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[YT] 台湾人知道陈冲么?色戒?
[YT] @mui0202 大S可能在妹妹的节目比较健谈吧,也可能是陈慧琳档期更紧。这些事儿不必计较~
[YT] @ndcire this is how this show is like, they dont do promoting stuff anymore cos then only kelly’s fan will watch that episode. if they make a general topic, everyone + kelly’s fans will watch
[YT] 陳慧琳人真好,會主動加入話題
[YT] Wow, they barely talk about Kelly’s new songs. lol
[YT] LOL Oh my, you can tell Kelly is so uncomfortable with the topic. She was like “wow… this show is REALLY open!”
[YT] Oh my god!! I haven’t seen 陳慧琳 for so long. She was so popular in late 90s.
[YT] kelly shd hav her own episode lah!
[YT] what’s the story with that 王靜瑩? who is her husband and can anyone give a link to any article regarding her domestic problems? it made the news? cos xiao s jokingly said hers story is real…
[YT] @woogoo987 i agree… 怕干… maybe kelly herself didn’t feel comfortable so they got some other guests to cover up… all these other viewers are just so quick to criticize 康熙… if kelly really mind it, her agent/manager would definitely arrange a solo interview for her… 康熙 will definitely oblige…
[YT] 小s被家暴的新聞有夠假的
[YT] 因為陳慧琳好像沒有來過康熙
[YT] Hey Talantarate! Of course I do, I have to defend for Kelly hehhehe. She is my number one idol
[YT] @ndcire 好了吧,需要每集都貼這種言論嗎?!
[YT] so many people whining about kelly not having her own interview? even andy lau was on with other guests.. maybe your precious kelly may feel more at ease when there are other guests to pick up the dead airtime? she just had a long hiatus right? personally i like her a lot as well.. do u think your idol kelly is such a bitch she would think she is a big star and demand a solo interview? maybe she turned down a solo interview.. maybe she didn’t mind it… so maybe its not about respect…
[YT] omg……….this show is soooo bullshit! I cant stand small S and that fuckin gay faggoty host……they should get a life. Kelly is a superstar! She should not show up on this stupid show like that……….trash…………and be amongst those stupid Taiwanese bimbos who talked nothing but crap. The show should be all about KELLY!! Her album is here, promote her plzzzzzzzzz…………….stupid idiotic show……. I would not even watch this stupid show if werent for Kelly
[YT] omg……….this show is soooo bullshit! I cant stand small S and that fuckin gay faggoty host……they should get a life. Kelly is a superstar! She should not show up on this stupid show like that……….trash…………and be amongst those stupid Taiwanese bimbos who talked nothing but crap. The show should be all about KELLY!! Her album is here, promote her plzzzzzzzzz…………….stupid idiotic show……. I would not even watch this stupid show if werent for Kelly
[YT] omg……….this show is soooo bullshit! I cant stand small S and that fuckin faggot host……they should get a life. Kelly is a superstar! She should show up on this stupid show and be amongst those stupid Taiwanese bimbos who talked nothing but crap. The show should be all about KELLY!! Her album is here, promote her plzzzzzzzzz…………….stupid idiotic show……. I would not even watch this stupid show if werent for Kelly
[YT] omg……….this show is soooo bullshit! I cant stand small S and that fuckin faggot host……they should get a life. Kelly is a superstar! She should show up on this stupid show and be amongst those stupid Taiwanese bimbos who talked nothing but crap. The show should be all about KELLY!! Her album is here, promote her plzzzzzzzzz…………….stupid idiotic show…….
[YT] omg……….this show is soooo bullshit! I cant stand small S and that fuckin faggot host……they should get a life. Kelly is a superstar! She should show up on this stupid show and be amongst those stupid Taiwanese bimbos who talked nothing but crap. The show should be all about KELLY!! Her album is here, promote her plzzzzzzzzz…………….stupid idiotic show…….
[YT] 熊家婕 is hot…
[YT] 熊家婕有一點像應采兒
[YT] 是喔。。 熊家婕不见了??
[YT] @oo10112002 想整小s啦
[YT] kelly一个人很有资格撑一集啊~ 为什么叫那些有的没的一起来???
[YT] Wow~洪百榕長得好正喔….!!!
陳漢典 媽的,感覺好…(無言)
[YT] 為什麼康永哥要一直問小s說:老公比較愛太太?
[YT] gosh all this while i thought li luo’s wife’s ivy!
[YT] 怎麼可能kelly上來不是專訪? 還要一直聽一班大嫂的八卦………….
