT] 明天那個人怎麼那麼沒禮貌啊???竟然模仿漢點。
[YT] 那披薩好倒胃口哦!!!披薩皮加炸醬,我還餃子沾起司,薯條沾醬油叻。。。
[YT] 把到那個不知道什麼名的那個,算了,阿貓阿狗,隨便。把到她相當不錯,至少會做飯!!嘻嘻。。。
[YT] 偽蟲歌的姐姐好像大嬸上節目,土!!!
[YT] 巧克力好沒禮貌
[YT] 老gay自恃是讀書人到處招搖撞騙,其實是滿身銅臭的假讀書人。股市大牛? 我還牛B叻!!!有沒有點內涵啊??
[YT] 偽蟲歌你還講的跟真的一樣,顧好你這就收的節目吧,還幫老gay加薪??你有錢嗎? 有錢你也上酒店燒掉算了!!!
[YT] 偽蟲歌隨便說什麼都好!!!老gay啊老gay,我可真服了你啊,你干脆改名叫狗奴才算了,只有狗才會對主人搖頭擺尾阿諛奉承,凈講些諂媚的話。。。
[YT] 恐龍和小黑,我知道醜不是你們的錯,也不是你們父母的錯。可是明知道醜就不要上節目丟人現眼了啦,好歹做一做,做好了才上節目,半成品上節目可是會嚇壞小朋友的哦。你知道康熙這種敗類雜碎節目有很多自以為優質的雞巴觀眾在看,嚇壞了可真是造孽啊!!!
[YT] 不是angeline 嗎?? hehe
[YT] 小AS和菜老gay真矯情,偽蟲歌好有才華哦!!!
[YT] 菜老gay擺明了就是在炫耀自己家事顯赫。還不是同志加敗類的假讀書人!!!
[YT] 恐龍妹明明就醜到一個極致。狗學生了沒出來的真的沒有一個像樣的!!!真噁心。
[YT] 唷!!!康熙這般的淪落,沒錢發來賓搞到要老闆還有老姐出來丟人現眼啊???其他來賓也還真不怎麼樣。小黑,恐龍妹,黑賴皮,還有一個不知道什麼咖的咖上來攪和。
[YT] 哈哈哈 漢典突然打噴嚏
[YT] 哈哈
[YT] you joined YT for 4 years, but still doesn’t understand how videos on youtube works…
[YT] 这joanna是不是和宪哥合唱窗外的那个?? 冯玮君??
[YT] 这joanna是不是和宪哥合唱窗外的那个??
[YT] 我的媽呀 好好吃的感覺~~
[YT] argh~~~~ the quality disappoint me…
[YT] 迅猛龙在大学生的时候更漂亮啊
[YT] 陶喆是有一首歌叫catherine吧