康熙來了 2010-05-14 爲什麽他們頭髮變少了?

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96 thoughts on “康熙來了 2010-05-14 爲什麽他們頭髮變少了?

  1. [YT] 消音的應該是柔沛或波絲卡

  2. [YT] male baldness comes from the X chromosome (from the mother).. because the father only contributes the Y chromosome…

    if you want to know if you have a chance to become bald, look at your mother’s father (your grandfather from your mother side)

    just my opinion =)

  3. [YT] @luvCKay 姓董的只是出道的早而已,又沒代表作,不要跟我說”董月花”! 現在只能跟在胡瓜旁邊當節目跟班,九孔現在比他紅多了,而且能有電影作品比他了不起許多! 姓董的現在就在演藝圈硬撐而已!

  4. [YT] 雄性禿頭~如果需要的話可以洽詢皮膚科去吃柔霈(女性威而剛)吃了男性的的某部位反應就會…而如果你只是遺傳性那當然就要靠後天的植髮.或者靠長期性的保養…董志成的就是保養的很得宜

  5. [YT] why high forehead in taiwan is ugly…….? some people with high fore sweep their hair to the side would be very beautiful instead, you can see the whole face and how beautiful the features are..

  6. [YT] 我覺得劉亮佐這頭很適合他…他如果有頭髮的話應該會很沒特色。不得不說有些人就是適合沒頭髮 like 布魯斯威利…^^帥!!

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