[YT] 有Kelly Chan 卻不是專訪???
[YT] 好好做陳慧琳一集就好
[YT] 好像沒什麼聊kelly….
[YT] 一直在說台灣的演藝圈子 我完全聽不懂她們在幹什麼的啦
[YT] 熊家婕超漂亮
[YT] 王静莹内衣外穿
[YT] 以kelly的身份,真的不應該跟這些大嫂放在一起
[YT] 好恐怖.. 怕死了
[YT] @vitanovaqueen 說不定是臨時有急事….幹嘛都覺得是趕通告….= =
[YT] how come Kelly is not 專訪??? n guess she doenst know any of the other guests ! ! !
[YT] @honeymctw 你去講阿! 不是很會!
[YT] I just realised Kelly has a special chair haha
one of the guests left ??
[YT] 連包大人都沒聽過!?
[YT] 康:這樣包大人會高興嗎?熙:誰管包大人的心情啊 呵哈哈哈
[YT] 我叫阿表 想看片就快call我
手機 0932-090746
[YT] 天生我才必有用 樓下的別說的男人像個廢物一樣 命都是注定好好的 男人只要了解 不需要體會 因為不是女生的身體也體會不到 男生咻的時候 女人永遠無法體會男人咻時候的 為啥那麼爽 沒有人逼你生 做自己的主人 而不是別人給你命令你就照做
[YT] 這整集還好不就請了其他人~不然Kelly還能多聊什麼?
[YT] @yxuz 少造點口業啦~
[YT] @mui0202 大S有這麼多好專訪的嗎?
[YT] 初乳珍貴是因為有抗體,不是因為營養~
[YT] 熊 有看奇摩話題唷
[YT] 熊家婕有點像港姐葉翠翠.
[YT] 4:55 小A斯的表演太逗了
[YT] 安排太多通告藝人了~
[YT] 香港的節目只要有一點不對,觀眾就會投訴到節目關掉,所以香港的節目都沒有趣味
[YT] 熊家婕不像人妻,她好美喔
[YT] 熊家婕在這有點像梁文音耶
[YT] 陳慧琳 的眉毛 好有個性 Wow…..
王靜瀅 的聲音 還真渾厚呀
五位人妻的身高 到底有多高 我只記得倪 的身高是180㎝
[YT] KELLY…應該一個人做一集吧…她第一次到康熙來了?…如果是第一次就算是沒什麼新作…都夠撐一集吧? 可能是在台灣kelly不紅了a.a?
[YT] 母親像月亮~~~
[YT] 大s有專訪,陳慧琳沒有?!
[YT] 我覺得待簿了陳慧琳
[YT] 熊家婕跟洪百榕都比kelly漂亮耶
[YT] Kelly真的老了耶
[YT] 對啊!! 熊家婕到第4趴就不見!!
[YT] @lakers1120 会不会她也太敢了,,,,看来康熙的制片人还是很好的人,这样都同意
[YT] 王靜瑩的聲音怎麼了?
[YT] 天啊
[YT] 好可怕= =
[YT] 王静营真的被家暴?!!!
[YT] i love kelly’s hair in here,wonder what’s inside that’s so bling bling.
[YT] 每次都是比身材
年轻人看了都会认为那么瘦是好事,很多女孩就因为名模和明星的zero size而变成厌食症。。。
[YT] @yxuz =.=人家專訪她不行喔…..?
[YT] why are they putting kelly with these people??!?! not related at all…
[YT] 應該是熊家婕的老公來了,然後………………
[YT] yes, DA S~
[YT] 王靜瑩的前夫也太過份了吧!
[YT] 這種都不是大明星 那怎樣才算大明星
[YT] first 2 drops of milk is extra virgin, kangyong cant u understand? haha ;D
[YT] 徐西元不是才來過,怎又來了
[YT] Lols, They shouldn’t put those lame people with Kelly Chen together.
[YT] 泥雅輪應該是變性人,長那麼醜
[YT] 王靜營應該是變性人,聲音跟個男人一樣粗
[YT] 哈哈, 汉典太搞笑啦
[YT] 那隻手好像中風哦!哈哈哈!
[YT] 熊家潔不見了???
[YT] 陳惠臨這種爛咖也算大明星?
[YT] 那个拉直!小S在拉面哦!哈哈哈!笑死!
[YT] 局部麻醉很恐怖感觉
[YT] wow.i didnt even realize that
[YT] wow.i didnt even realize that
[YT] they shoud have more conversation w/ Kelly
[YT] “很…很精采” 哈哈
[YT] @HelleyNguyen i bet she filmed that ep b4 filming the ep with 刘德华 cause she is wearing the same cloth
[YT] so wat they’re tall not they’re not pretty, face too long!!
[YT] 甚麼兒子就可以侵犯嗎XD
[YT] 甚麼兒子就可以侵犯嗎XD
[YT] the other women guest is gone how weird!!!
[YT] 今集唔需要醫生嗎 ??
[YT] 熊家婕去跑通告了LOL
[YT] 戰爭片XDDD
[YT] 唉媽媽超辛苦的,經痛,產痛,哺乳痛,男人永遠都不會明白
[YT] 同是天涯淪落人XD…
[YT] 你還OK吧?你還好嗎?LOL
[YT] 王靜瑩不是幾萬年前的新聞
[YT] 好詭異喔節目錄到一半還會不見= =
[YT] 專訪kelly一定乾到不行
[YT] 扣扣扣扣 好好笑哈哈
[YT] @wlynnw i think so too!!!
[YT] omg handian.. i didnt even notice him…=.=
[YT] @tvtsiucat 對啊~不見了T_T
[YT] 多聊kelly吧 難得上康熙! !:)
[YT] kelly 应该做个专访什么的…
[YT] omg da s:D
it was really long time i saw da s <3
[YT] 大s来了哦,不错不错
[YT] 倪好像黄百璐啊
[YT] 香港節目很保守…所以我還是比較愛看台灣的綜藝節目
[YT] 倪雅伦好像黄百露哦
[YT] da s again!!! nice!!
[YT] 對呀~位啥少了一位….跑哪了?
[YT] @crazi2814 去生第二胎了 🙂
[YT] 這一集學到真多 🙂
原來當媽媽這麼辛苦 !
[YT] 做媽媽真辛苦
[YT] i think it is because kelly was late to the show as she got lotz of 通告 in 3 days
so the show starts late
[YT] 汉典。。。。扮那个有什么意思啊。。。。
[YT] 香港有孕妇餐啊..香港的唐安琪减肥就有为孕妇设计的餐..一来防止baby过大.二来怀孕期间不会过胖..那个孕妇餐是有充足营养又健康的..
[YT] Their pet passed away =[
[YT] 就是啊,怎么不见了,她有那么红要赶通告吗
[YT] 這段 怎麼少了一位 ??????最左邊的去那兒了 ?
[YT] it is so WRONG that Kelly has to put up with so many starlets around her. she deserves a solo interview!
[YT] 大s怎么了?
[YT] 熊家婕還蠻正的
[YT] Kelly Chen is a big star. They should pay her more respect.
[YT] 康永:”她过着比你上流的生活.”
[YT] 康永:”大家都说是你打他.”
[YT] Kelly:”然后呢,就生了小孩?”
康永:”就早产.” 哇哈哈哈…笑啊…XD
[YT] S:”是要逼我揍你吗” that was so funny …XD
[YT] too bad kelly didn’t talk much….but she’s kinda vulgar
[YT] killing me softly…….LOL
[YT] @vitanovaqueen
[YT] @tigdeer 921是什么事件?好奇中。。
[YT] Kelly yao dee man wor
[YT] @hydrablue888 憑咩專訪?
[YT] 下一集是大s!!讚讚讚
[YT] oh da s!! cant wait for tmrs show!!
[YT] omgosh; Kelly ! i haven’t seen her .. in a long while LOL !
woot ! <3
[YT] 以前康熙,歌星上嚟都係專訪多,呢一兩年都係要擺其他唔同嘅人一齊上,大牌歌星都一樣係咁,真奇怪!
[YT] @leung444224719
[YT] 大家有没有发现熊佳婕后半段不见了阿
[YT] 熊家婕好漂亮….
[YT] 呵呵,很喜欢汉典。
[YT] 為什麼陳慧琳會跟其他人在一起
[YT] @aesopt23178 可能是赶通告吧
[YT] 攪撚錯呀!!唔係KELLY專訪,搵D唔知乜春一齊黎!!
[YT] 汉典回来了!
[YT] 不知道李小龙怎么死的吗?人体信号本来就是靠小电流,你大电流进去的效果我就不说了,反正蛮危险的,健康还是比身材要重要的。
[YT] @tvtsiucat 對呀 最後剩四人@@?!
[YT] 4:35
也要給BABY C~
[YT] 熊佳婕不見了
[YT] 陳慧琳很漂亮
[YT] thx
[YT] thanks for sharing